Alternate History of the Turk-Ottomans

Sorry for taking such a long break, I was forced to attend the Turkots re education camps known a school, a foreign import from Germany (Who says that the Europeans have nothing to offer to Middle Eastern dictators?) There I learned that up is down, down is up and that war is a bad thing:)
Before Suleiman announced his dictatorship, he took a poll to see if his citizens wanted a national theme song, the first and last time this dictator will give a fig about public opinion, No really Suleiman is giving out figs, imported from some unknown foreign location. I think the green is a bad sign though.
His citizens march in to the capital with slogans of democracy and freedom (impossible as liberalism hasn't even been teched yet.) Suleiman sweats, he doesn't know these bands, how can he decide? In reality, only two people actually voted and it was a tie. Using all the skills of politics he had at his disposal, Suleiman took a lesson from the Americans and shoved responsibility on to someone else.
He pointed to a random person in the crowd and asked, "What is your name?"
"I'm alternate reality Justin Bieber."
"Give us a theme song."
Oh baby..."
THe future subjects of the Turkot empire felt a collective shiver go down their spines as the most oppressive empire in the world gained the worst theme song in the world by the most disliked artist the world has to offer.

Initially the Turkots besieged Mailand but gave up and preferred to March on Rome( the alternative historical parallels are amazing) My government minder warns me not to create a paradox, that is the brit's thing with their doctor who.

Note: Ooops, wrong attachment for this one.
Meanwhile on a less important note, vermin get into the granary of Baghdad because of unsanitary government practices. Suleiman ponders whether to take any action over this, then resorts to his standard approach to domestic problems- he has his slaves... er advisors throws money at it. Not so different from the Americans in that regard.

March on Rome is complete, the empire moves on to take whatitsname (the author simply doesn't care enough to remember what its name before assimilation is) after the march on Rome is completed with government secrecy. No screenshots allowed. Suleiman wonders if he should raze the city to parade the fact before all those catholic nations that he burned their Holy City to a crisp, but his slaves/advisors restrain him reminding him that he doesn't want all the powers of Europe against him.

The breakthrough in German and Turkot relations came when the Fuhrer of farts realized something. P- Russia, Pee on Russia, Prussia was insulting Russia. And a childish taunt towards a barely agnostic civ is the perfect reason for the Turkots to sign a defensive pact with them.( and yes I did rip that off from Constantinople-the government moderator applauds me for this, because this is how the Turkots operate- no new ideas allowed, only old ones repeated in different ways. Don't have to be very different just a little bit. Why else don't we have liberalism?)

Suleiman begins to construct a fleet of privateers in Mecca to harass European shipping. In a standard display of government efficiency, most of them are scrapped and the ones that are built never see combat.

Thanks to the defensive pact with Germany, the Turkots got involved in a war with France. Suleiman prepared some popcorn and watched from the sidelines as the Spanish and Germans ripped the French to pieces. The French were barely saved from becoming the joke nation of Europe after the Spanish collapsed under its own weight and the French could walk back in its cities as Portugal gobbled up what remained of the Spanish empire. (The dubious title would have gone to Austrians had they not collapsed out of shame following the Turkot austria war)

Suleiman mouses over his eight unit SoD in Europe wondering if he can take the dutch with it then sends a stack of 4 cavalry to carry off their women in the towns as the dutch cower. (What else could he do? Carry of the men? That wouldn't nearly be so repressive). Incidentally the women also provided much of the hammers and commerce generated from the towns. With only men left, the Amsterdam is back in the stone age. Suleiman sues for peace and gets what left of the Dutch's treasury which is mostly rockshaped pennies.

Also Suleiman had the war with Iran to consider. This was more eventful then the European war. Hopelessly out matched the pathetic Iranian military operating on a shoe string budet (the soldiers were literally paid in shoe strings for their service. It was an upgrade from their stone budget of earlier and recruitment had never been higher)

The Turkot empire tries to soften Korea up with a small bribe to make it more willing to trade Scientific Method but no dice. Suleiman is puzzled as to why such a weak nation still exists, especially when existing next to the Chinese

Finally the capital is taken and Suleiman takes control of all the oil in the middle east( he's not suppose to know, we haven't gotten scientific method yet) and Iran is vassalized. To not make them the joke nation of Asia ,Suleiman takes an independent city and gifts it to them, then forces the Khmer out of one of theirs (Oh how Suleiman loves bullying civilizations smaller then him.)


More screen shots+candidates tomorrow. Jackelgull out.
Just put the link in between
Thank you Constantinople
Here are the last three screen shots

After increasing demand from his people, Suleiman decides to trade for liberalism. It isn't like anyone was going to use their free speech anyways- those who did, were sent on an all expenses paid trip to an "honest" labor camp, then got a one way ticket to heaven.

Finally Suleiman traded for corporation, and the turkot empire founded the corporate empire of tatertops that has come to dominate the food industry with meals so unhealthy that they could kill a horse. As expected, they are insanely popular, though people are beginning to wonder if there is a correlation between the foods high popularity and the increase in diabetes of the people who eat it...

Finally the stability situation. As usual the empire is on the brink of collapse as always but that has been its state for the last like three centuries. Nothing new. All we need is some more duct tape and it will hold.

Finally the parties:
The Do Nothing Party headed by Alternative Justin Bieber: For some reason this party has gained popularity in the Ottoman empire. It seems between a baby voiced douchebag and a oppressive dictator, the people would rather choose the one they can lynch later when things go wrong. This party justs wants to tech to tech to economic prosperity and win the space race.

And the Run the world over with Tanks and nuke the infidels into oblivion party: Who says that the Germans should be the one to invent the blitzkrieg- this group wants to tech industrialism and build a force of tanks to steamroll Russia. They hope to get closer to Germany who they expect to keep the Europeans in check. (I got this idea from a game I played in Japan in which Germany completely and utterly pawned the rest of Europe- France actually vassalized to me to prevent its last city in Europe from being taken and Portugal and Russia took a beating. The Ottoman empire was completely destroyed too but I hope to prevent that). Oh and to help with the tank invasion we need a liberal helping of nukes to go along with our tanks.


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Uh, It still is screwy. Consty you should take this one like you told me :D Also, subbed
When you upload on imgur, you use the text underneath the BBCode to the side.
Thank you Constantinople
Here are the last three screen shots

After increasing demand from his people, Suleiman decides to trade for liberalism. It isn't like anyone was going to use their free speech anyways- those who did, were sent on an all expenses paid trip to an "honest" labor camp, then got a one way ticket to heaven.

Finally Suleiman traded for corporation, and the turkot empire founded the corporate empire of tatertops that has come to dominate the food industry with meals so unhealthy that they could kill a horse. As expected, they are insanely popular, though people are beginning to wonder if there is a correlation between the foods high popularity and the increase in diabetes of the people who eat it...

Finally the stability situation. As usual the empire is on the brink of collapse as always but that has been its state for the last like three centuries. Nothing new. All we need is some more duct tape and it will hold.
I tried putting in the tags but this is what happened. Why is it not working?!!!!!

Finally the parties:
The Do Nothing Party headed by Alternative Justin Bieber: For some reason this party has gained popularity in the Ottoman empire. It seems between a baby voiced douchebag and a oppressive dictator, the people would rather choose the one they can lynch later when things go wrong. This party justs wants to tech to tech to economic prosperity and win the space race.

And the Run the world over with Tanks and nuke the infidels into oblivion party: Who says that the Germans should be the one to invent the blitzkrieg- this group wants to tech industrialism and build a force of tanks to steamroll Russia. They hope to get closer to Germany who they expect to keep the Europeans in check. (I got this idea from a game I played in Japan in which Germany completely and utterly pawned the rest of Europe- France actually vassalized to me to prevent its last city in Europe from being taken and Portugal and Russia took a beating. The Ottoman empire was completely destroyed too but I hope to prevent that)
They also want to found Sid Sushi's Co and laugh as Ottoman foreign branches nearly bankrupt the Europeans and the money comes rolling in. Oh and to help with the tank invasion we need a liberal helping of nukes to go along with our tanks.

It's not the attachment you put between IMG tags, it's the link (like http://...).

But CFC has a limit of pics you may upload and it's not too much, so try imgur:

You'll be able to upload pics to your databank there. When you want to bring it here, just go to the pic in your images database (clicking on the image tab on the upper-right corner of imgur) and then clicking on the pic you want to bring. Then it'll appear the links to the pic. The one you want is under Direct Link. Just copy and then come here to your write a reply to thread and click on the option Insert Image (an icon with a mountain and a sun on the bar above the text field, or you may just put the link between tags), then paste the link on the box that appears asking you for the image's link.

There you go.

If you get confused you may always 'quote' a post of someone else to see how they did it (including other things like sizes, colors, quotes, different fonts, etc.). Quoting is the best way to steal how-to-do examples of features on the forum. Hope I have helped
Bring us the And the Run the world over with Tanks and nuke the infidels into oblivion party.
The Run the world over with Tanks and nuke the infidels into oblivion party!

It is the lesser evil.
The Run the world over with Tanks and nuke the infidels into oblivion party!

For the win!
The Run the world over with Tanks and nuke the infidels into oblivion party!
I'm back!!!


Atina begins to construct a jail to serve a twofold purpose- Create espionage points and to throw Greek nationalists into jail until the government can find the time to hang them.


In 1811 Mexican cities declare their independence from foreign domination. Suleiman wonders how this is so, as Spain has already collapsed. Have the Americans decided to take advantage of a weaker under developed nation and conquered Mexico? Had the Mexican War already happened? Suleiman decides not to worry about it because soon he'll have other problems...



Meanwhile, borders are reopened with the Portugese because fedora hats are deliciously evil and certainly the Portugese government is oppressive- it is a kingdom. At least dictators only last one generation! And Bagdad produces cannons just in case. Good thing because soon Suleiman will find a reason to use them...


Half asleep and in his undies, Suleiman meets with Bismark to discuss ways to deal with political prisoners. Techniques from all over the world are introduced. Then Bismark says, "I'll give you chemistry for half your treasury."
Suleiman heard, "Use chemistry to practice dentistry on prisoners." and Suleiman said, "Yeah man," as in "Righteous use of the dentist for torture."


Then in 1815, Allah spoke to Suleiman and said, "Lo, verily you have failed to be cool and allow an era of love peace and good feelings amongst thou subjects. Treat the Egyptians better, lest I call an Arab Spring upon thou ass."

Suleiman said, "Didn't you send the plague and pestilence upon the Egyptians way back when."

Allah replied, "That was different. I see you shall not listen to reason. Let the Arab Spring rage on."

Suleiman said, "You know I'll just reconquer them like ten turns later."


Due to beating a hasty retreat er I mean a glorious but confused epic march out of Egypt, some Turkot units are stranded outside Egyptian borders.


And others make it to Ottoman territory okay, poised to strike at the heart of the Egyptian Kingdom within ten turns.


To take out their frustration at not being able to make it home, stranded Turkot soldiers conquer Gondar. They all agree that there is nothing more therepautic than massacring funny speaking foreigners whose language in incomprehensible.


A list of the most advanced civilizations in the world is made and the Turkot empire is nowhere near the list. But Germany is on the top of it. Perhaps those long bursts at zero percent research was not such a good idea, but Suleiman believes it is worth it. The turkot empire may be backwards but at least it has so many shiny things. (Does anyone want to point out Twilight and the sparkling vampires to Suleiman?)


Suleiman begins building custom houses to increase trade and racially profile incoming immigrants. Odd because to Suleiman all races should be equally oppressed under his iron thumb (he's literally encased his thumb in iron. All the better for thumb wars) but it is something an evil empire is supposed to do and no one has said that Suleiman doesn't try to live up to the Ottoman empire's status as the most villainous empire on earth and to Suleiman's reputation as an eviler emperor Palpatine.


Suleiman trades with Mexico for scientific method and finds that his empire is drowning in oil. Suleiman imagines getting Catherine of Russia to lick his feet (and do other things) for oil. His disturbing fantasies are interrupted by his advisor letting him know that, the turkot empire can't actually build any oil wells and access any oil until Combustion. Suleiman wails in despair.











In 1824 there was a congress. I won't bother going over the details with you, because trying to make Congress exciting is beyond my rather meager writing skills. I will leave you with this rather profound quote by Merle, "You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make him think."


Borders are opened with Brazil because Suleiman admires Pedro's bushy beard. Only real men can work beards.


Then in 1829, Suleiman notices that the Egyptian SoD in its capital has disappeared somewhere and decides it is now is the opportune moment to invade. The international community is upset and there is much waving of the hands and yelling of the threats but in the end no one does anything. They are content to let the Turkot empire steamroll over Egyptian independence.


Suleiman doesn't waste time and immediately attacks the nearest city. There is much discussion amongst the Turkot brass as to why the Egyptian army has vanished considering that he Turkots have been building up there forces right next to the Egyptian border for years. Surely someone knew there was going to be an invasion?


The Ottoman garrison in Wahran received a nasty surprise when it was discovered that the Egyptian army had disappeared to conquer Markiss and was now in a position to threaten the under garrisoned city. The power of money and the power of big men in sunglasses kidnapping young men for the army, also known as drafting soon fixes this.
The Egyptian army is destroyed in this siege and the Turkot empire can rest easy. Suleiman soon declares Egypt the most pathetic nation in the world.


The veterans who conquered Gondor gladly conquer another city in the name of the Turkot empire.


Egypt capitulates and accepts Turkot dominance. TO seal the deal, Baibars becomes Suleiman's living foot stool.


A Great General is created through the Egyptian wars and is sent to Rome to build a military academy.

And now, two leaders have emerged from the Nuke and tank party with differing visions. Should the Turkot empire shutdown research in favor of espionage and steal tech with Germany to catch up? Using the gold this brings to rush buy research multipliers so that when the Ottoman empire does catch up it can switch to 100% research and blast ahead of its rivals. Under this model, running police state will be vital for espionage bonus.
Or should the Turkot empire run 100% research now, and supplement its income through espionage and treasury stealing?
The year is 1840 and the Turkot empire is disintegrating due to overexpansion (our stability is -25). What is the path of the future?
Mexico was probably a bunch of independents

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