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Attracting the eyes of the opposite sex


Dec 2, 2004
Kingdom of Gore
How would you go about doing it? Last night I went to a local discotheque had a few drinks and started dancing :blush: . Surprisingly several unrelated women were moved enough to dance with me. Now I am not a very good dancer but very vigorous n I was wearing a new shirt, so I was pleasantly surprised after some time one of the ladies complimented me. Needless to say I had a pleasant time last night :lol: .

That was the most amazing night of my life! At that time I KNEW i could have anyone of them and words seems to flow from my tongue :king: . What I'll like to know is what moves them the females, I would dearly like to garner some experience from the more experienced member of this forum or even a female member herself :eek: ! Maybe my stars were right and this single precious momnt can never be captured again or it was my lucky shirt!
I remember that thread. I posted near the end (read my posts, they're shining bastions of truth and good sense). But, pretty much, we spent 11 or so pages to say "self-confidence is key". Not exactly good with brevity, us CFCers.

Slightly different question here, though- "attracting the eyes of the opposite sex". I'd say some gruesome physical deformity would work great. Try showering in lye. Then you'll certainly attract some eyes- maybe not eye contact, but definately stares.
You were the only man in the club?

As your request is "how to attract the eyes of the opposite sex" my response has to be: do something really idiotic, you won't get laid, but you will attract centre of attention for a little while.
I remember one "party" during our school trip few years ago, when my friend climbed on the roof of a truck and dance there wearing only his trunks ;) Two nice girls (probably as drunk as he was) climbed there too and danced with him ;) In the morning he didn't remember anything, sadly :D
They were abit tipsy but not really drunk. Read through some f that previous thread, Really witty some of you guys. Nope noone thought I was rich nor was I the only guy, just for some reason I gravitated into the center of attention! Maybe it was a statistical fluke, what I ll like to know is not catches the eye of the opposite sex. Btw I agree that confidence n seeming arrogance works, not that I am that but i notice it is so with ppl.

1.) The way u walk
2.) Look at the girl
3.) Smile? friendly, lecherous?! winning
4.) dress sense?

See I propablly know most of what to do but it's the words into action thats the difficult part. They do say the first impression counts the most. Ill have to say it is a most... unusual thing to happen to me. If the rewards are good Ill do anything to change my outlook.
1. Dont walk. Only if you're going to the girl, for beer, or to the loo.
2. Look the girl into the eyes during conversations, but don't stare. Look at her body in a complimenting way at distance.
3. Smile, be friendly, show her that you're the man, the big shooter, while not being arrogant. Take interest in what she says, Even if dead boring. Girls likes to talk.
4. Dress in a way that suites you, look special but not strange.
5. Drink without getting drunk

That's what I used to do, but I've been in a relationship for a long time, so I fear I have forgotten it all :(
Well, it is difficult to say since I was not there to watch you. I'd say that self-confidence is the most attractve things. New cloths don't hurt either.
LLXerxes said:
somebody telll me what this thread's about then I'll answer.

It's about some dude telling us how he got the ladies last night, how women judge character, and that this moment shall ever occur again for him last least...well that's the word on the street! :rolleyes:
HamaticBabylon said:
It's about some dude telling us how he got the ladies last night, how women judge character, and that this moment shall ever occur again for him last least...well that's the word on the street! :rolleyes:
oh, well in this case I don't see the purpose of tis thread
Start life over as a female. Then all you have to do to be noticed by the opposite sex is, well, exist.
. . . are we sure Immortal's a guy? I remember there being some mystery and controversy as to that issue.
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