This is what I originally thought they would have referenced with "Age of Steam". Though with a "Great Exhibition" Victoria, you could still give Great Works the ability to yield extra science and production.Scrap the whole "Age of Steam" bit. It's already represented in "Workshop of the World."
I'd rather have a "Great Exhibition" Victoria. She's already dressed for the occasion (though perhaps a few decades too soon...)
Ability - British Museum:
- Each Archaeological Museum can hold six Artifacts instead of three and are automatically themed when they have six Artifacts. Archeologists have six charges, may enter foreign lands without open borders, and unlock at Humanism. Extracting an Artifact in foreign territory grants a tourism burst over this civilization (or gain an eureka?)
Hopefully that's the case. I'm not so sure because it says "dislike civilizations that do not trade with her cities," You can't directly trade with cities through the trading screen, but only by traders. Of course I got this info from the civ wiki, so it may not be entirely accurate.If Elizabeth's agenda is done through the trading screen, it will be a a lot more fair then Wilhelmina's agenda. Wilhelmina's agenda is super annoying because sometimes you literally can't trade with her.
Edit: I rewatched the First look video and it says "She prefers civs who trade with her." That makes it more confusing.
Though Wilhelmina specifically says, "dislikes those who refrain from sending trade routes to her cities."
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