April 2021 Developer Livestream Discussion

Huh, Men-at-Arms aren't unlocked at Military Tactics.
Mild nerf to stronger melee unique, as all other melee unique were buffed.
Kurgans now get more Gold and more Faith from adjacent Pastures, and more Faith from Stirrups, as well as Tourism from Faith.
Saka Horse Archer gets +5 extra Combat Strength now.
Ottomans now have stronger Start Biases towards Niter. And a free Governor Title after Gunpowder.
Ottomans have a Niter start bias, and receive a free Governor title upon researching Gunpowder.
Samurai and Berserkers now replace Men-at-Arms.
The Hoplite now has +3 extra Combat Strength. Gorgo now get +1 Combat Strength to all Units for every Military Policy Card is in her government.
Gorgo now gets an extra +1 combat strength for every military policy card equipped.
Nubia's nerfed!
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