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Altered Maps 3: The rise of the Basque Empire!

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The Confrontation has continued to escalate over the course of several months, with defense pacts and treaties being signed. Louisiana is no more, as plebiscites and unilateral annexations have torn it apart.

Alaska's traditionalist faction has forsaken that it was the United States who allowed them to take back so much of their land in the Japanese War, and they have aligned with the Confederacy and Vanguard. Alberta, being more in line with the conservative views of the southern states, has also joined them. Finally the Quebecois have reluctantly joined the Southerners as it appears Canada is gunning for their lands; they also want to avoid getting tangled in the European Wars.

The USA has also gained some valuable allies. Mexico has joined the Americans, remaining loyal to the man who did so much to free them from Japan's chokehold. This has prompted California - due to it's large Hispanic population and it's left-leaning views - to join the United States in an alliance as well.

Adding more fuel to the fire is the fact that Cascadia has officially been split into two a la post-WWII Germany. British Columbia now looks like it might be absorbed into Alberta, while South Cascadia(which still claims to be Cascadia) may end up joining the United States anew as the President has undergone many relations improvements at Marius' urging.
Alright, since some of the more unappreciative masses continue to give me flak despite the fact that a) nobody's really posting maps of their own, and b) I'm still altering maps and thus staying on topic... I've decided to "pollute" the thread with something different, a world where the United States did not enter WW2, thus leaving the Reds to do all the work:

Spoiler :

Nash Sovetskikh Soyuz Paka Rayt! :D

Edit: Whoops! Almost forgot to translate that part. I dunno Russian, but those are the opening lyrics or such to the song there. If that corresponds to the first line of lyrics, than it should translate as "Our Soviet Union, subjugates the whole world!" according to the official lyrics at Red Alert 3's site...
Taniciusfox said:

So..., Germany partitioned into seven countries, Austria gets Sudtirol back, USSR annexes Slovakia and Finland, and Hungary keeps Transylvania.

I appreciate your alternate histories Taniciusfox. :) If people want more maps then they should post their own.
So..., Germany partitioned into seven countries, Austria gets Sudtirol back, USSR annexes Slovakia and Finland, and Hungary keeps Transylvania.

I appreciate your alternate histories Taniciusfox. :) If people want more maps then they should post their own.

Well without a United States to try and keep Western Europe in one piece, Stalin would probably convert to realpolitik - rather than politically-convenient rhetoric like "national self-determination" and such - and not only expand his country as much as possible(taking the historic provinces of Finland, while also abusing the pan-Slavism doctrine to absorb more Slavic regions), but in addition, seek to balance out all the puppet states, hence why most regions lost land or gained land depending on how their overall power would be(i.e. Germany's broken to weaken it(one of Stalin's key goals), a stronger Hungary means a weaker Romania, etc...). After all, the weaker your allies, the harder it is for them to be treacherous. ;)

Thank you taillesskangaru! I was thinking of saying that... I mean really, if people didn't want me to flood the thread with so many posts(I do it not only to tell my story, but to keep digging the thread up), they could just, I don't know, post their own stuff?

If they did, however, I'd still keep posting my own story, but probably condense it into fewer, longer posts. But anything to keep this thread at the top of the pile! :nuke:
7% of the area or the population? I can't comment on this, sicne I don't know anything about the region (didn't Dracula live there? ;) ), but in case of Slovakia, the map is pretty accurate, so I expected it to be accurate in general.

76% of the population, I'm guessing that was just a typo. :)

And no, he didn't live there, he was already dead by the time he was drinking people's blood, remember? ;)
Alright, since some of the more unappreciative masses continue to give me flak despite the fact that a) nobody's really posting maps of their own, and b) I'm still altering maps and thus staying on topic...

Do not overreact, please :)

You are not staying on topic. The thread as I understand it is meant to be a place where you post an interesting map you found or made. You are posting tons of maps illustrating an alternate history story, which is simply beyond the scope of this thread.

There are forums and threads specifically dedicated to this, so why don't you post it there?
76% of the population, I'm guessing that was just a typo. :)

And no, he didn't live there, he was already dead by the time he was drinking people's blood, remember? ;)

It was a double misunderstanding, actually - I read your post as "Hungarians make up 7% of Transylvanian population", whereas you said "Romanians make up 76% of the population".

This is what happens when you reply late in the evening I guess :lol:

Nevertheless, I still don't see what's the problem with the map. I googled a bit and other maps I found show practically the same ethnic geography. Hungarians there might not be numerous, but it seems they occupy a somewhat compact swath of land in the middle of the region (and some border areas).
It was a double misunderstanding, actually - I read your post as "Hungarians make up 7% of Transylvanian population", whereas you said "Romanians make up 76% of the population".

This is what happens when you reply late in the evening I guess :lol:

Nevertheless, I still don't see what's the problem with the map. I googled a bit and other maps I found show practically the same ethnic geography. Hungarians there might not be numerous, but it seems they occupy a somewhat compact swath of land in the middle of the region (and some border areas).

I wasn't even the one answering, don't forget. ;) I was just defending Cata's instinctive reaction. :p

I believe this one is a lot better as it has more gradients (although it still fails to say what "over 50%" means):
Spoiler :
@ tailless - the Nazis had promised a united Ireland run from Dublin as a way to keep us quiet (er than we would have been).

If they had overrun both Britain and Ireland, Northern Ireland wouldn't have survived as an entity.

Useless fact for today - the beach on the south-west coast of Ireland where the landing scenes for Saving Private Ryan were shot is the same beach the Nazis intended to use for invasion.

Also - I agree with Winner.
@ Winner, the Neueuropa map shows the USSR and UK surviving and an allied southern Italy. The map I made assumed (unrealistic as it is) total Axis victory and domination. The USSR would be broken and large parts of Eastern Europe would be ethically clensed.

As for Northern Ireland, it declared independence as the British Empire was collapsing. Initially the government was as friendly to the Nazis as possible, for obvious reasons, but then the Irish signed a treaty with the Germans. Northern Ireland is now alone, and annexation by Ireland is imminent.
Sorry to interrupt, but...

Don't you think this thread is meant for something else than your alternate history stories?

Seriously, why don't you start your own thread either here on the OT forum or on the NES forum? It kinda derails the thread with dozenes of posts that defy its purpose.

oh c-mon, don't be harsh. I enjoyed looking at these maps, and if he started his own thread, it'd probably be closed by the over-active mods of CFC.
I'm wiring an interesting future history timeline, I'll post it on CFC when its finished.
@ Winner, the Neueuropa map shows the USSR and UK surviving and an allied southern Italy. The map I made assumed (unrealistic as it is) total Axis victory and domination. The USSR would be broken and large parts of Eastern Europe would be ethically clensed.

Yes, and I call it unrealistic - Nazis were crazy, but after any conceivable victory, the Reich would be broke, economicaly and militarily exhausted. The last thing they would want would be to start some insane ethnic cleansing programme in the East (how do you remove hundreds of millions of people? That's completely impossible).

Given how Nazi Germany operated (they were willing to ignore their racial theories and look for allies in many Slavic countries or other "races" they considered inferior [Albanians, Arabs...] when it suited them), I think it's more realistic to believe they'd rely on a system of puppet-states set up in the conquered areas. Surely they'd directly annex some areas of primary interest (Crimea, the Protectorate, General Gouvernment etc.), but they'd have to constrain themselves if they were to keep their new empire. The simple necessity of extracting some sort of value from their eastern conquests would stop the most insane plans men like Himmler had for the area.

In the West, they'd probably try to set up semi-independent client states in the Benelux and France. They'd keep military presence there, but I don't think they'd want to cripple France entirely - they'd need it on their side in the future.

(yes, I presume the US survived, because I can't think of ANY realistic way how the Third Reich could invade and subjugate Northern America).
oh c-mon, don't be harsh. I enjoyed looking at these maps, and if he started his own thread, it'd probably be closed by the over-active mods of CFC.

There is a NESing forum, for Gods' sakes, which is MADE for stories like this. If he continues in this here, maybe the over-active mods will close this thread instead.

I'm wiring an interesting future history timeline, I'll post it on CFC when its finished.

Funny, I am now seriously thinking about writing the first outline of my EU-Russia was scenario (with maps and stuff).

What's yours about?
Funny, I now seriously thinking about writing first outline of my EU-Russia was scenario (with maps and stuff).

What's yours about?

Not focused on any one event, but so far includes an Indian/Pakistani nuclear war, Russia and Belarus merging, Chavez stepping down etc... its reasonably well researched, and I have tried (and succeeded I think) to not let any bias creep in. It's still a work in progress, but its very good so far. I'll post it in the history forum bit by bit when its finished, and over at althistory.
The British 2005 General Elections crossed with Density Map

Spoiler :

It seems like Urbanites vote for Labour, Rural voters vote for Conservatives, the Rural Celts (Cornish, Welsh and Scottish) vote for Liberal Democrats and the Northern Irish, vote split even between Sinn Fein and Democrat Unionist.
Alright, since some of the more unappreciative masses continue to give me flak despite the fact that a) nobody's really posting maps of their own, and b) I'm still altering maps and thus staying on topic... I've decided to "pollute" the thread with something different, a world where the United States did not enter WW2, thus leaving the Reds to do all the work:

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

judging by their treatment of eastern and central europe wouldnt it have been more likely they would force communist governments on most of the continent. unless your assuming a commenwealth landing in normandy had beemn successful and liberated france before the soviets got there
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