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Ask a Young Earth Creationist.

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In whom I trust
Jan 30, 2003
Perth,Western Australia
I have seen through the times that I have been here that many people seem to have absolutely no idea what a Young Earth Creationist truly believes and as a result many people make fun of our position, based on what they believe our position to be on a certain issue, when they are just making things up. So I have decided to give the Creation/evolution debate through the eyes of YEC.

What are the hallmarks of a YEC?
The most important one is that we defend the Bible's veracity right from the first word to the last. We believe that the first few chapters in the Bible are talking about history and as such we also believe that there is scientific evidence that backs up this view.

I will try and update this post with the really important questions and answers to those question, so that people can have a good reference point on our views. I will try and do my best to answer as many questions as possible, but that will not always be the case. Remember that if you want an answer, then ask kindly.

So ask away.

Evidences fo a Young Earth found here.
How much do you attempt to educate yourself on the claims, evidence, arguments, whatever you call them, made by evolutionary biologists? Because (and I know we don't need just another evolution/creation debate, but this is relevant) it strikes me that very few creationists actually understand the claims made by evolutionary biologists.
Please explain why God found it necessary to create such a massive universe, if only one little planet 'Earth' mattered? Secondly how do you explain the fact that due to the speed of light, we can clearly see things which happened millions or even billions of years ago. Setting an obvious limit on how young the Universe, or Earth could be.
Please explain why God found it necessary to create such a massive universe, if only one little planet 'Earth' mattered? Secondly how do you explain the fact that due to the speed of light, we can clearly see things which happened millions or even billions of years ago. Setting an obvious limit on how young the Universe, or Earth could be.

'Tis the prankster god, messing with your head!
This isnt a troll. How are you so stupid?
Where did you first learn to be a creationist?

I mean did you learn that in school or its extra-curricular activities?

Do you have science courses at school?
if yes .... what do you do with what they teach you in school?
1)did you get a moderator's permission to open this thread?

2)Is it just the earth you believe to be young, or the whole universe
b)if it's the whole universe, why isn't it YUC?

3)I already know this one, but for the benefit of all reading the thread: why 6000 years? why not 5000? or 7000?

Secondly how do you explain the fact that due to the speed of light, we can clearly see things which happened millions or even billions of years ago. Setting an obvious limit on how young the Universe, or Earth could be.

corollary: if he created the light already in transit, wouldn't that create images of events that never happened? A false history of sorts?
Why do you think god made animals so similar to other animals ex: fish to amphibians, apes to humans, if evolution was not part of his plan.

Why dont you think evolution was part of gods plan?
What makes a Young Earth Creationist different from an Old Earth Creationist?

Do you feel that your views on Young Earth Creationism clash against other ideologies including: Theistic Evolutionist, Old Earth Creationist, and Evolutionist?
Have you ever wavered in your beliefs?
How do you reconcile the belief of an Young Earth Creationist (Which states that the Earth was formed 6000-5000 years ago) when we have radiological dating that dates rocks and fossils beyond the 6000 years BP (Before Present) line?
Do you consider the theistic evolution wrong? (pretty obvious but I'll ask anyway)
Do you consider the theistic evolution as wrong as evolution?
Do you consider evolutionists partly atheists?
Do you consider the theistic evolution some kind of "heresy"?

Just the questions about your opinion about other theories about the origin of life that I could think of right about now. :)

Oh, I used "about" to many times. :D
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