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A CivFanatic Running for Florida State Legislature

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I know your nation was built on genocide and enclosure for the sake of the profits of a few elite landowners….
Classic Communist Tankie take, I’m rolling my eyes so hard right now I can see my own optic nerves :rolleyes:. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that China, North Korea, and the USSR are utopias to live up to :rolleyes:. I don't need to be commiesplaned to about my country's past atrocities. If you're not willing to address the atrocities communist regimes have done (and don't spoon feed me the "ThAtS nOt ReAl CoMmUnIsM!" 💩 ), then don't come to my face and commiesplain about my country.

...I also consider you voiceless for reasons that have nothing to do with physical capacity, and everything to do with the fact you live in the bourgeois rental ponzi scheme known as "Canada." In that sense, you're just like most of your countrymen. Boom, dividing lines erased! Another victory for the Radical Left.
I know this was directed towards Valka, but I can already smell the smugness oozing from this post. You don't give two 💩s about the proles. I know full well that if you and your ilk ever do get in power, I'd end up going through a Chinese Cultural Revolution style struggle sessions and thrown into the gulags because I once held views that are antithetical to wokeness and that I was a "socially manipulated individual" not fit to operate "the means of production". Not to mention you’d be going after my wealth and property.

Don’t approach me with a smile on your face when you have a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a clipboard of all of my “sins” in another, ready to throw me into the gulags or put me to the wall to be shot by a firing squad.
Right here dawg. I'm a few months from hitting 65. I'm a WASP in Oklahoma. Six years in the US Army.I worked for a energy company for a decade before retiring. I have a very healthy IRA, I own two houses (trying to sell one) and two other large acreages.
I'll piggy-back on what Remorseless has said. I'm white, straight, cisgendered and male, 58 years old. I'm not as wealthy as it sounds as though R is, but I have a professional job and am reasonably well off.
Given that both of you are in your 50s and 60s, I’m very supprised your still liberal (or left leaning). I’d honestly expected someone of that age range to be a grumpy conservative like MobBoss.
I think people like the three of us can reasonably be expected to recognize that society is still structured in such a way as to advantage whites over people of color, men over women, straight people over queer people. And that being asked to acknowledge that fact (and even stand ready to redress it), is not the same thing as being called "the most evil thing on the face of the planet and the cause of all societal ills."
The issue I had with the “check your privlage” statement was that it annoyed me to no end when I was working in a crummy retail job and been perpetually underemployed for nearly a decade. I often retort when presented the phrase “How the hell am I privileged?! I’m working a sucky butt retail job on minimum wage, part time, and no benefits (health and dental insurance) for a good decade of my life!!! Do I look like I was born into a family of millionaires/billionaires?!”.

It wasn’t until after I finally got a good paying job that I thought about it again and thought about “privilege” in the wrong way (Growing up, privilege meant a special benefit that can be revoked (I.e. “you will loose your computer privileges if you misbehave”, “it’s a privilege to have a driver’s license, not a right”) and “privileged” was used as a synonym for someone of high wealth and status). I ended up recontectualizing “societal privilege” to mean an advantage (or in gamer speak, a perk) one has to make less academic in my mind.

Though I still find “Check your privlage” to be condescending.
Should Toasty ever adopt that as his campaign slogan, he will lose my vote as well as yours, but how on earth did you move from the fact that he has a rainbow "Equality" in his sig to the idea that he holds that position?
This was before he changed his signature where he originally had in “rabbid leftist”. I just have a strong bias against tankies and leftist after being constantly bullied and berated by them and the constant beratement of social democrats on IOT chat.

@Remorseless1 & @Gori the Grey , I was honestly not expecting to be shown mercy and generosity since I was honestly bracing myself to be called a “socially manipulated individual who shouldn’t be trusted to operate heavy machinery or own firearms” (Jokes on the original poster since I gone to school to become a machinist), a “looser on the wrong side of history who wants to be gracefully allowed to sit at the cool kids’ table” and that I should be disciplined and thrown into the gulags for once holding views that I disavowed and cringe at.
Given that both of you are in your 50s and 60s, I’m very supprised your still liberal (or left leaning). I’d honestly expected someone of that age range to be a grumpy conservative like MobBoss.

Add me as a 50-something liberal, albeit one who wants to keep her guns. I've been drifting that way steadily over the years and losing quite a lot of my privilege when I started transitioning crystallized it, though the GOP and LP getting more socially conservative and Trumpish may have thrown it into sharper relief.
Classic Communist Tankie take, I’m rolling my eyes so hard right now I can see my own optic nerves :rolleyes:. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that China, North Korea, and the USSR are utopias to live up to :rolleyes:. I don't need to be commiesplaned to about my country's past atrocities. If you're not willing to address the atrocities communist regimes have done (and don't spoon feed me the "ThAtS nOt ReAl CoMmUnIsM!" 💩 ), then don't come to my face and commiesplain about my country.

I know this was directed towards Valka, but I can already smell the smugness oozing from this post. You don't give two 💩s about the proles. I know full well that if you and your ilk ever do get in power, I'd end up going through a Chinese Cultural Revolution style struggle sessions and thrown into the gulags because I once held views that are antithetical to wokeness and that I was a "socially manipulated individual" not fit to operate "the means of production". Not to mention you’d be going after my wealth and property.
I think both were directed to me, but they can other OT'ers as well, I suppose. And yeah, the smugness was over the top.

The whole "If you support THIS, you must also support THAT" mindset has me wondering what they put in the water at CPC/UCP events. Just because there's currently a coalition agreement going on between the federal Liberals and NDP, it doesn't mean that if I support the provincial NDP leader it means I also support Justin Trudeau. I will NEVER vote Liberal while he's the leader.

It's been in the neighborhood of 20 years since I last voted Liberal in a federal election. I don't remember what year I switched to NDP; I've slipped the Greens a vote now and then, but have never voted for any sort of conservative.

It's too bad the Raging Grannies don't move up from being a protest group to a political party. I'd vote for them as a protest if there were no suitable NDP candidates.

Given that both of you are in your 50s and 60s, I’m very supprised your still liberal (or left leaning). I’d honestly expected someone of that age range to be a grumpy conservative like MobBoss.
One thing to remember is that you can't match age groups and political affiliation accurately because there are so many reasons why people vote and cast support where they do. MobBoss has religious reasons as part of why he votes as he does. He told me he'd rather vote for a barely-literate, anti-science Christian over a highly-educated, tech-knowledgeable atheist even if his choice would end up doing nothing beneficial while in office (assuming he won). Even if the atheist ticked all of MobBoss' required boxes in every other way, he still would not vote for the atheist. There are just some things that are a dealbreaker. For him it's religion.

For me... there are a few things. I'm not happy about legalizing cannabis, since there are some of my neighbors who smoke it and the stench makes me sick. Thanks, Trudeau. At least the company that owns this building overrode the part of the law about being allowed to grow 4 plants for personal consumption. Growing it here will get you evicted.

In my case... I just turned 60. I've been voting left or centre-left all of my voting life, and would never consider voting anything calling itself conservative or that was obviously conservative using fake ID.
Don’t approach me with a smile on your face when you have a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a clipboard of all of my “sins” in another, ready to throw me into the gulags or put me to the wall to be shot by a firing squad.
None of this is remotely real. You've made it up.
Though I still find “Check your privlage” to be condescending.
Of course you do :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you keep using "gulags" unironically.
Add me as a 50-something liberal, albeit one who wants to keep her guns. I've been drifting that way steadily over the years and losing quite a lot of my privilege when I started transitioning crystallized it, though the GOP and LP getting more socially conservative and Trumpish may have thrown it into sharper relief.
This is something that I’m curious on and how you are able to reconcile with the idea of the Democrat’s platform on gun control. I do wish for you to keep your guns.
None of this is remotely real. You've made it up.
Am I addressing you? Are you one of the Tankies that I had to dealt with in the past that would unronically believe what I stated? :rolleyes:
Of course you do :rolleyes:
Cute, not surprising that you’d invalidate my opinion. But I guess that’s par of the course for a leftists who still sees me as a rightoid :rolleyes:.
Meanwhile, you keep using "gulags" unironically.
I don’t care.
Am I addressing you? Are you one of the Tankies that I had to dealt with in the past that would unronically believe what I stated? :rolleyes:
Was Cloud Crezth addressing you? Yet you involved yourself anyway, because this is a forum and people join in on tangents when they feel they have something appropriate to say. Unsurprisingly, this goes for me as much as it does for you.

You're still making it up.
Cute, not surprising that you’d invalidate my opinion. But I guess that’s par of the course for a leftists who still sees me as a rightoid :rolleyes:.
I have no idea what a "rightoid" is.

Nor am I invalidating your opinion. I fully believe that you find it condescending. But I find it cute you have to overuse an emoji (that you youself used) just because somebody used it at you. That's funny.
I don’t care.
Maybe that's why people "invalidate your opinion"? :rolleyes:
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Nor am I invalidating your opinion. I fully believe that you find it condescending.
You could have said nothing at all and left it as is.
But I find it cute you have to overuse an emoji (that you youself used) just because somebody used it at you. That's funny.
Are all leftist this rude and condescending? I have no time for this “Pwning the conservative” game.
Civgeneral has anyone asked you to check your privlegde irl?
Offline, it hasn't happened to me.
You could have said nothing at all and left it as is.
And the same to you. Why are you trying to prevent me from posting an opinion? You're entirely welcome to post yours, but inevitably, folks are going to reply. Some may even disagree, that's just how it goes.
Are all leftist this rude and condescending? I have no time for this “Pwning the conservative” game.
If you think that's rude and condescending, I've got some choice quotes for you:
Don’t approach me with a smile on your face when you have a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a clipboard of all of my “sins” in another, ready to throw me into the gulags or put me to the wall to be shot by a firing squad.
Classic Communist Tankie take, I’m rolling my eyes so hard right now I can see my own optic nerves :rolleyes:.
You don't give two 💩s about the proles.
I know full well that if you and your ilk ever do get in power, I'd end up going through a Chinese Cultural Revolution style struggle sessions and thrown into the gulags
You may recognise some of these!
Gotta think of this culture war stuff like some sort of online game. Irl when people are actually busy living their life no one talks like that, certainly not working class people.
Most people online don't talk like that either. It's very much a right-wing meme, even though it is used occasionally (especially by marginalised folk) in a serious manner. I know all sorts of left-leaning folk online, and the phrase really doesn't come up much in my experience.
And the same to you. Why are you trying to prevent me from posting an opinion? You're entirely welcome to post yours, but inevitably, folks are going to reply. Some may even disagree, that's just how it goes.

If you think that's rude and condescending, I've got some choice quotes for you:
You know nothing about my situation or my history with the poster I quoted and you should stop trying to wrap your head around it. The discussion is over.
You know nothing about my situation or my history with the poster I quoted and you should stop trying to wrap your head around it. The discussion is over.
I don't care about your history with the poster. You generalised an entire range of political ideologies, mashed them all together, and threw a bunch of right-wing stereotypes into the mix at the same time.

But I do agree there's little point to this, and that despite you wandering in here to pick a fight with Crezth, we should both probably let Toasty get back to it.
Moderator Action: There is no need for any even mildly political thread to descend into sniping and backbiting. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.
Add me as a 50-something liberal, albeit one who wants to keep her guns. I've been drifting that way steadily over the years and losing quite a lot of my privilege when I started transitioning crystallized it, though the GOP and LP getting more socially conservative and Trumpish may have thrown it into sharper relief.

Heh even in most stereotyped groups 20-30% often swing the other way than expected. Eg boomers, rich, poor etc.
This is something that I’m curious on and how you are able to reconcile with the idea of the Democrat’s platform on gun control. I do wish for you to keep your guns.

Oh, that's easy. I've never agreed 100% with any political party's platform and don't need to reconcile anything. I don't necessarily even vote according to which candidate's positions are closest to mine, I prefer to vote for the candidate that disagrees with me for the right reasons vs a candidate that agrees with me but for the wrong reasons. Lindsay Graham would be a pretty classic example of the latter, back in the day when I actually did sometimes agree with him.

There are lots of well-informed, well-intentioned, and wise people on both sides of most 'government structure' issues. Unfortunately the GOP seems hell-bent on purging themselves of such people lately, and this flailing culture-war crap is the sad result. And specifically I do think that if one is trying to limit or roll back transgender rights or access to gender affirming healthcare, one is missing at least one of the three Ws meaning they will never be disagreeing with me 'for the right reasons'.
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