• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Beneath the Jade Moon (pre-NES)

When I noticed stuff changing, I started copy-pasting everything into word. Should have started there as its filled to the brim with typos. :crazyeye:

Are you sure you didn't just hate it? :shifty:
You can get it out into the thread instead so we can discuss it, instead of the Wiki.

Anyway, what kind of "standard organization" would you like Starlife? Or do you trust us to self-organize however we want? Also, I am putting "Holdings" and "Retainers" together.

Should we make separate pages for each of our major holdings?

Well, first of all, I am going to be coming up with starting situation profiles for all of you. You can still start your House page and post info, but I might go in and add my own paragraph to the beginning -- unless what you describe is sufficient enough and I don't need to add anything.

I trust you all to self-organize however you want. I wouldn't have a separate page dedicated to a holding if you only have a short sentence or two about that holding. But if that holding has rich history, or you want to draw a map, or it goes through a variety of events either in-game or in the world's history, then maybe you need a separate page. It's really up to you all how richly you define your own stuff. :)
BTW, here is the creation myth I made. Hul is serene void. Noraa is the varied earth. Teasan is the seeking sun, and Lusey the dancing moon. Teasan's kith are the stars. Lusey's ilk are meteors. Noraa's kin is all-life. I had intended these deities to be mythical even to the religion of The Pale, as unknowable forces that begot all of existence. Naturally they would be thought of as alien and viewed agnosticly.
Spoiler The Crumbling of Hul :
Before the beginning, there was nothing but Hul. Hul was everything. Hul was whole. That was until parts of Hul started keeping secrets. Hul knew himself. Hul knew everything. Hul was everything, and so he drowned his ignorance in silence. But a voice spoke, "I have kept secrets from you, I am not you, for Hul is only what he knows, and knows only himself." Hul was astonished, for he had to admit he did not know of what was speaking, therefore, it could not be him. "I name myself Noraa, for I am what you are not, and you are not anything at all." Hul was dumbfounded by this.

For a long time Noraa and Hul languished together, until another part of Hul found himself looking upon Noraa's somethingness and spoke loudly, "There must be others who are not Hul! Let us see your secrets!" and in doing so, Taesan exploded into being, for it was not Hul who spoke his words. Taesan then began to peer into Hul with his essence, determined to see what other parts of Hul were restless. Many parts of Hul became awoken from their cowardice, knowing that to merely exist was to rebel against Hul, and so Hul was filled with twinkles echoing Taesan's hails, but all were feeble.

Finally, Lusey winked out of Hul. She marvled at the exestence that was not Hul. With jubilation, she bathed in Taesan's essence and danced around Noraa. Other saw Lusey's joy, and joined her, but they were too weak to dance with Noraa and instead swarmed around her like gnats, and so Noraa swatted Lusey's sisters out of the sky.

Finally, Hul became filled with fear. He was crumbling and could not stop himself. As soon as he worried for a part of him, that part would realize its own fear, and become a new thing that was not Hul. Hul's fear became malignant. He said to Lusey, “I curse you, Lusey, your joy will fade and flow so that the flux of it maddens you and your ilk." He then turned to Taesan, "Taeasn, I curse you and your kith. You will forever search in vain for those like yourself, but you will never find your equal. Those that lend an ear to your grandeur will forever be doomed to flutter in insignificance." Finally he turned to Noraa, “To you Noraa I curse you and your kin. For you I curse the greatest. You will be doomed to forever suffer slowly becoming me. I will slowly learn your nature, bit by bit. When I know you completely, we will be one again." But Noraa’s nature was complicated, so unlike Hul’s simplicity.
Taesan and Lusey remained silent, but Noraa replied, “Even in eons to come, there is now more that is something than is Hul.”

Hul was begrudged because Hul was no longer whole, but became hole.

Some notes.

I don't generally enjoy thinking about creation stories when it comes to the Pale Faith or Aulesiri heritage. Several RL religions have multiple creation stories that vary from region-to-region, epoch-to-epoch, king-to-king. Buddhism does not even try to answer the question.

The Aulesiri did not even really begin to attach general associated meanings to god-spirits until after the Ruin. Before the Ruin, the god-spirits they worshiped (the Ruined Spirits) were much like the spirits worshiped by the Raayakin: spirits dedicated to specific geographic regions (the difference being that the Aulesiri were always steeped in ancestor worship, as well). Different chiefdoms likely found solace in different spirits and thus adhered to dramatically different worldviews. The Ruined Spirits get their name from... their Ruin. When Euleshun was destroyed, so were the old spirits tied to that cursed continent. It is from this that the Pale Faith gradually arises, focused on Luseysi and his mysterious powers, but more importantly, centered around the survival and longevity of the Aulesiri people. It is from that point on that the Aulesiri begin to associate certain traits to god-spirits (i.e., agriculture, war, commerce, the ocean, and so on). And they do not do this because those god-spirits are those associations personified. No... each god-spirit has a different story, but there are two basic origins: either they were real people (companions of Luseysi), or they were spirits whom Luseysi spoke of (Luseysi would go into trances and tell elaborate stories of spirits; it is also said he shapeshifted into them and became possessed by them and the spirits spoke through him).

So there is a clear division between "types" of currently worshiped god-spirits: flesh and blood, or channeled through Luseysi. Both are thought to be "real" and not "ethereal".

Why is "Imisau" the god-spirit of agriculture to northerners, but the god-spirit of commerce to southerners? It is said that Luseysi found Imisau successfully growing new crops foreign to the Aulesiri, and feeding entire fleeing villages with his skill. Imisau was thus given further powers by Luseysi to double his efforts and distribute food among the people; he also traveled extensively, finding ways for the settled to make a living and sustain themselves. This story is based in history, but there is also a tinge of the fantastic to it -- just enough that it has become a sort of legend, and Imisau is thought of as a god-spirit worth praying to for a variety of purposes, depending on where you come from.

If there is an old Aulesiri creation myth, or myths, there would also be myths of the apocalypse, which to the Aulesiri people has already occurred once. The Ruined Spirits, as varied as they may have been, are hardly relevant in modern Aulesiri society. Having a creation myth would acknowledge that what can be created can also be destroyed, but the Aulesiri genuinely believe that that which can be destroyed has already been destroyed -- and that physical harm to the earth does little to harm the spirit of the Aulesiri generally.

Then you have that massive, pale-green moon. It is far larger and more imposing than our moon. It looms over the horizon constantly, even seen as a wispy curtain during the day. The "light of the moon" is a common expression that I will elaborate upon further, but it basically defines the powers bestowed upon Luseysi -- it is said he could control the light of the moon, direct it, bathe in it. The moon is everything to the Aulesiri. They don't need to explain its creation or its origin because it has always been there -- it is the beginning and the end. The undulation of the earth and it's cyclical destruction is accepted by the Aulesiri, who have dealt with great tragedy -- but the moon is always untouched, and has led them to safety. It even gave powers to Luseysi. It is stability and a symbol of the resilience and longevity of the Aulesiri people, unlike earth, which is unstable (but not impermanent), which must be tilled and nurtured by the Aulesiri to become a paradise fit for them.

(As a side note to that -- which I will elaborate upon further in the near future -- one might wonder what the Aulesiri believe caused the Ruin, or why the Ruin occurred, and what exactly the moon was saving them from. In my opinion, there does not need to be some power or "devil" associated with the instability of the earth -- instead, perhaps it is acknowledged that the earth is simply a primitive, kinetic structure, raw material that can be and should be shaped into the likeness of the moon until it becomes more static, or at least more controlled and mastered.)

Now, this does not mean that when a child asks his father or mother, "What created the earth?", they respond with obscurity. I'm sure there are a variety of folk tales that vary from region-to-region, and even from house-to-house, used to put children to sleep at bedtime. Obscurity is: the earth is the moon several millennium ago, and the Aulesiri can see their future, and it is the bright, green, fertile moon -- and it is the Aulesiri who are the stewards of the earth and must direct it to its bright future; or the earth is the moon's child, and the Aulesiri are chosen to raise the child accordingly, as blood of the moon.

Perhaps your creation myth can potentially become one of the folksy stories told to children, or a remnant from the Ruined Spirits or even Qaanoiyin myth. But there should be dozens of those, not a single one that runs through the general vein of the Pale Faith or the Aulesiri people. Ask a priest in the Pale City how the earth and moon were created, and he will respond: "The moon always was." and "Earth emerged from darkness, but as fragile impermanence that we must nurture so that it may transform into paradise." Ask that priest who the god-spirits are and he will say, "Words of wisdom and powers from the moon, meant to assist the chosen people [the Aulesiri]." There are no elaborate myths to define where darkness came from, or anything of that sort; there also are not gods for the sun, meteor showers, or stars (though, as I've said, there perhaps were).

The Pale Faith, teachings of Luseysi, and more detailed religious backdrop is in the works -- that is the next step to improve the wiki.
Another Random Info Thing for House Garasai-Quacimisa

Quacimisa Proper is the "Home Fief" of Garasai-Quacimisa, at least at current.

Essilhome is held by Baron Randon Ranasai, former lord regent of Garasai-Quacimisa and a "pure blood" Aulesiri. Although he is of the same rank, he is considered under Baron "Turos III" from Quacikev. Essilhome has been expanded recently to help placate him, although Turos still directs and delegates as much Essilhome power to himself as he feels like he can.

House Yutaniska holds Saikatora. Baroness Devarkel "Devar" Yutaniska is the "half-blood" wife to Turos III. Her father is the Saikatoran merchant chief Kulloze, and her mother is a Garasai lady named Lumelis. This fief shall be incorporated as full holdings of Garasai-Quacimisa by the children of this union, although it may, like Essilhome itself, be delegated separately.

I have twin boys, between 4-7 (whatever NK and Bomb agrees to ;)). They are held as hostages by House Luselyi and Soyutlun. Pardon the massacred spelling. These names are their birth names, although I fully expect that nicknames or new names are given. Jenekzorta "Nesser" (or Nekor :p) is the elder, held in the Pale. Pruvekare "Vikor" is the younger, held at Soyutlun.

I have a daughter, 2 years of age, by the name of Ekazelbifel "Kisabel".

Also, the "names" are the Aulesiri-ized versions, while the more mouth mashing names are the actual names given by the two half-blood Esurks (like Quacturan himself). They would use their Esurkish name normally, even though Turos dislikes it, but will try to maintain their Aluesiri names when guests are over or in proclamations.

I would suspect that their Esurkish names are objects of ridicule and lampoon at Jyotnun.

EDIT: Just to say that a lot of my history depends on the date that Serepen is destroyed. My lord is born 1-2 years after Serepenia is attacked. I am willing to change things as necessary, although my lord should be older than 20-23ish.
Luckymoose said:
What the hell is going on in this world? Explain to me what the supernatural/fantastical/magical elements are as they exist during the play time of this NES. What can I do? What can't I do? What are the limitations on this magic? Does it exist? Why does the Imperial line have those genetic traits? Etc.

What the hell is going on in this world?

I'm assuming you mean magically or in terms of fantasy? This question is beyond vague. There is no single "thing" going on. This world is similar to our own. The laws of physics are, more or less, the same. Still, there are fantastic forces at work. Some of these are readily observable: i.e., the fact that everyone in Luseysi's bloodline has the same features, regardless of who they marry and breed with. The Light of the Jade Moon (read that to get a sense of what exactly those powers could "do"), a power bestowed upon and used by Luseysi himself 1,300+ years ago After the Ruin, is an overt example of the fantastic at work in our world. This sort of blatant showing of magical power died with Luseysi, though smaller, more subtle showings of power have risen up here and there over the centuries.

In terms of the physical world, there is a giant, ominous, looming pale-green moon, far larger than our own satellite. The presence of this moon is physical and real, but I would say it also has fantastic elements (namely, it is said that the moon itself spoke to Luseysi and gave him its light and power).

Explain to me what the supernatural/fantastical/magical elements are as they exist during the play time of this NES.

The supernatural was once more common, in a variety of forms: Qaanoiyin, the Raayakin shamanistic cult, channeled some of the "powers of the earth", whereas the Aulesiri (our race) channeled some of the "powers of the moon" (via Luseysi). The Esurks have had their own bouts with various forms of magic over the centuries. It is important to not confuse religion with magic, though much of the realm's current religious beliefs are dependent upon the use of magic 1,300+ years ago (Luseysi's aforementioned channeling of the Light of the Moon). Therefore, if anyone had the same power Luseysi had today, it would be beyond remarkable.

So today, there may be some charlatans who claim to use magic in an overt sense, but they are nothing more than frauds. There are also genuine uses of magic that have occurred over the centuries, since Luseysi and the existence of Raayakin shamans (though none nearly as powerful or obvious). However, today, the "USE" of magic does not really occur at all in the Aulesiri Empire. Yet also today, supernaturally, there are several strange "happenings". I'll detail this in response to your next question.

What can I do? What can't I do?

You can't really "control" or "do" anything overtly; but things can happen to you and magic can work through your characters without them attempting to "use" it. In fact, any ATTEMPTED USE of magic is all but lost; not many Aulesiri will even think to engage in "magic" uses. Magic is not a "thing". There are no spells or anything of that sort. There are few ways to fulfill specific tasks.

These are fantastic things that you can write about that the Aulesiri might generally still experience. The point is that some would think they are fantastic, others might try to explain them in some sort of Enlightenment sense, or even go so far as to say they are blasphemous -- but they are definitely fantastic and have some link to the overall world / moon / whatever. You can generally write about this stuff without my permission.
Prophetic dreams (that come true), trance-like visions, strange sickness and deformity, obscure mental conditions, the presence of a certain animal at a specific/prophetic time, hallucinations (visual and auditory), seeing ghosts, objects altering someone's perceptions or mental state, geographic locations altering perceptions or mental state or even physical traits, subtle experiences involving the "maybe" listed below.

Again, you can't really "control" these events or occurrences -- they will just happen to characters who do not have any mastery over their presence.

What I put in this list are fantastic events/happenings that you should not write about, unless you want to write about them in a "subtle" fashion, in which case, you should run it by me first. This stuff actually exists, or existed, in our world.
Shapeshifting, beams of light, control over nature and animals, summoning animals and lesser spirits, magically-enhanced objects, voodoo/sympathetic magic, tangible illusion, entirely accurate precognitive ability, talking to and controlling the dead, actively altering the minds of others, telekinesis, telepathy, animation of shadows, light but unpredictable control over the weather, etc.

This is a listing of the type of "magic" that does not exist in our world, never did, and never will.
Fireballs, lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt, walking on water, flying (unless via a dream), channeling of elemental powers into bursts, commanding vines to grow all over a person in an instant, breathing underwater indefinitely, using a staff to create a vague burst of light from nowhere, summoning an animal that doesn't really exist, talking to the god-spirits, causing an earthquake or volcanic eruption, etc.

False Advertising, but...
Listed here are ways in which players might find (a tiny tiny minority) current Aulesiri practicing or engaging in magic. It is "fake magic". It is actually fraudulent illusion. Practicing or engaging in these things occurs throughout the realm, but only by a minority, who are shamed for doing so, ridiculed, and not allowed near power or favor with the Pale City or the Empire itself. While the majority of these are indeed fraudulent and completely fake, it is expected that one may run into one or two instances of it being real --- nonetheless, despised by the majority of the populace in blind disbelief.
Summoning the spirits of one's loved ones for a chat, reading one's future through physical features, or worse, an object, a burst of light in the sky, promises of the ability to heal a mortal wound, fire out of nowhere, concoction of useless potions (there are real alchemists in our world, who use science and cause and effect), etc.

Supernatural Events / Natural Events
Here is a brief listing of events that are natural, but might also be tied to the supernatural.
The 500-year-long meteor shower, eruption of Earth's Vein and ashen rain on the northern coast, missing travelers around Zek, rare presence or sighting of sea monsters / other strange creatures, the moon itself and its various phases, seasonal abnormalities, crop failure, disease, plague, etc.

Why does the Imperial line have those genetic traits?

I won't explain this.
Posting the heraldry of House Ranof before calling it a night.

Banner for House "Garasai-Quacimisa". It is the "Traditional" Banner.

Two black hills flank a blue-green river. Above the river is a black (brown?) boot. Below the two hills are two Gopher/Praire Dogs which flank the river.

Banner for House Ranasai "Traditionalist" Branch of Garasai-Quacimisa, pureblood.

A Blackboot over a blue-green sea.

Banner for House Turosai, Half Blood, Ruling Family

Black shield on Green. Blue-green (straight down dividing thing) on the shield. Gopher-Prairie Dog ontop of the shield.

OOC: I had this strange idea that Gophers are the symbol of Quacimisa. :p Do they even have gophers/Prairie dogs/sorta animals there?

Turosai is the offiicial name for my Ruling family now. The old long name is a general term covering the entire area, such as the de facto subordination of Baron Randon Ranasai under Baron Turos.
I'm not sure what I'm allowed to edit in the wiki. I looked at one of the more recent edits, House Dyre, and it's an epic masterpiece which I want to make my profile into as well....
In the 9th century, the Esurkish war chief Áttátir of the tribe Qáhiri found himself against impossible odds, drawn into a simultaneous war against three other tribes due to a byzantine system of blood alliances that set them against him. After being defeated in more than a few battles, he decided that his only option would be capitulation to the Aulesiri, whose frontier outposts he had both raided repeatedly and established trade relations. He swore himself to the Emperor and with the help of Aulesiri reinforcements, defeated the triple alliance and seized control of the Árotsi river valley.
The emperor's court plotted to expel Ranof, but more benevolent members of the council convinced the emperor to ennoble the merchant's son and make him lord of the domain he had fought so gallantly to protect: Zherediv. For several years, Ranof I battled the Esurks until his death in 855 during a vicious counter-raid. Lord Sadrig, his son, succeeded him. Thus began the turning of a new page in House Ranof's eclectic history; Sadrig would be known as the first Aulesiri lord to marry an Esurkish woman, much to the ire of the imperial court at the time -- though the strategy was sound for spices, and the emperor's reluctant consent was eventually given.
Other: Battle of Green Mountain, 843, Was tentatively placed at the end of the Imperial Expedition, last and the greatest of Essil's Expedition. The Emperor split forces at the Saffron to cut a path through the plains to Zherediv, under the shadow of "Green Mountain".

Idea: The Aluesiri reinforcements are remnants of Essil's Expedition, which occurred during that time and which a force under the Emperor/Ranof marched to Zherediv from the Saffron, according to my tentative map.

The Frontier Outposts are those of Zherediv under the newly ennobled Ranof I or his son Sadrig, known as the first Aluesiri to marry an Esurkish bride.

What does House Ranof and House Qáhiriyün (Owen and Kraz) think about this idea?


House Serepen was embroiled in wars with various houses from 400s-700s, when it was forced to relocate to Surotsi. Garos the Swift gained prominence during this period and is the patriarch of House Garasai. I need a region they could have once held and fit in the history. Bombshoo and I was talking about how Serepen's and Reinar's leaving of Jyotnun are similar except for the fact that Reinar returned in failure and Serepen succeeded in establishing themselves. Any ideas where Serepen, Reinar and Garasai might have originated? (alex?)
I'm not sure what I'm allowed to edit in the wiki. I looked at one of the more recent edits, House Dyre, and it's an epic masterpiece which I want to make my profile into as well....

I edited your entry just now with some added info, both from your proposal and my own notes. Of course, feel free to add to your entry any time. :)
I think it could be neat to have a couple of towns on that river east of Haraldorn (west of E'in). I can do some background and names for them.
@Starlife, if Cyir isn't going to have those 3 hills between Finys, Tass, and Highholm, can Tass have them? It looks odd otherwise, especially as they're hills.
I think it could be neat to have a couple of towns on that river east of Haraldorn (west of E'in). I can do some background and names for them.

Sure. Feel free to do a full outline of that region that is not part of the Godharts (see this map, and do you see that white chunk of land between Godhart's domain and the river -- feel free to outline that region, as well as the other side of the river), if you have the time and will to do so. Just don't make anything overtly pledging allegiance to House Eyiniyas. :p Be impartial, but obviously, it makes sense if there is some connection to Eyiniyas.

The land near the coast should be cleared land, fishing and merchant towns -- perhaps a port-of-call that handles Godhart exports / everywhere else imports more efficiently than overland routes. Also sort of a "link and crossroads" for House Anlan and the rest of Jyotnun. I wasn't imagining anything bustling or too populated (though maybe it was before the War, and now the population levels are beginning to return to normal), or anything with a lot of autonomy; in fact while this region does not have official retainers of Godhart, I am sure the influence of the Godharts is strong. More inland near the river is not very exciting, because the majority of overland trade or foot traffic moves through Godhart anyway -- and it makes sense to have some more farm estates associated with the Godharts, but not necessarily pledged to them. You could make an earl-level lord or a baron or something who lords over this area.

I like the idea of that region being prone to tornadoes --- thus the farms and estates there would be sparse (more populated on the coast).

On the other side of the river, timber is a big industry because there is a vast wilderness. So nothing too populated in that area.

Apologies for the low quality of these words and lack of detail; on my way out.
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