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Ask a Human

What sort of "hue-man" are you?
When will you hu-mans realize that your "feelings" as you call them can stand in the way of big cash payoffs?
When will you de-hu-mans realize that your "feelings" are the reason why you seek the big cash payoffs in the first place?
Oh so ,Schopenhaueristic, of you to say.:rolleyes::lol:

Of course all you have to do is replace "feelings" for the word "desire.";)
Deaf man needs no music.
Blind man needs no pictures.blah blah blah:rolleyes:
Oh so ,Schopenhaueristic, of you to say.:rolleyes::lol:

Of course all you have to do is replace "feelings" for the word "desire.";)

Blind man needs no pictures.blah blah blah:rolleyes:
Well the point was that you don't do anything with the money unless you have feelings (desire) to do something with the money. Schopenhaueristic (is that a real world even :dubious:) or not I think it's rather valid concept and something to think about.

Sometimes the waiting for the feeling coming from something what you can get with the money will mean more to you than waiting for the feeling coming from something you don't need money to spend. This doesn't mean it always pays off to spend money into something since the feeling might be better or greater afterwards if you do let those other feelings to prevent it. Money alone doesn't make you happy, I can assure you of that. It's the value you put the things it can offer to you (which are based into your feelings) which is the important factor.

Of course with humans we have strange way of counting some kind self-worth for such items as coins until inflation starts to creep in.

People don't want to be rich and famous, they just want to have large house and lots of people who like them. ;)
When will you de-hu-mans realize that your "feelings" are the reason why you seek the big cash payoffs in the first place?

Deaf man needs no music.

Oh for Christ's sake, it was a quote from the Simpsons.
For those of you new to the topic, heres a good basic description:


Im human and Id be happy to answer any questions people might have about human beings.

This is ridiculous.

The purpose of this "ask a ---" threads should be to get information from someone with experience or knowledge. I guess we're all Humans...
This is ridiculous.

The purpose of this "ask a ---" threads should be to get information from someone with experience or knowledge. I guess we're all Humans...

Wow, nothing gets past you, sleuth.
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