Luckymoose said:
What the hell is going on in this world? Explain to me what the supernatural/fantastical/magical elements are as they exist during the play time of this NES. What can I do? What can't I do? What are the limitations on this magic? Does it exist? Why does the Imperial line have those genetic traits? Etc.
What the hell is going on in this world?
I'm assuming you mean magically or in terms of fantasy? This question is beyond vague. There is no single "thing" going on. This world is similar to our own. The laws of physics are, more or less, the same. Still, there are fantastic forces at work. Some of these are readily observable: i.e., the fact that everyone in Luseysi's bloodline has the same features, regardless of who they marry and breed with. The
Light of the Jade Moon (read that to get a sense of what exactly those powers could "do"), a power bestowed upon and used by Luseysi himself 1,300+ years ago After the Ruin, is an overt example of the fantastic at work in our world. This sort of blatant showing of magical power died with Luseysi, though smaller, more subtle showings of power have risen up here and there over the centuries.
In terms of the physical world, there is a giant, ominous, looming pale-green moon, far larger than our own satellite. The presence of this moon is physical and real, but I would say it also has fantastic elements (namely, it is said that the moon itself spoke to Luseysi and gave him its light and power).
Explain to me what the supernatural/fantastical/magical elements are as they exist during the play time of this NES.
The supernatural was once more common, in a variety of forms: Qaanoiyin, the Raayakin shamanistic cult, channeled some of the "powers of the earth", whereas the Aulesiri (our race) channeled some of the "powers of the moon" (via Luseysi). The Esurks have had their own bouts with various forms of magic over the centuries. It is important to not confuse religion with magic, though much of the realm's current religious beliefs are dependent upon the use of magic 1,300+ years ago (Luseysi's aforementioned channeling of the Light of the Moon). Therefore, if anyone had the same power Luseysi had today, it would be beyond remarkable.
So today, there may be some charlatans who claim to use magic in an overt sense, but they are nothing more than frauds. There are also genuine uses of magic that have occurred over the centuries, since Luseysi and the existence of Raayakin shamans (though none nearly as powerful or obvious). However, today, the "USE" of magic does not really occur at all in the Aulesiri Empire. Yet also today, supernaturally, there are several strange "happenings". I'll detail this in response to your next question.
What can I do? What can't I do?
You can't really "control" or "do" anything overtly; but things can happen to you and magic can work through your characters without them attempting to "use" it. In fact, any ATTEMPTED USE of magic is all but lost; not many Aulesiri will even think to engage in "magic" uses. Magic is not a "thing". There are no spells or anything of that sort. There are few ways to fulfill specific tasks.
These are fantastic things that you can write about that the Aulesiri might generally still experience. The point is that some would think they are fantastic, others might try to explain them in some sort of Enlightenment sense, or even go so far as to say they are blasphemous -- but they are definitely fantastic and have some link to the overall world / moon / whatever. You can generally write about this stuff without my permission.
Prophetic dreams (that come true), trance-like visions, strange sickness and deformity, obscure mental conditions, the presence of a certain animal at a specific/prophetic time, hallucinations (visual and auditory), seeing ghosts, objects altering someone's perceptions or mental state, geographic locations altering perceptions or mental state or even physical traits,
subtle experiences involving the "maybe" listed below.
Again, you can't really "control" these events or occurrences -- they will just happen to characters who do not have any mastery over their presence.
What I put in this list are fantastic events/happenings that you should not write about, unless you want to write about them in a "subtle" fashion, in which case, you should run it by me first. This stuff actually exists, or existed, in our world.
Shapeshifting, beams of light, control over nature and animals, summoning animals and lesser spirits, magically-enhanced objects, voodoo/sympathetic magic, tangible illusion, entirely accurate precognitive ability, talking to and controlling the dead, actively altering the minds of others, telekinesis, telepathy, animation of shadows, light but unpredictable control over the weather, etc.
This is a listing of the type of "magic" that does not exist in our world, never did, and never will.
Fireballs, lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt, walking on water, flying (unless via a dream), channeling of elemental powers into bursts, commanding vines to grow all over a person in an instant, breathing underwater indefinitely, using a staff to create a vague burst of light from nowhere, summoning an animal that doesn't really exist, talking to the god-spirits, causing an earthquake or volcanic eruption, etc.
False Advertising, but...
Listed here are ways in which players might find (a tiny tiny minority) current Aulesiri practicing or engaging in magic. It is "fake magic". It is actually fraudulent illusion. Practicing or engaging in these things occurs throughout the realm, but only by a minority, who are shamed for doing so, ridiculed, and not allowed near power or favor with the Pale City or the Empire itself. While the majority of these are indeed fraudulent and completely fake, it is expected that one may run into one or two instances of it being real --- nonetheless, despised by the majority of the populace in blind disbelief.
Summoning the spirits of one's loved ones for a chat, reading one's future through physical features, or worse, an object, a burst of light in the sky, promises of the ability to heal a mortal wound, fire out of nowhere, concoction of useless potions (there are
real alchemists in our world, who use science and cause and effect), etc.
Supernatural Events / Natural Events
Here is a brief listing of events that are natural, but might also be tied to the supernatural.
The 500-year-long meteor shower, eruption of Earth's Vein and ashen rain on the northern coast, missing travelers around Zek, rare presence or sighting of sea monsters / other strange creatures, the moon itself and its various phases, seasonal abnormalities, crop failure, disease, plague, etc.
Why does the Imperial line have those genetic traits?
I won't explain this.