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Biden wins presidency

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It could be that the optimal cabinet differs whether the Dems get those 2 Senators in Georgia or not.
Biden should do whatever it takes to win both Senators in Georgia
And so should the rest of the Dems and people genuinely associating themselves with the Dems
Too much at stake

Covid the obvious first topic on the domestic menu
Such good news
So we maybe should talk about Biden and his Cabinet here instead of Trump...
All I know is that there is a rumor about Elizabeth Warren getting Treasury, though I was hoping for AG or Commerce.
However, with the Senate as thin as it is and two very expensive senate races starting yesterday, not sure the Democrats want to risk a Senate seat. Massachusetts isn't quite as blue as people think and their current governor is a Republican.
Looks like poor Lizzo is stuck in the Senate again.
All I know is that there is a rumor about Elizabeth Warren getting Treasury, though I was hoping for AG or Commerce.
However, with the Senate as thin as it is and two very expensive senate races starting yesterday, not sure the Democrats want to risk a Senate seat. Massachusetts isn't quite as blue as people think and their current governor is a Republican.
Looks like poor Lizzo is stuck in the Senate again.

I think Stacey Abrams should be in as well.
If Georgia is won it is because of her inspiration and efforts to get more people registrating and voting and much more.
I think Stacey Abrams should be in as well.
If Georgia is won it is because of her inspiration and efforts to get more people registrating and voting and much more.

I really want to find a way to write that woman a thank you letter, seriously. I don't know how to get in contact besides the generic info contact on her org website though.

She got robbed in 2018, and what did she do? Kept fighting against voter suppression everywhere. Georgia doesn't go Biden without her. She deserves all the credit in the world.
He didn't invade venezuela

No, the man has zero stamina

Stamina he has. What he doesn't have is focus, meaning there was never a danger of Trump the dictator.

But the votes for someone capable of doing what he promised exists...

So we maybe should talk about Biden and his Cabinet here instead of Trump...

Clinton can be imperial secretary for the bombing of non-aligned countries. Unless Biden can find the republican who wrote the with us or against us speech for Bush? Speaking of that one, any job for a Bush dynasty member by way of thanks for the support?

All I know is that there is a rumor about Elizabeth Warren getting Treasury, though I was hoping for AG or Commerce.
However, with the Senate as thin as it is and two very expensive senate races starting yesterday, not sure the Democrats want to risk a Senate seat. Massachusetts isn't quite as blue as people think and their current governor is a Republican.
Looks like poor Lizzo is stuck in the Senate again.

Warren is really a nice corporate friend masquerading as left, could get a job. But you're probably right.
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I really want to find a way to write that woman a thank you letter, seriously. I don't know how to get in contact besides the generic info contact on her org website though.

She got robbed in 2018, and what did she do? Kept fighting against voter suppression everywhere. Georgia doesn't go Biden without her. She deserves all the credit in the world.

Yes !

Write a letter
Those letters are being read !
Not too long.. perhaps another color envelop and thin carton paper
To help she reading it
Every teaspoon helps :)
He didn't invade venezuela

No, the man has zero stamina
There were credible reports in the last month that the meal team six which arrived there and tried to overthrow the government had some contact with this administration so I would not rule out he attempted his own Bay of Pigs that was even less successful.

And on not trying to steal the election: lol
Due to trade issues and pipelines, neither candidate was ideal for Canada. However, I think most of us were desperately hoping for Trump to lose.

There will be angry gnashing of teeth in my province, though. The United Corruption Party and its supporters love Trump.
I think Stacey Abrams should be in as well.
If Georgia is won it is because of her inspiration and efforts to get more people registrating and voting and much more.
I know Abrams expressed zero interest in becoming Biden's VP. I think she genuinely wants to stay a local/state politician rather than going national. From what I have read, she is really good at reaching out to voters and learning about their concerns; that is a lot harder to do at a national level.

Warren is really a nice corporate friend masquerading as left, could get a job. But you're probably right.
You sniping at everyone who isn't St. Sanders is getting rather annoying. Warren has put forward far more coherent proposals than Sanders did on accomplishing largely his goals. She had by far the best thought out proposals on bank regulation and fighting corporate money in politics, and to my knowledge she was the only candidate who talked about implementing a national economic and industrial policy to strengthen the domestic economic and move it away from its foreign/finance imbalance.
As a student of history you should know the only times socialists in Europe got into government was when they were in cooperation with social democrats and reformists.
I know Abrams expressed zero interest in becoming Biden's VP.

I saw interviews with her on PBS where she welcomed it, and I heard second-hand reports on PBS and NPR that said she did court it. Maybe I'm massively misremembering?
I know Abrams expressed zero interest in becoming Biden's VP. I think she genuinely wants to stay a local/state politician rather than going national. From what I have read, she is really good at reaching out to voters and learning about their concerns; that is a lot harder to do at a national level.

Does not really surprise me as well if that is so.
Only makes me respect her more.
And yet I think that Biden (when he knows the answer) should then make "the offer" in such a way that she gets the honor and credits she deserves without the real need to being forced to say yes or no.
I have always been very precise in allocating credits to people. Not only because by forgetting or evading you so easily hurt people or disappoint people, but because honor should come to the ones deserving honor.
A kind of fairness-justiceship for within the group.

I saw interviews with her on PBS where she welcomed it, and I heard second-hand reports on PBS and NPR that said she did court it. Maybe I'm massively misremembering?
Looks like I was wrong.
It seems like she was presenting herself as a VP candidate not to become VP, but to get on Biden's radar and get contacts with his campaign.

And apparently she was influential in getting the Biden campaign to take GA seriously,
An article suggesting that the centre of gravity is moving southward in the US.
If so... Bidens policies should deal with that and the Dems as party as well for enough voters.

"In the south, the number of jobs is growing and money is being made. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of jobs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas combined increased by 13.5%. In the north, employment contracted by 1.3% in that period. The southern states have already had a greater share of the US economy than the northern ones in the last decade. This is a historic shift from the old twentieth-century industry to that of the twenty-first century: tech, healthcare, services. Politics in America is now slowly aligning with that reality. Trump vs. Biden was the last election with the twentieth century at stake, fought between two personalities belonging to that era".

As one of the most thrilling elections ever in the United States heads toward denouement, reporters are starting to shuffle uneasily. Whoever becomes president, stories and faces behind the vote totals must be sought.

In 2016 that resulted in a massive migration to the quiet belt, the industrial states in the northern part of the US. Hillary Clinton had called the residents there deplorables, while Trump's Make America Great Again found enough resonance to help him win.
Around the steel mills in Erie County, Pennsylvania, and the ailing General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, the answer had to be found as to why oppressed America had put a real estate mogul in the saddle. Heavy fellows in old-fashioned dinners weren't sure of a quiet breakfast because of journalists looking for the white working class, which was sometimes dismissively referred to as "Appalachian Safari." The motivation for this was genuine. That group of voters has been overlooked, in the news coverage, in the polls and in politics.

New route
The course of the current elections is plotting a new route. The warm jacket can stay at home. Florida, Texas and Arizona: the sun belt is now definitely the new center of gravity of America.
Of course, the industrial north also plays an important role in these elections. Trump's losses in Michigan and Wisconsin may cost him the presidency. Ultimately, though, everyone is keeping a close eye on Maricopa County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada, as the decisive places in identifying the White House resident. Florida and Texas were already clear on election night, although margins were narrow there too. Texas, like Florida, will be a crucial battleground state from now on, where candidates from both sides will have to campaign intensively. The road to Washington now runs with a long loop via the south.
The south is also home to new mysteries. The increased Latino support for Trump, for example, will lead to much research and articles, much like the white working class did before. Comprehensive explanations are not enough. Cuban and Venezuelan voters in Miami widely voted for Trump. In Arizona, Biden won the Latino vote by an overwhelming majority. Nevada voters are largely Hispanic migrants working in Las Vegas hotels. Each group has its own electoral dynamics. Dinner can be exchanged for the cantina.

Shift already underway
Looking back, this shift southward was already well underway. Trump's most likely opponent in the Republican primaries was Texas native Ted Cruz. Then the Democrats had their Texas wonder boy in the guise of Beto O'Rourke, who mobilized large groups of voters for their party. Both are young compared to Trump and Biden, and can shape their party for a long time to come.
Several recent political issues have been rooted in the states where many residents rarely see the mercury drop below 15 degrees during the day. The immigration debate centers on America's southern border, the site of Trump's controversial border wall. The future of America's fossil industry is determined in the south. Climate warming and water scarcity are also mainly affecting the south and must be resolved there first.
The residents of growth cities such as Phoenix, Arizona (home to the largest university in the US) and Houston, Texas (the `` prophetic city, '' according to researcher Stephen Klineberg in a book with this title) will shake their heads with compassion as the gaze shifts. farther south - they've long known they live in places that embody America's future. The sunny south is more diverse, more languages are spoken, and it receives most of the residents who come from elsewhere in America to work or to retire. Trump himself moved from New York to Florida last year.

In the south, the number of jobs is growing and money is being made. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of jobs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas combined increased by 13.5%. In the north, employment contracted by 1.3% in that period. The southern states have already had a greater share of the US economy than the northern ones in the last decade. This is a historic shift from the old twentieth-century industry to that of the twenty-first century: tech, healthcare, services. Politics in America is now slowly aligning with that reality. Trump vs. Biden was the last election with the twentieth century at stake, fought between two personalities belonging to that era.


Is this a fair picture ?
Is this a fair picture ?
Maybe, but I don't think so. Florida is no longer looking like a swing state. It is unclear if the GA results can be replicated without easy mail-in ballots in future years - or even if they can be replicated at all. The rest of the south if firmly red. The Democrats great hope, Texas, seems like it will stay red as Latinos aren't breaking for Democrats in the percentages needed. It is also unclear whether the educated professionals in Texas that helped make the result close will vote Dem in future presidential elections if the GOP runs a normal candidate. PA/WI/MI look like they will be the swing states for the foreseeable future.
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