They might've overcompensated on Caesar a tad. I was thinking +5 strength against barbarians and 5-10 gold per tech researched on top of the previous bonus when conquering a city or barbarian camp would be a good enough buff. Now, he's just busted, but then, at this point of the game's lifecycle, that's totally fine.
+2 amenities from industrial zones for Lincoln is very strong as well.
I'm not sure how to feel about Harald. Pre-update, I thought Harald was one of the worst leaders in the game, so of these, he should've received the largest buff, but did he? I think bonus influence points can be really good, and I'm glad they finally added a civ ability of gaining bonus influence points. Having said that, he still feels like a worse version of Matthias. Assuming Matthias can levy once every 10 turns, which shouldn't be that difficult considering Amani takes 5 turns to settle in a city, and levied units get +2 movement allowing them to pillage for gold easily, how many Stave Churches would Harald need to match Matthias' envoy bonus? 2 envoys every 10 turns with a tier-2 government is equivalent to 15 influence per turn. With Monarchy, Harald would need 10 Stave Churches to match that. I guess it's strong enough of a bonus to make him somewhat interesting, but I think it could be a bit stronger. Maybe +50% influence points per turn in any government on top of the buff he just received would be appropriate? That would also help toward accelerating a Medieval push, because as it is, I think it'd be difficult to build enough Stave Churches early enough for the bonus influence to contribute significantly toward getting extra envoys Harald needs to time a good city-state Berserker rush.
I'm still not in love with Wu Zetian. I don't understand why they don't just base the yields she gets from spy missions on the yields generated by the entire empire she's spying on rather than just the city her spy is in. Espionage is already so badly designed that it has no place in a strategy game. Why do they make it worse than it has to be? There's no easy way for me to gauge how much science, culture and faith an opponent's city makes per turn. Sure, I could look at all the districts and buildings it has to get an estimate, but why would I want to do that? Just make it 25% or whatever of my opponent's yields, which I can look up on the HUD. Also, 100% of a city's one turn yield is still too little.