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A CivFanatic Running for Florida State Legislature

Nobody was linking to pieces about defectors from the US as an implicit defense of the US as a state, though.
No, but look, there is no such thing as a perfectly impartial source of information in this world. The idea of North Korea as this unimaginably horrible place to live elides the fact that this notion was heavily supplied by a steady dose of propaganda, issued in the 70 years since that war that killed one third of the peninsula, about intractable enemies of "democracy." And all of this started because a low-ranking American prole was so proud to relate that he doesn't live in communist China, Russia, or North Korea. As if he frickin' knows.

Would *I* want to live in North Korea? I was raised in America, man. I think that's an incredibly stupid question to ask an American because the baby formula they raised us on is cooked by slaves. You might as well ask an abolitionist if they would rather work the plantations. Of frickin course not.
*rumble rumble rumble*
I think the tanks are getting closer.

And some of the crew speak Portuguese.
I'm afraid I don't get this one.
I'm interested in what you know about what living in North Korea is like.
You really shouldn't be. You should be interested in what people from outside the west think. Expand your horizons.
*rumble rumble rumble*
I think the tanks are getting closer.
This was not a funny joke in Berlin in 1945! :smoke:
You really shouldn't be. You should be interested in what people from outside the west think. Expand your horizons.

But not the North Korean defectors? Do you have any recommendation? Mr, uh, Mik?
Simpsons gulags.jpg
No, but look, there is no such thing as a perfectly impartial source of information in this world. The idea of North Korea as this unimaginably horrible place to live elides the fact that this notion was heavily supplied by a steady dose of propaganda, issued in the 70 years since that war that killed one third of the peninsula, about intractable enemies of "democracy."
Let me guess, CIA propaganda :rolleyes:? Just for the record, Communist North Korea struck first and attacked South Korea. I don’t know how in the world you can dispute testimonies from North Korean defectors, undercover investigations of the horrid conditions of North Korea as “propaganda”.
And all of this started because a low-ranking American prole was so proud to relate that he doesn't live in communist China, Russia, or North Korea. As if he frickin' knows.
Nice to know how the nomenklatura would think of me and my fellow co-workers :rolleyes:. I'm proud enough to know that I'm not living in an authoritarian communist hellscape. "As if he frickin' knows..." My brother in christ, I have read history books on the topic, watch The Cold War YouTube series, actually interacted with people who were from these authoritarian regimes. I had a chinese co-worker when I was working at the casino telling me about the horrible treatment China is giving to Tibet. "As if he frickin' knows", give me a frickin' break.

Would *I* want to live in North Korea? I was raised in America, man. I think that's an incredibly stupid question to ask an American because the baby formula they raised us on is cooked by slaves. You might as well ask an abolitionist if they would rather work the plantations. Of frickin course not.
It’s one thing to have criticisms of the United States, it’s quite another to just poo poo all over the United States. Right now, you’re just taking a big steaming dump on the US cause “Muh United States is an evil empire”. Be lucky that you live in a country where you can freely spew your crap all over the place without the government cracking down on you (Assuming you still live in the US).

If you don't like it here, you're more than welcome to move out of the US. I’m sure a refugee fleeing from a communist dictatorship would be happy to take your spot.
You really shouldn't be. You should be interested in what people from outside the west think. Expand your horizons.
How about we ask the defectors who fled Cuba, North Korea, China, and all the other Eastern Block nations? Oh wait, It's just CIA Propaganda :hammer2:.
This was not a funny joke in Berlin in 1945! :smoke:
Neither was the Holodomor, the red terror after the communist took over Russia, the Soviet response to the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, The Chinese Cultural Revolution, Tienanmen Square protest and massacre in 1989, and many more.
Had a few friends from here live in China. Similar to my time living in a country with an officially authoritarian regime, there's a lot of "do what you want" freedom over there, at least in the 2010s. I am all for democracy. I am not for dictatorships. But we imagine daily life under authoritarian regimes differently than it is.
I think the tang ping (lying down flat) phenomenon speaks to a break down of the social contract over there. Yeah, you can "do what you want" to a significant extent, but having a good life seems increasingly difficult in such places today. It's not clear that the lack of political liberties and the 'resulting' stability is giving people the economic security they seem to expect in return.

I don't live in China, but I understand a little how that feels.
I think the tang ping (lying down flat) phenomenon speaks to a break down of the social contract over there. Yeah, you can "do what you want" to a significant extent, but having a good life seems increasingly difficult in such places today. It's not clear that the lack of political liberties and the 'resulting' stability is giving people the economic security they seem to expect in return.

I don't live in China, but I understand a little how that feels.
I’m not saying authoritarianism or dictatorships afford you freedom, let alone stability. Just that what the governments impede and touch at any given moment might be a lot freer than people in USA imagine, in the ways Americans specifically imagine people are not.
Not very dignifying, to be a bandit’s wife. While husband is out and about breaking and entering, robbing, spilling blood, organising witch hunts and naval blockades, the wife is hitting the apologeticly-inquisitive type writer back home. She will tell the whole white world about about the horrors and atrocities the bandit’s victims have committed in order to cause the righteous wrath of her beloved benefactor. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.
I only read the first page and last page of this thread and wondered how the hecc it went from there to here
Hey, you and I were there back in the day when it might take only three pages to go from "Do you like pastrami?" to "Is Israel a Racist State?". Seven pages to get to this is a pretty poor showing all things considered.
Moderator Action: On that note, I will close the thread. @Toasty can PM a moderator if he wants the thread to be reopened for any further news.
Moderator Action: I am reopening the thread, per Toasty's request. Please restrain any further posts to responding to Toasty or about the Florida legislature in general.
Thank you, mods. I may regret this.

I have submitted my filing paperwork, and the team is waiting to have my listing appear on the Florida Division of Elections website. I am meeting with my county party officials to discuss my campaign and candidacy next week.

Glad to see that the more things change, the more they stay the same here 😄 :cheers:

if anyone wants to share thoughts on how to appeal in Florida, I love the off-the-wall ideas.
@Plains-Cow I love cows. Ice cream is my favorite dessert. My family owns a sizable cattle herd in South Dakota and I’ve actually been on a cattle drive. I also am a supporter of Heifer International.
@Plains-Cow I love cows. Ice cream is my favorite dessert. My family owns a sizable cattle herd in South Dakota and I’ve actually been on a cattle drive. I also am a supporter of Heifer International.
Make sure the constituents know this!
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