• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

BirdNES 3: When Worlds Collide

To:Jihadists of India

We are almost there and Allah will carry us onward! Join us from north and south and east and west! We must crush the impetuous Hindus and destroy Rajput!

To: Malwa and Sind

Please reconsider your decision! Only cowards take a fight halfway and back out. Do you truly believe Allah is the greatest and the cow people are heretics? Or were you just in the war for greed and money? We must fight on.

To: Alam Khan of Delhi Sultanate

Both your family members Sikhander and Barbak were cowards and refused to join us in the struggle against the cow-people. They obviously are not worthy to rule Delhi. You are basically free to help us as Sikhander is a weak fool and does not have control of your feudal areas. If you join us, we will give you command of all volunteer jihadists from Delhi and recognize you as the true Sultan of Delhi after the cow-people are crushed.

The House of Lee states that an army of 2000 German Landsknecht and 5 cannons are available to any prospective renters, price upon request.

Even if they are not Christian?
To: Ashikaga Yoshizumi, Shogun of Japan
From: Imperial Chancelary

His Imperial Majesty is pleased by the great news coming from Japan: that the divine wisdom of His Majesty is finally shared by our neighbors, namely: that the Wokou are a threat that must be dealt with harshly.

His Imperial Majesty is far more confident then you are, however, in your abilities to do your part in destroying the Wokou. Your army is large and your weapons are sharp, a concentrated sweep along your coast is all that is required to put an end to the illegal activities. Already, the Imperial Fleet, in combination with the Royal Ryukyu Navy, are patrolling the seas against the pirates. To request that we dispatch our soldiers to your very soil and fight your wars for you, and to ask for a trade partnership “in return” as if it were you who are doing us a favor, is an affront that the Imperial Court is willing to forgive, pending the elimination of the pirate bases on Japanese soil.

Good relations and a booming trade will come only after the Wokou are defeated, not before.
To: Ferdinand of Naples
From: Charles VIII, Emperor of France, Brittany, Burgundy, Naples, and All Those Lands Which We Hold By Right

It is not enough that a prince keep his own character pure and uncorrupted for his state. He must give no less serious attention, in so far as he can, to see that every member of his household, his nobles, his friends, his ministers, and his magistrates, follows his example. They are one with the prince, and any hatred, any contempt, any scorn their actions arouse rebounds upon the prince himself. It is thus clear why we should be intimately concerned with your, our vassals, actions, taking all steps we deem necessary to ensure both the prosperity of our realm as well as yours.

Therefore we have found it necessary to intervene in this matter, though it pains us to chastise you as it pains a parent who punishes their wayward child. For you have thrown away the lives of your subjects as if they were cheap copper coins, buying nothing with them except the scorn of your peers and the hatred of others. And insofar as these are bought by you, they are bought by us, your liege, for men wrongly conclude that we had supported you in these mad adventures.

As our own reputation has thereby been damaged by your thoughtless acts, we, as your liege and your loving father, do hereby forbid you from making war, except by our express permission. Let you show your love towards us, your subjects, and towards God by accepting our loving censure. And though we have the right by law to strip from you your crown, yet our abounding love and mercy towards you we have shown clemency. Therefore do not abuse our love, lest it turn to wrath.

Your liege, Charles, has written these things with our own hands. Embrace them as you would embrace our own person. We shall pray for you, that you be granted the wisdom of Solomon, pray also for us, that we may rule in justice and in peace. Farewell.
I was wondering if i could join as korea. i hope its not to late.
OOC:mad:Megaman_zx: OOC posts etc. go in the discussion thread here, JSYK.

From: Ashikaga Yoshizumi-shougun of Japan
To: His Majesty the Ming Emperor of China

We apologize if we have offended the Emperor by our request. We will indeed do our best to erase the wokou. As long as the Chinese and Ryuukyuuan navies maintain naval superiority, the wokou will be trapped on land and Japanese troops will exterminate them.
Shall we begin the operations this year (1501)?
To: Ashikaga Yoshizumi, Shogun of Japan
From: Sho Shin, King of Ryukyu

We will without a doubt maintain naval superiority. If we all play our part in this great cause, our enemies will kneel before us in defeat.

To: The Great Ming Emperor, Ruler of All of China
From: Sho Shin, King of Ryukyu, Vassal of the Great Ming Empire

May I ask for but a small amount of funds to help us Ryukyuans improve our navy? We mean no dishonor to you, but our nation is surrounded by the sea and live in harmony with it. For generations our people have learned the ways of the ocean, perfecting maritime travel. With but a miniscule fraction of the Ming Empire's great wealth, we could create magnificant ships to go along with our great ocean-going experiance. It would be the greatest investment the Ming Empire could make, as it would ensure no wokou, barbarians, or anything else could ever possibly assault your empire by sea.
That tipped it over the edge- I was waiting from a result from alex994, and it doesn't seem to be coming. Cowardly quitting again.
Briefly rejoining as Naples...

The Kingdom of Naples reminds the House of Lee that the agreement was to help us take Algiers- as we have not given up yet, you are still obliged to serve.

The Humble House of Lee would like to politely remind the noble King of Naples that the House of Lee did not enter any contractual agreement with the Kingdom of Naples that states we would enter into a partnership or arrangement of any sorts involving the Neapolitan conquest of Algiers. The House of Lee is not involved in any of the Kingdom of Naples' foreign or domestic affairs with the sole exception of being the conduit through which the Kingdom of Naples gained the privilege of renting a mercenary army for one turn.

What the House of Lee did agree to upon was to facilitate Your Highness' attack upon Algiers via renting Your Highness an army. As always, the House of Lee would prefer to communicate in discretion upon such sensitive issues. However, as Your Highness request an open communique, we shall do our best to please.

Your Dutiful Servant,
Signore Lee of San Marino
To:Jihadists of India

We are almost there and Allah will carry us onward! Join us from north and south and east and west! We must crush the impetuous Hindus and destroy Rajput!

To: Malwa and Sind

Please reconsider your decision! Only cowards take a fight halfway and back out. Do you truly believe Allah is the greatest and the cow people are heretics? Or were you just in the war for greed and money? We must fight on.
To the Sultan of Gujarat
From the Princes of Malwa and Sind

We greet our Muslim Brother with humility, piety and praise for the successful war against the Rajput. But war is an expensive proposition and one which is quite beyond our means to continue into the future. We will support your efforts as best we can from within the havens of our borders and will pray to Allah for your victory.
I was wondering if I could join as korea. i hope its not to late.
Korea? Sure. I will create stats this week and post them. Please post, in the discussion thread, your leader name and what you think your factions might be.
To the Sultan of Gujarat
From the Princes of Malwa and Sind

We greet our Muslim Brother with humility, piety and praise for the successful war against the Rajput. But war is an expensive proposition and one which is quite beyond our means to continue into the future. We will support your efforts as best we can from within the havens of our borders and will pray to Allah for your victory.
Your prayers are appreciated, but something more tangible would be even better. We understand if you can't send something to the fight at the moment, but Allah would prefer more tangible help to his warriors. Could you spare a loan of gold to the war effort?

And what does Alam Khan think of my proposal?
This all depends on Bird's approval

To: Ashikaga Yoshizumi, Shogun of Japan, Sho Shin, King of Ryukyu
From: Imperial Chancellor

Both Japan and Ryukyu seek finances, one to solidify his rule, the other to expand maritime development. Imperial China has sufficient finances, but a smaller navy then both who seek it, so naturally, a trade would be beneficial to all involved parties.

What the Imperial Court proposes, is that Japan and Ryukyu sell a part of their warfleets to China, this would free up their tax burden, as well as net a price for the ships, while all the while keeping the warships within the alliance that seeks to combat the Wokou.

Again, I am not sure if Bird would allow this, but if he does, feel free to send me a PM to discuss the details.
To Dimitriy, newly crowned Grand Prince of all of Rus,
From King Hans of Denmark, Sweden and Norway

The news of Your Father's death saddens Us greatly; know that He was an honest man, and a good ruler. We have high hopes that You will walk in His footsteps, and Yourself emerge as a grand ruler, with Our daughter by Your side in marriage.

We wish to inform You and Your mentors that, due to the most unfortunate events concerning the visit of The Holy Father Himself, not even the emissaries of God Himself has been able to talk the rebel, Sven Sture, into giving up his throne. It is Our wish that Your armies will assist Ours as Your Father wished it; We march upon the Swedish rebels in the spring of The year 1502. May God lead Us to victory!

Your Friend and King of the Kalmar,
Hans of Denmark.

From: Demetrius, Great Prince of Moscow, Sovereign of All of Rus, etc., etc.
To: Hans, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, etc., etc.

We are happy to receive Your message and hope that You are well, for in the last days of Our father You were his closest and most trusted ally. When he was dying, he made Us swear to God that We will remain true to this sacred agreement. Thus for Us it is a matter both of honour and of filial duty to assist You against all Your enemies, and therefore We intend to do so with twice the effort previously applied by Our and Our father's servants.

For this reason We have been aghast to hear that some evil tongues had spread rumours among the merchants that Our servants have tried to seize Your lands while fighting against the rebels; yet We are certain that You, as well as all other sensible people, have given those rumours no heed, for they are entirely groundless and doubtless manufactured by the evil-minded Devil, who hates our holy brotherhood.

As to the exact matters of war, We admit Our knowledge of those to be lacking at time, but will instruct Our faithful and wise servants to go to Your court and talk with You and Your ministers and generals as to how to defeat the Godless rebels.

Know that We shall deliver upon all the promises given by Our father fully, and will do more still to help You - You need but ask, and We will give. As for Ourselves, We merely and meekly ask that You will allow Us to marry Our beloved, Your daughter, as soon as We become fit to marry and reign according to the law of Our land, two years from now.

We wish You health and success in all endeavours.
OOC: @Dannydehz: Nice idea. It'd be interesting if Bird does allow it.
From: Ashikaga-shougun of Japan
To: His Glorious Majesty the Ming Emperor of China

Your proposal is wise. Ships will not help us retain order on land, money will. Japan simply requests that the transaction not take place until after the operations against the Wokou are finished.

From: Ashikaga-shougun of Japan
To: His Majesty the Ming Emperor; King Shou Shin of Ryuukyuu

Japan wishes to confirm the date and plans for the operations against the Wokou.
Our understanding is that it will take place this year (1501).
Our intent is to sweep the south coast of the Chuugoku area from Oosaka westward and then the entire perimeter of Kyuushuu. The main part of the fleet is to move ahead of the army and trap the pirates before the army arrives, while detachments will be continuously blockading their main bases in the provinces of Nagato, Higo, and Satsuma.
Are these plans correct and acceptable?
To: The Ming Emperor, Wise Ruler of All of China
From: King Sho Shin, King of Ryukyu

We are willing to sell 20 ships to the Ming Empire. Name your price, and they will be yours to command. We are fully willing to sell the ships this year (this turn) or any other date you may suggest.

To: Ashikaga Yoshizumi, Shogun of Japan
From: Sho Shin, King of Ryukyu

I would gladly have my ships patrol the waters near Kyushu for wokou. Your southern waters will be under good care.
To: Spain, Portugal, the World

His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII,
Episcopus Romanus et Vicarius Christi, Successor Principis Apostolorum, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis, Patriarcha Occidentis, Primas Italiae.

On the Division of New Spain and Diascia

The representatives have discussed and presented their cases and as the Vicar of Christ, We have come to a final judgement regarding the situation of the newly discovered lands across the Atlantic.

We acknowledge that we still do not know enough about the new lands to make a complete and binding judgement regarding the new lands of New Spain and Diascia.

We also assume New Spain and Diascia to be a similar landmass for the purposes of division.

As a result, the boundary of New Spain and Diascia shall be placed that 16°N, or the line at the centre of the Cape Verde Islands, with New Spain comprising all land to the north and Diascia comprising all land to the South.

This judgement shall be reviewed when more is known about these lands as well as the idioneitas (suitability) of each of the Catholic kingdoms of Spain and Portugal to spread Christendom into the New World.

This is the judgement of God's Representative on Earth.

In nomine Patris, et Filie, et Spiritus Sancti
Confucius say: Let the buyer beware!

I have no problem with nations selling ships (or other things) to one another. Just be clear (and tell me) who will be crewing them and when in the turn the sales takes place. Upkeep for those ships will be assigned to the receiver at the end of the turn.

EDIT: I cannot speak to whether or not it is a good idea or not. It is frought with possibilities. :D
To all the states of the Maghreb, from Morocco to Tripoli:

The news of the winds and tides and the favorable light of Allah has doubtlessly reached you by now, and we celebrate united as we relish in the great joy of the Barkiyaruq and his noble legions over the heartless infidels from the north who lust over our land. It is well that we commend Barkiyaruq in his courage and his resolve, for without the brilliance of he and his men, we could well be facing the prospect of infidel ravaging the lands of all North Africa by this very hour.

But still, we must react in dismay to the disunity of the emirates and kingdoms of the Maghreb. Should we foster Dar al-Islam and the house of peace, and prevent Shaitan’s work from bedeviling it to the ravages of Dar al-Harb and the house of war, we must take care to repel and resist further incursions in the blessing of union. For there is no greater deterrence to the enemies of Allah than Allah’s followers standing together undaunted and indivisible.

For those who believe that they may oppose Shaitan’s work while shunning their valued neighbors in defiance of Allah’s will, let us examine the harsh realities of the annals of history. Take warning from the once proud Caliphate of Cordova, which once reigned and brought the House of Peace far north to the majesty of the al-Andalus. In disunity it broke into many kingdoms and emirates, and soon they were swallowed up one by one by the darkness of the infidels until none were left. How many of us have wrung our hands in despair and helplessness as Granada helplessly endured siege endured siege without hope of aid? As what once was the Dar al-Islam turned into the blackness of Dar al-Harb and the true and pure of faith were persecuted and maligned, unable to profess Allah’s will? Shaitan may have only had 5000 at his command this time, but what of the next? We saw in what formerly was the al-Andalus how massive the legions of evil may be.

We must not be so blinded by pride to avoid the spirit of cooperation that will preserve our lands and protect the true believers. In the east, a new khalifa of the Sublime State will soon take hold that sends shivers and spasms of fear down the spines of infidels. Should the Maghreb wring away some of his pride and take back some of his honor, that khalifa may signal a new dawn of the House of Peace over all we hold dear. Is it not too much to ask of the emirs of North Africa to pledge allegiance of their own cities to Barkiyaruq as emir of emirs of North Africa? Is it not too much, for Barkiyaruq in turn, to pledge loyalty to the khalifa as their supreme beylik in the spirit of mutual protection and progress for those true in faith?

To: Sven Sture
His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII,
Episcopus Romanus et Vicarius Christi, Successor Principis Apostolorum, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis, Patriarcha Occidentis, Primas Italiae.

I am grieved to hear that you did not respect the wishes of my esteemed predecessor who had strived to foster peace between Christian brothers and martyred himself for that cause. It is on your head that Innocentus VIII died. It is on your head that this potential war between the rightful King of the Kalmar Union and yourself, a mere regent will break out causing bloodshed between Christian and Christian.

Pray tell how one could potentially reconcile this?

Should you not see reason and go to the table with King Hans, the rightful King of the Kalmar Union, I will have to ensure that you and anyone who fights on your side are not considered Christian - to satisfy the conscience of the Church, and in respect of the memory of the previous Pope who was martyred for the sake of peace. It is my belief that you shall do the right thing.

The Pope is dead. Long live the Pope.

To; His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII
From: Sven Sture, King of Sweden

We wish your holiness health and success with the rebuilding of Rome. Sweden's course has been set. We will be free and independent from the Danes as well as the Russians. They have brought this war upon our heads and we will defend ourselves as required.

Your great powers would be better applied to turn the forces of conquest from the Christian people of Sweden towards the evil Turk who thrives while enjoying the companionship of the French and Russians alike.

Be the Pope! Call forth the armies of the Lord of Hosts to smite the sultan who breeds his legions of war in the ancient city of Constantine the Great. Do so and we will join your crusade in the name of Jeus who is the Christ.

Turn your thoughts away from the selfish and petty greed of my northern neighbors and look east to the dark cloud of Islam which threatens all of us. Chastise those christians who would seek to be friends with them. Turn the armies of Orthodoxy from our lands and send them south, to the steppes and the Crimea. Let us Christians all unite together to march east and split asunder the evil Turk and his hated ways. Be the Pope of Christianity; be the Pope that leads us all to the glorious and joyful taking of Jerusalem.
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