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Ancient Greek Unit Tequest Thread (vol. 1)


The Great Dictator
Jul 7, 2004
Skaville UK Reputation: 1
Something seems to have spurred me back into working on an Ancient Greek scenario that I'm making, and in particular, the capturable gods/heros system that it has. So anyway, I would like to request some units for the scenario :D

If anyone else needs/wants anything Ancient Greek related, feel free to request it here, and I'll update my list. Also, if a unit/something that can be used as the unit has been made, please direct me to it. :D

So, without any more delay, I give you the Request List...


The king of the gods, and ruler of the land and sky. His attack could/should involve him throwing thunder bolts at his opponent.

The ruler of the Underworld, he should carry a bird-headed staff.

Goddess of Knowlege and warfare, she could perhaps carry her owl around with her. (The owl was her symbol)

The god of war. Maybe he could ride his chariot driven by fire-breathing horses, for a nice change.

The god of medicine, music and culture, Apollo is usually seen with his trusty bow. For a victory animation, he could play a little song on his Lyre.

Apollo's twin sister, and the godess of the hunt. She should be armed with a bow, too.

The blacksmith god. He should be disfigured and use a hammer.

The messenger god. He should have his winged helmet and sandals, and carry his staff.


You all know the story. Snakes for hair. A gaze that could turn anything into stone. Yup, that's the one.

A big, bronze person that guards Crete. For his death, a nail should pop out, and he should sall appart.

Think: the neighbour from hell who's mentaly un-stable... to say the least.

The 3-headed dog that guards the underworld. He has a weakness for sweet honey cake.

A huge giant with one eye and half a brain. Well, maybe not half a brain. He likes to eat people. And look after sheep.

-Nemean Lion
A huge Lion, could probably be used for the Narnia mod, too. (Note that I'm using the AoE conversion as a normal pre-placed barbarian).

-Cretan Bull
A bull that was captured by either Theseus (who sacrifised it) or Heracles (Who set it free in Marathon), the former will be possible in the scenario.

A winged deamon with a double hammer, Charon usually ferried the dead to the underworld.

A Sea monster that usually takes the form of a whirlpool. She lies on one side of a narrow strech of water, the other side being guarded by Scylla.

The 2nd sea monster to guard the narrow strait.

A creature that can breathe fire, and has the body and head of a goat, the head of a lion and tail of a Snake.

A three-headed, three bodied giant with six arms. Oh, and a herd of red cattle.

The messenger of the waves, and Poseidon's son.

The deamon of bad luck and misfortune, she likes metaphores and ridles.


A ship with a talking prow, it is protected by Hera herself, and can prophesise. It's death should be it falling appart.

-Golden Fleece
A ram. That's golden.

More to come later.
Has Poseidon been made?

If not then i suggest you stay away from the sea, since you have effectively commited hubris by not requesting him ;)

(the cyclops does not count, since only one of them was his son)
Also it is not "Maedad" but "Maeniad" ;)
They appear in Euripides's play "The Bachai". They generally are followers of the god Dionysus, who are stoned and potentially very dangerous (they are known to decapitate close family members). Also they are involved in sexual orgies.
Just some general info

apollo isn't the god of medcine, that would be Asklepios.

athene is also the protector of arts and science

artemis is the protector of women/children, and the godess of woods and the moon aswell.

Ares didn't have a chariot with flaming horses, that would be Helios, the god of dawn and sun.

Charon wasn't a deamon with a double hammer, he is what we now recall as the grim reaper. Even if he just traveled the lads through styx, a grim reaper would be just fine for him.

And the golden fleece is actually just the fleece of the ram, the actual ram was years dead before it was a cause for the whole good known story about it. So just a fleece without a ram that isn't an actual unit (like the packets in efzi or the ring in LotR)

Oh yeah, and don't forget to make Hades normal-looking and not skeletonheaded, because he actually was a quite nice guy, a little misunderstood maybe, but he was just doing his necessary job.
I do believe that Asklepios was more of a demi-god. I do know that he was the son of Apollo, and it is not unusual in Greek Mythology for gods to share traits with their offspring :)
I do believe that Asklepios was more of a demi-god. I do know that he was the son of Apollo, and it is not unusual in Greek Mythology for gods to share traits with their offspring :)

Well, that's a big discussion there. He was actually a demi-god, being the son of a mortal mother and apollon (allthough he may have been zeus son, and that, we don't know), but he still was the official god of medicine. In Homers Ilias he was a plain physician, but in general greek mythology hes a god that was killed by zeus. A demi-god didn't have such abilities to revive the dead, so he should clearly be considered as a full-membered god, he even had his own temples.

not to mention that apollon himself had never something to do with medicine
athene is also the protector of arts and science
I knew that already :)

artemis is the protector of women/children, and the godess of woods and the moon aswell.
Technically, she was only the goddess of the moon later, and from what I remember, at some point, Apollo "inherited" the position of Sun God, too, although this is later on in either the Hellenic or the Roman period...

Ares didn't have a chariot with flaming horses, that would be Helios, the god of dawn and sun.
I have no idea where that mental image came from, so I'll bow to your knowledge :)

Charon wasn't a deamon with a double hammer, he is what we now recall as the grim reaper. Even if he just traveled the lads through styx, a grim reaper would be just fine for him.
See above.

And the golden fleece is actually just the fleece of the ram, the actual ram was years dead before it was a cause for the whole good known story about it. So just a fleece without a ram that isn't an actual unit (like the packets in efzi or the ring in LotR)
I know, but I was going to use the unit as a Flag unit for Capture the Flag scenarios, and I thought a stagnant-looking fleece would be rather boring ;)

Oh yeah, and don't forget to make Hades normal-looking and not skeletonheaded, because he actually was a quite nice guy, a little misunderstood maybe, but he was just doing his necessary job.

I know that, too. Its the Keres, that're the bad ones ;)

Keep them coming, and don't forget that you can use this thread to "Tequest" your own Ancient Greek units, too!
I may be talking crap - but correct me if i'm wrong.

The way i see it with all these mythologies - in a lot of times, it's not a matter of who is the god of what; it's more like a who was more worshiped as the god of what in a certain time period.

Anyway - it's a shame so few of the units here got made. All of them could be used in lots of places - even the gods, which are rather generic.
It's my understanding that the fleece was "golden" because it was given a gold ornamental fringe, just as the coverings or containers of many other sacred objects are eventually so embellished that their attributes become the icon, rather than the actual object. Look into the history of the Kaaba for example.
Im not sure if this is what Virote wants - but this is how some of those units look like in my head. :)
Spoiler :


Artemis & Ares:

Zeus, Hades, Artemis


Zeus again

I think a lot more from there can be found ...
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