Altered maps IZ: gib clay!

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¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
Previous threads:

Altered Maps
Altered Maps 2: Uber-Yugoslavia FTW
Altered Maps 3: The rise of the Basque Empire!
Altered Maps 4: Partitioning Eastern Europe Like In The Good Old Days
Altered Maps V: The Molotov-Threadentropp Pact
Altered Maps VI: Xorda Gene Bombs.. going from Earth to Mobius
Altered Maps VII: Making the World a Better Place
Altered Maps VIII: World borders just got garbage-dayed
Altered Maps IX:: Playing Musical Chairs with the Landmasses
Altered Maps X:Ten Time's a Altered Map
Altered maps XI: Towards a New Decade!
Altered Maps XII: Not to Scale
Altered Maps ΙΓ': To make a map larger than what it maps
Altered Maps XIV: Cartographical Consistency
Altered Maps 15
Altered Maps XVI: Gerardus Mercator Must Die

This is dedicated to all Europa Universalis players out there:
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5/10. Poland does not appear to be in North Africa.
5/10. Poland does not appear to be in North Africa.
Not yet, anyway. But maybe Takh just needs to play a couple more turns...
Huh. I hadn't noticed that F was descended from digamma.
Huh. I hadn't noticed that F was descended from digamma.

Your memory sucks then - I recall telling you as much :P
In fact you even had said that I shouldn't be writing digamma as "f", to which I replied that it obviously was what got you your poor man's digamma in the first place :P
Well, I clearly have no F in memory of that event.
Takhisis you aren't even a roman numerals-oboo why are you doing this to me
How could The Attack of the Giant Moussaka be anything but high-quality information? :p
But that's exactly how it sounds!
Also, apparently they don't have Pacific Rim (weren't those monsters aliens, using some kind of portal?)
Yes and yes. The portal is located on the Pacific Ocean floor: although the film doesn't specify where, the final battle to seal the breach is fought out of Hong Kong, so presumably it's nearby.

Also inconsistent that they have multiple locations for Arrival, but only one location for Independence Day — and despite the latter film's iconic "exploding White House" sequence, they picked New Mexico rather than Washington DC...
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