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Absolute Capitalism

You mean when he created the most prosperous and wealthy and stable period in American history when the US became the standard most of the world aspired to?

FDR, didn't create it:
1) America was the last country in the world to leave the depression, y? Because FDR implemented socialist views which only made the situation worse, only god knows how he stayed in power 4 13 years. What made america the power was the war the followed:
1) The Nuke was invented in Germany, so in theory the Germans should of won, however the inventor was jewish, so moved across the sea, where he got accepted into the states, he went on to lead the Manhattan project. This is what gave the US their power
2) Winning a war from a distance makes u powerful 1) no infrastructure damage 2) easier riches
FDR, didn't create it:
1) America was the last country in the world to leave the depression, y? Because FDR implemented socialist views which only made the situation worse, only god knows how he stayed in power 4 13 years. What made america the power was the war the followed:
1) The Nuke was invented in Germany, so in theory the Germans should of won, however the inventor was jewish, so moved across the sea, where he got accepted into the states, he went on to lead the Manhattan project. This is what gave the US their power
2) Winning a war from a distance makes u powerful 1) no infrastructure damage 2) easier riches

:crazyeye::crazyeye::confused::crazyeye: There was nothing socialist about FDR. Everything he did, he did for capitalism. He just never went far enough. Further, Germany never had a working nuke. Post war, New Deal programs and policies meant that the US economy was far more stable after WWII than it was before it. The distribution of income was fairer. And that meant that everyone was more prosperous.
You mean when he created the most prosperous and wealthy and stable period in American history when the US became the standard most of the world aspired to?
The 30s were a prosperous time?

There was nothing socialist about FDR. Everything he did, he did for capitalism. He just never went far enough. Further, Germany never had a working nuke. Post war, New Deal programs and policies meant that the US economy was far more stable after WWII than it was before it. The distribution of income was fairer. And that meant that everyone was more prosperous
What are you smoking?
Its was known as the V4 Bomb
It was almost perfected, but was completed in america


FDR destroyed the capitalist system, he as u put it distributed wealth. That is socialism

And yet capitalism never did better than after the war and before the Republicans dismantled FDR's work. Funny how that works.

The 30s were a prosperous time?

What are you smoking?

The 30s were not caused by FDR. The post war stability was.
And yet capitalism never did better than after the war and before the Republicans dismantled FDR's work. Funny how that works.

The 30s were not caused by FDR. The post war stability was.

1) what r u smoking. The US was consider the most right wing country in the world in the 60's after Roosevelt's 'new deal' had been disbanded as it was no longer needed, wealth wasn't being distributed as much, and all in all, its was some ok times. (that I wasn't alive to see) then the hippy bs started.

2) he may have not caused the 30's but he didn't help it
1) what r u smoking. The US was consider the most right wing country in the world in the 60's after Roosevelt's 'new deal' had been disbanded as it was no longer needed, wealth wasn't being distributed as much, and all in all, its was some ok times. (that I wasn't alive to see) then the hippy bs started.

But no part of the New Deal was dismantled until the 80s. It was all in force in the 60s. You'll not that the 60s were a time of high marginal tax rates and substantial increases in welfare.

2) he may have not caused the 30's but he didn't help it

He didn't go far enough. That happens sometimes when inventing something new. And the Federal Reserve remained too conservative.
Here's an alternate graph, showing the percentage of GDP as collected in taxes, projected to 2014.

And another, government spending as a percentage of GDP:

So regardless of the top marginal income tax rate, spending goes up and taxes go up.
I've never understood why you guys love to just point to government spending as if it's the anti-christ or something. That money is being spent on services that the people rather clearly want. What exactly is wrong with that?
ty amadeus
i looked 4 does graphs but had no luck finding them
also can u show 1 of income desparity in the us since the 30's

@cutlass, in FDR reign taxes and government spending where at their highest. please not that right after his rule both shot down, meaning they were instantly disbanded
I've never understood why you guys love to just point to government spending as if it's the anti-christ or something. That money is being spent on services that the people rather clearly want. What exactly is wrong with that?

the people may want it, but they dont deserve it.

consider this:
Everyone wants an XBox/PS3/Wii
so does that mean the government should hand out free xboxes to the people and raise taxes to do it?
nobody wants to work
so should the government raise taxes to give everyone a high unemployment insurance?

that is y government spending is bad
the people may want it, but they dont deserve it.

consider this:
Everyone wants an XBox/PS3/Wii
so does that mean the government should hand out free xboxes to the people and raise taxes to do it?
nobody wants to work
so should the government raise taxes to give everyone a high unemployment insurance?

that is y government spending is bad

You're barely even worth responding to, but no, that's not why government is bad, since the government doesn't actually do those things. If it did, then it would be bad, but it's not.

You've merely demonstrated my point. Frivolous spending is bad, but not all government spending is frivolous.
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