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Attracting the eyes of the opposite sex

Long since removed. I was far too hot, the guys around here started questioning their sexual orientation. Thus, I took down the picture before CFC destroyed itself :hmm:

Serious: one of the older members photo threads (#3?), link has long since died.

The girl, she says I look sort of like Jared Leto now.
Here's what you do:

Be physically attractive. Seriously, this is by far the #1 thing no matter what any girl here says. First of all girls are liars just as much as men are, and thus can't be trusted. Girls want to tell themselves that they like a guy for personality but it all boils down to sex. A girl will determine whether you have a likeable personality by how sexy you are, period.

Holden Caulfield said it best:

"The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is, they'll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don't like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they'll say he's conceited. Even smart girls do it."

I swear to god this is the definitive guide to girls. 90% of girls will fall if you are sexy. To gain the other ten percent, here are some auxillary traits that may help:

a. money
b. having an 'individualist' attitude
c. uniqueness
d. acting like a party boy
e. having a nice car
f. being the life of the party (this one helps more than others)

NOTE: the above guide is written with girls ages 14-24 in mind. Past there, looks are still a big factor but "success" takes a big hunk of it as well.
Monk said:
Here's what you do:

Be physically attractive. Seriously, this is by far the #1 thing no matter what any girl here says. First of all girls are liars just as much as men are, and thus can't be trusted. Girls want to tell themselves that they like a guy for personality but it all boils down to sex. A girl will determine whether you have a likeable personality by how sexy you are, period.

Holden Caulfield said it best:

"The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is, they'll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don't like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they'll say he's conceited. Even smart girls do it."

I swear to god this is the definitive guide to girls. 90% of girls will fall if you are sexy. To gain the other ten percent, here are some auxillary traits that may help:

a. money
b. having an 'individualist' attitude
c. uniqueness
d. acting like a party boy
e. having a nice car
f. being the life of the party (this one helps more than others)

NOTE: the above guide is written with girls ages 14-24 in mind. Past there, looks are still a big factor but "success" takes a big hunk of it as well.

I'm not quite that cynical about it... although I do think you're basically right, I think most girls factor in at least a few things besides looks, if just a little bit.

At least, I hope they do... :( I look okay, but that's not the best I have going for me by any means...
Why the long faces? Physical Appearance is the first thing someone sees when meeting a new person. You don't need to be Brad Pitt, but wear clean clothes, clean nice shoes and look presentable and you will succeed.

Treat meeting potential dates like job interviews, dress to impress.
If you are ugly and can't help it, fall back on the auxillary precautions. First I would focus on being the life of the party. You must be the life of the party without being a clown, though. Even if your face is ugly, anyone can get a sexy body if they really want it. Most girls at a young age want to be used for sex, whether they tell it or not. Make yourself seem like a player. Be totally loose and confident in whatever you do, because women are like dogs, they can smell fear. Don't be a nervous idiot, just approach it with the "i have nothing to lose" mentality.

NEVER EVER EVER EVER play the friend card. You will lose way more then you will win.
I always love the responses to these questions.

"You must act confident, but not arrogant"
"Dress to be noticed but don't be outlandish"
"Be yourself but don't act like an idiot"
"Look but don't stare"
and my favorite
"Drink but don't get drunk"
rmsharpe said:
To sum:

Men want whats in womens' pants.
Women want whats in mens' pants pockets.
Strikes to the very heart of the matter :blush: . Was my goal for some time, being rich I mean. I guess from a young age I noticed girls date guys with cars or seems rich, at my age i noticed it even more among my peers NONE of my female friends are dating guys without a car and rich family background(and I can number more than 10). Extraneous circumstances dictates me not getting a car or getting rich anytime soon, so scrape that plan.

I am not unattractive and has a nice body I could make pleasant conversation and even be funny. At one time I was even the "comical one" among my friends :mad: . What I want to put across is that I have invested most of my time in this facade and gotten nothing for my efforts. I have decided not to play their games anymore who are they kidding? Go out meet new girls that is the way!
Syterion said:
I always love the responses to these questions.

"You must act confident, but not arrogant"
"Dress to be noticed but don't be outlandish"
"Be yourself but don't act like an idiot"
"Look but don't stare"
and my favorite
"Drink but don't get drunk"

What's wrong with those? They all seem pretty valid to me.
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