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Abaddon's Weird News of the World!

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Tennessee cops finally clamp down on 65-year-old Ohio State stoner:

Police Pull Over Ohio State Fan After Mistaking Buckeye for Marijuana Symbol

Police outside of Memphis made an embarrassing mistake earlier this month, pulling over a 65-year-old woman after confusing the Ohio State Buckeye leaf decal on the back of her car for a marijuana leaf, according to The Columbus Dispatch's Joe Blundo.

The woman, Bonnie Jonas-Boggioni, grew up in Columbus, home of the Buckeyes, and is a diehard Ohio State fan. According to Blundo, "She has served as president of the Ohio State Alumni Club in the Dallas-Fort Worth area," where she currently lives.

According to the story, Jonas-Boggioni and her husband were making their way back to Texas from a funeral in Columbus on Feb. 4 when they were stopped by police in Tennessee (via Blundo).

"It’s just amazing they would be that dumb...Knowing I wasn’t speeding, I couldn’t imagine why...They were very serious. They had the body armor and the guns."

From what Jonas-Boggioni understands, the officers believed that a marijuana sticker might mean the car was carrying illegal drugs, giving them reason to stop her.

Unfortunately, the officers somehow confused a Buckeye helmet sticker, which has five leaflets, for a marijuana leaf, which usually features seven narrow leaflets.

According to Jonas-Boggioni, the police officers even asked her to remove the decal from her car after realizing their eyes had betrayed them (via Blundo).

"I said, 'You mean in Tennessee?' and he said, 'No, permanently.' I didn’t take it off...This little old lady is no drug dealer."

After an impressive 12-0 football season in 2012, it's no surprise that Jonas-Boggioni wasn't willing to part ways with her proud Buckeye symbol. And after all, she shouldn't have to.
I don't see the problem here... :mischief:
Adolf Hitler, Frankenstein and Kennedy are running for election in India

GAUHATI, India (AP) — Adolf Hitler is running for election in India. So is Frankenstein.

The tiny northeast Indian state of Meghalaya has a special fascination for interesting and sometimes controversial names, and the ballot for state elections Saturday is proof.

Among the 345 contestants running for the state assembly are Frankenstein Momin, Billykid Sangma, Field Marshal Mawphniang and Romeo Rani. Some, like Kenedy Marak, Kennedy Cornelius Khyriem and Jhim Carter Sangma, are clearly hoping for the electoral success of their namesake American presidents.

Then there is Hitler.

This 54-year-old father of three has won three elections to the state assembly with little controversy over being named after the Nazi dictator.

His father had worked with the British army, but apparently developed enough of a fascination with Great Britain’s archenemy to name his son Adolf Hitler — though he also gave him the middle name Lu, Hitler said.

“I am aware at one point of time Adolf Hitler was the most hated person on Earth for the genocide of the Jews. But my father added ‘Lu’ in between, naming me Adolf Lu Hitler, and that’s why I am different,” Hitler told The Associated Press from the small village of Mansingre, 200 kilometers (125 miles) west of Gauhati, the capital of the nearby state of Assam.

Hitler said his name has not stopped him from traveling the world, including to the United States and Germany.

“I never had problems obtaining a visa but I was asked many times during immigration as to why I should have such a name. I told the immigration staff I possibly didn’t have a role in my naming,” he said.

India played little role in World War II, and many Indians view Hitler not as the personification of evil but as a figure of fascination. Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” is prominently displayed at many Indian bookstores. The owner of a menswear shop named his store “Hitler,” then expressed puzzlement last year after Israel complained.

Musfika Haq, a teacher in Meghalaya’s capital, Shillong, said such names are common in the state.

“Parents obviously get fascinated by names of well-known or great leaders, but must be unaware that some of them, like Hitler, had been highly controversial,” he said.
This one is probably too weird for even this thread:

Mom allegedly kills son over small penis

An Indonesian woman allegedly drowned her nine-year-old son in the bathtub because she was worried his small penis would harm his future prospects, AFP reports.

"She told police investigators that she killed him as he would have a bleak future with his small penis," Jakarta police spokesman Rikwanto, who goes by one name, told AFP.

"She drowned her son in a bathtub filled with water. She then dressed him and laid him on a bed. After that, she went to a nearby police office to report her crime."

The woman, 38, reportedly told Jakarta police the boy always had a small penis, but after he got circumcised, it appeared even smaller.

Rikwanto said he believes the woman knew exactly what she was doing, but police have ordered a psychiatric evaluation to assess her mental condition.
The woman, 38, reportedly told Jakarta police the boy always had a small penis, but after he got circumcised, it appeared even smaller.

Who would have thunk? Cutting bits off reduces the size of things.

That woman isn't right in the head, imo.
Man falls head over hooves for cartoon pony.

Angry when he finds drawings of cartoon pony with hooves over head.
Judge finds himself in contempt of court; fines self:


Voet has a policy against the use of electronics in his court. This policy states that the owner of any electronic devices causing a disturbance during court sessions will be cited with contempt. His logic is that if he can't live by his own rules, how can he expect others to abide them? He fined himself $25 during a break in the proceedings.

"Judges are humans," The AP cites Voet said. "They're not above the rules. I broke the rule and I have to live by it."

Funny, but you have to give him points for integrity.
Mommy forced her 14-year-old adopted daughter to get pregnant via artificial insemination.

A mother forced her 14-year-old adopted daughter to inseminate herself with donor sperm to provide a baby for her after she was prevented from adopting any more children, it can be revealed.

The daughter, a virgin, is believed to have miscarried at 14, but went on to have a baby at 16 after regularly inseminating herself with sperm bought over the internet by her "domineering" mother because she was too scared to refuse.

Details of the shocking case have emerged in a previously secret court judgment, which can be reported today for the first time and which raises serious questions over loopholes in international adoptions and the regulation of the global traffic in gametes.

The adoptive mother, who cannot be identified for fear of identifying her daughter and grandchild, is now serving a five-year prison sentence after admitting child cruelty.

In a high court judgment deciding welfare provisions, family division judge Mr Justice Jackson described "an abiding sense of disbelief that a parent could behave in such a wicked and selfish way towards a vulnerable child".

The mother had already adopted three children as babies from abroad, twice when she was married and once as a single parent after her divorce. She had chosen not to give birth herself because of a health condition and had undergone an elective sterilisation.

But she was distraught when an attempt to adopt a fourth baby was thwarted when she was denied approval.

The judgment, released after representations from media organisations including the Guardian, states the mother immediately turned to her adopted daughter.

The daughter "became pregnant at her mother's request, using donor sperm bought by the mother, with the purposes of providing a fourth child for the mother to bring up as her own", the judgment states.

"The AI [artificial insemination] programme was planned when A [the daughter] was 13, began when she was 14 and ended when she became pregnant with D [her child]" aged 16, the judge said.

The truth was only discovered at the birth. Midwives were alarmed at the "pushy and insensitive" mother, who tried to prevent her daughter breastfeeding the newborn, saying "we don't want any of that attachment thing". Noticing the daughter's reluctance to hand the baby to her mother, they called in child protection workers when the mother attempted to remove the baby from the ward.
Las Vegas-style bus fight club:

Patrice Sanders: Polk County school bus driver arrested after forcing teen girls to fight

LAKELAND, Fla. - A Central Florida school bus driver has been arrested after allegedly driving a group of students to her home and staging a fight.

The Polk County Sheriff's Office says the driver, Patrice Sanders, took a busload of middle and high school students to her home Thursday and then had two of the students fight in her front yard.

According to the affadavit, Sanders picked up children from three schools, and when she heard a 13-year-old girl and 16-year-old girl verbally arguing on the bus, she said, "This is going to be handled today and they just need to fight."

She then drove the bus directly to her house, bypassing the stops she was supposed to make to drop off students. She then ordered all of the children off of the bus and told the two girls that she would give them Vaseline or baby oil to put on their faces so they wouldn't get scratched ruing the fight.

The 13-year-old told Sanders that she didn't want to fight. The girls then physically fought in Snaders' front yard in front of all of the other other children. At least one child took video of the fight on a cellphone.

Sanders did not try to stop the fight, but stood by and watched. The girls eventually stopped fighting and Sanders ordered all of the children back on the bus.

Once the bus was moving, the same two girls began fighting again. Sanders pulled over and watched the girls fight until they were done. She reportedly told all of the kids on the bus, "What happens on the bus, stays on the bus," and then proceded to take them all to their bus stops.

That night, the 13-year-old girl's mother reported the incident to police and took her daughter to the hospital to be examined. She did not have any serious injuries.

Detectives then interviewed the other girl who fought, and then arrested Sanders.

Sanders has been charged with child abuse, neglect, false imprisonment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Who needs doctors and hospitals when you have WebMD?

Police: Mom of teen shot by friend turns to WebMD, instead of hospital, for help

HOUSTON – A mother was arrested and charged after she allegedly turned to WebMD.com, instead of seeking professional medical attention, when her 14-year-old son was shot by a friend playing with a gun, Santa Fe police said.

The shooting happened at 6:27 p.m. Tuesday inside the family’s home located in the 10400 block of 27th Street, police said. Investigators said the incident was captured on the home’s in-house surveillance video system.

The video shows Pete Jesse Rodriguez, 24, who is also a resident of the home, pointed a pistol directly at the teen, police said. Rodriguez is accused of tracking the teen’s movement with the pistol and eventually pulling the trigger. The victim was shot once in the upper left thigh with a high-caliber bullet, police said.

The teen lay on the floor for several minutes before getting up. Police said the teen and his mother initially looked up gunshots on WebMD.com. Then, seven hours later, the teen’s mother drove him to Mainland Center hospital, police said.

After initial treatment at Mainland Medical Center in Texas City, the victim was transported to Hermann Hospital in Houston where he remained Wednesday in stable condition.
Detectives arrested and charged Rodriguez with one count of injury to a child with intent to commit serious bodily injury. He was being held on bonds totaling $151,500.

The teen’s mom, Deborah Tagle, 55, was arrested at the hospital and charged with one count of injury to a child with intent to commit bodily injury, a third degree felony.
What makes me think 24-year-old Pete Jesse Rodriguez is probably the 55-year-old mom's boyfriend?
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