Altered Maps XVI: Gerardus Mercator Must Die

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Exaggerated relief map of Ireland.
I live on a flat bit in the west.
Our mountains are ancient and well worn down by glaciers and weather.
Greece is in an active earthquake zone so yours are probably still forming?
The brown bits in the middle are bogs.
Exaggerated relief map of Ireland.

What do you mean, "Brexit's been cancelled?"

It's interesting just how flat a lot of Ireland is.
San Francisco? Huh?
So, do all New Zealanders come from Wales?
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That water looks a bit strange, imo. Way too green instead of blue :)
Well, it is the (northeast end of the) English Channel, which is not well-known for its... erm... clarity. Probably best not to speculate too deeply as to why...

Mind, you, all the colours in that photo look a little over-saturated to me.
Well, it is the (northeast end of the) English Channel, which is not well-known for its... erm... clarity. Probably best not to speculate too deeply as to why...

Mind, you, all the colours in that photo look a little over-saturated to me.

Yes, and the green (heavily polluted) water looks far worse in the Southampton pic! :vomit:
That water looks a bit strange, imo. Way too green instead of blue :)

It's probably due to all the radioactivity ;) It is pleasently warm though !

Well, it is the (northeast end of the) English Channel, which is not well-known for its... erm... clarity. Probably best not to speculate too deeply as to why...

Now I know where Terry Pratchett got his inspiration to describe the Ankh-Morporkian water .
Well greener water does not necessarily means high levels of pollution ;) You can see that in the gulf of Alaska "Where two oceans meet" (it is actually not where they meet :D). Greener water is sometimes due to varied density, salinity and sediments from rivers ;)

Huh. I didn't realise Brighton was there.
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