• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

BirdNES 3: When Worlds Collide

To: Sven Sture
His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII,
Episcopus Romanus et Vicarius Christi, Successor Principis Apostolorum, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis, Patriarcha Occidentis, Primas Italiae.

Indeed, as a Pope it is my duty to return the land of the Christians to Christendom.

However, if Christendom is sick from within, how is one to retake those we have lost? How can we smite the Turks if our own brothers turn on each other? How can we turn our forces against the infidel if there are people within Christendom who do not recognise their own place within the order of all things?

Be the Regent of Sweden! Call forth the armies from the region which rightfully belongs to King Hans of the Kalmar Union and pay homage to he who is your King. Do so and the world will accolade you as a noble man who understands the way of the world.

Turn your thoughts away from selfishness and petty greed and look south towards your rightful King. Chastise those who are disloyal to the King of the Kalmar Union. Turn the armies of your region in the Kalmar Union from fighting your own King and send them south, to the steppes and the Crimea. Let us Christians all unite together to march east and split asunder the evil Turk and his hated ways. Be a responsible son; be the one who acts as Our hand towards the glorious and joyful taking of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
To: Sven Sture
His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII,
Episcopus Romanus et Vicarius Christi, Successor Principis Apostolorum, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis, Patriarcha Occidentis, Primas Italiae.

Indeed, as a Pope it is my duty to return the land of the Christians to Christendom.

However, if Christendom is sick from within, how is one to retake those we have lost? How can we smite the Turks if our own brothers turn on each other? How can we turn our forces against the infidel if there are people within Christendom who do not recognise their own place within the order of all things?

Be the Regent of Sweden! Call forth the armies from the region which rightfully belongs to King Hans of the Kalmar Union and pay homage to he who is your King. Do so and the world will accolade you as a noble man who understands the way of the world.

Turn your thoughts away from selfishness and petty greed and look south towards your rightful King. Chastise those who are disloyal to the King of the Kalmar Union. Turn the armies of your region in the Kalmar Union from fighting your own King and send them south, to the steppes and the Crimea. Let us Christians all unite together to march east and split asunder the evil Turk and his hated ways. Be a responsible son; be the one who acts as Our hand towards the glorious and joyful taking of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
To: His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII
From: Sven Sture, King of Sweden

You are a wise Pope and I am swayed by your words. Declare a holy war of all Christsendom against the Turk; chastise and bring shame upon the French and the Russian so they break their alliances with him; call forth all the armies of Christ to march now to free Jerusalem from the chains of the Sultan and when they heed your words as you ask me to heed your words, I will submit and be called Regent of Sweden and pay homage to Hans King of Denmark.
To all the states of the Maghreb, from Morocco to Tripoli

What started in Palestine has spread to the Maghreb, The infidel has launched another crusade upon our lands but by Allah’s will did we defeat it. But of the next who knows? The disunited are defeated easily in time, and the infidel clearly has ambitions on our land that is dear to us.
We would welcome flying the banner of the Ottoman as we would be united under the strength of their legion and secure ourselves under our collective will. Should they offer us the beylik and governorship of North Africa, we would gladly accept Allah’s will and the destiny and what he has put forth before me. But, fellow Muslims of the Maghreb, know that we accept not for my own glory or the expansion of my own domain, but because the will of Allah demands that we must not splinter and fall.

We will lead your men to victory against any who dare despoil our lands, as we have done against the Neopolitan, but we will not foolishly ask you surrender the will of your own domain. It is time for us to unite, my brothers, under the crescent and star. Allahu Akbar.
From: Gennadius, Metropolitan of Kiev and of All of the Rus
To: Joachim, Patriarch of Constantinople

We, Gennadius, by the Grace of God the Metropolitan of Kiev and of All of the Rus, do declare with this message our decent and spiritual love for your love of God, most holy by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, Joachim, Patriarch of Constantinople, may you be as healthy in spirit and body as is appropriate to your most holy rank.

Having become with your consent and the consent of the sacred council of Russian bishops the Metropolitan of Kiev, I now write to you to ask if all is well with your own flock and to tell you of a great and Godly matter pertaining to that which has by the Grace of God become mine.

In the Russian land the seed of Christian Orthodoxy brought over across the sea from the great and honourable tree of the Greek Church by Saint Vladimir the Christener had taken well and flourished, and has by now become itself a mighty oak. Though the vile Mohammedans, the Tatars, had long oppressed the Russian land, they could not break the Christian spirit of this land, and were broken themselves, as (I most heartily assure you) will always be with Godless tyrants.

Though in more recent times the heretics, led by debauched sophists and the Devil himself, had attacked the Church here for the first time in its up to then pure and blissful existence filled with brotherly spirit, this woe too has been withstood and the heretics have been defeated. And now, in the reign of the Great Prince Demetrius, the time of true flowering of Orthodoxy in the Russian land has come, and this much is clear to all.

In the year 6435 from world's creation, the Bulgarian Church, until then much like the Russian church led by a metropolitan appointed from your great city, received its own patriarch and became autocephalous, for the Orthodox learning of the Bulgarians had already flourished so much by then that this was reasonable and required for the needs of good Christians. Likewise in 6883 the Serbian Church, renowned for its well-learned and admirable saints had also received a patriarch and become autocephalous. Alas, for a long time the Russian land had not been able to match the Greeks, the Bulgarians and the Serbs in good learning and honest faith, for the people there had faced many temptations and hardships, and remained dark and ignorant, and so required the wise and learned guidance of you and your predecessors. Yet now, I think that the divinely-ordained time has come for the Russian Church to become equal with the Greek Church, the Bulgarian Church and the Serbian Church, to become autocephalous and receive a patriarch, who shall sit in Moscow, for that is the greatest and most Orthodox cities of the Rus.

I know that some will say that I ask for this patriarchy because of my selfishness and ambition; I assure you that this is not so, and that I ask for this out of sincere and unconceited concern for the well-being of Russian Orthodoxy, for this is both an honour it had through many decades and centuries earned through pious devotion and love for God, and a help that it would use to combat pernicious influences and schemes of the Uniates and the Mohammedans and the sophistic heretics and the non-possessor heretics, for they are uppity enough to defy and laugh at a metropolitan, who is appointed by (they say) a distant patriarch in Constantinople, but will not as easily dare go against the Russian patriarch of Moscow. And so it seems to me that this is a great and Godly matter.

And so I ask you to take this matter into consideration, hoping for your reasonable and acquiescent decision.

May the Grace of Lord God the Ruler of All and His most pure Mother of God and our humble prayer be with you together with the blessing upon your sanctity and love of God.


*somewhat later*

From: Gennadius, Metropolitan of Kiev and of All of the Rus
To: Gregorius, Bishop of Rome, Patriarch of the West

I greet you, and hope that you are well.

It was only recently that the awful news have reached me: that your predecessor, the Bishop Innocentius, had prematurely been taken by God, at the connivance of the Devil who was aghast at his holy mission of peace and therefore sunk his ship. Truly, he was a holy man and an example to Latins and Russians alike; I have never met him personally, but have heard many good things about him in my correspondence and conversations with wise and learned Latin churchmen; and it is to his memory that I dedicate this letter.

While being the Bishop of Rome, Innocentius had called together a council of all the Christian churches; many bishops had come from the West, but none came from the Russian land, then presided over by a different metropolitan, and I for one had always thought it a mistake. For while the Latin and Greek Churches are two, Christendom is one; and though there are many sensible disagreements between the two, their being turned into such hopeless strife that makes Christians sometimes think of each other not as brothers but as enemies is doubtless the work of the evil-minded Devil, the Enemy of Man, for at this very time our disagreements are used by his faithful servants, the mutual enemies of all Christendom: the heretics and the Godless Mohammedans, and now also Sven, the Usurper of Sweden, who many say had killed the Pope, and I myself think so too.

Truly, this is lamentable! And I hear also that not much came out of that council; doubtless it would have been different had the bishops of the East arrived as well. The previous metropolitan, may God forgive him and forgive also me for writing this to you, was healthy in neither body nor spirit, was often confronted with various temptations and did not always stand up to them: how could he be expected to undertake such a great cause as conciliation of Christendom, especially when those who do so had often been decried and attacked in the past, whether rightly or not, as followers of Isidor and traitors of the Russian Orthodoxy by empty-headed and selfish connivers? And besides, back then the church was under attack from heretics and shameless, impious courtiers who had deluded the Great Prince as to this matter, and so had not the time to look to the west.

Yet now the heretics have been punished and the courtiers expelled or shut up, and the new Great Prince, though young, is already inclined to support such an endeavour; and I myself, who have always been of the opinion that the conciliation of the churches is a Godly deed and have learned much from my correspondence with Latin churchmen and the Dominicans articulate in their theology, have with the Grace of God and the permission of the Patriarch of Constantinople become the Metropolitan. Is that not a sign from God? Does it not show that He wills us to begin working to restore peace and brotherhood among the churches now?

Therefore I sincerely and with the best wishes suggest that you write back to me and write also to the Patriarch of Constantinople, and propose a new ecumenical council, which would be attended by the bishops of the East; and I too will then write to the Patriarch and support your suggestion. Then we or our people shall meet and talk about the matters of common import in a spirit of peaceful and well-meaning debate, and will then put an end to the disorder and thwart the plans of him who hates Christendom.

I eagerly await your reply. May the Grace of God be with you, as will be my humble prayer.
To: Ashikaga, Shougun of Japan

Your battle plans are acceptable. We will do our part by sending our fleet to help hunt down the Wokou even as their bases burn.
From: Ashikaga Yoshizumi-shougun of Japan
To: The Ming Emperor of China, King Shou Shin of Ryuukyuu

Doumo arigatou gozaimasu. Kachi moga.
(Thank you very much. May we win.)

From: Ashikaga Yoshizumi-shougun of Japan
To: The Sagacious Ming Emperor, Emperor of all China

Japan is willing to sell you 30 ships. Name your price.

OOC: We should all probably discuss prices by PM, just to make things easier.
Azale said:
To: the Rulers of Egypt
From: Ottoman empire

We come to you in search of an amicable peace due to your timely coup of the Mamluk usurpers. Unfortunately, though you have won a handful of minor battles, the great bulk of your armies are devastated, you have no navy worth mentioning, and the will of your people (not to mention your higher commanders) wilts ever more with each passing day.

No one is here to save you, and even if we divert men from Egypt, we will still vastly outnumber you and have more resources at our disposal to increase this advantage even further.

It is with this in mind that we offer a peace, reasonable we believe considering your circumstances:

1. Mecca, Medina, and Aden are to be ceded to the Ottoman Empire.

2. The following land from Egypt proper will be ceded to the Ottoman Empire-

3. The remainder of Egypt shall remain independent and have its independence guaranteed.

From: Janeer Al-Sura Amir ul-Umara, Ruler of Egypt

We bow to your command and accept your generous offer of peace in the name of Allah.
To: Janeer Al-Sura Amir ul-Umara, Ruler of Egypt

We commend the peace that you have achieved with the Sublime State. It is well for those true to faith to achieve peace throughout the lands, and those that oppress the people have been overthrown and deposed. We recognize your sovereign right to your domain, and would like to extend the hand of peace as well. May Muslims never make war on each other again.

Savas al-Ardabil, loyal servant of the Safaviyeh
To the Ummah and all within it who submit to the supreme power of Allah:

In the name of Allah the Compassionate and the Merciful,

Peace be unto you and so may the mercy and generosity of Allah and his many blessings. I come before you as I know the humble and great truth that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger on this Earth.

The rancor and division of within the Ummah, all of whom claim to prostrate themselves before the supremacy of Allah, rankles the chains of those who hope for peace and a better future for man to no end. When Allah sent the angel Jibril upon this Earth, he called upon Muhammad to spread the Aqidah, the creed of the faithful. And so we profess the Shahada in our faith, pray our Salat, show our generosity to Allah and humanity in Zakat, respect the omnipotence and magnanimity of Allah Sawm, and do our best to complete the Hajj. And so too we struggle for the righteousness and purity of Allah in jihad, as we enjoin to do good and resist the temptation of evil.

No true Muslim would find these holy edicts objectionable. Yet why is it that so many of the Ummah fight amongst themselves in the division because of a political struggle long past when we are beset by the worst of enemies? When war, treachery, pestilence, and fear tear at our very souls because of the infidel and infidel-at-heart alike influenced by the work of Shaitan, who are we, servants of Allah, to fight ourselves when the truth of jihad lies hither? The example set by the Ottoman, the Algerian, the Egyptian, the Safavid, to unite in the name of Allah to destroy the oppressor, servant of Shaitan and infidel at heart, that plagues the Ummah from within and without undoubtedly has been drawn as Allah wills. But while the Ummah remains brothers at arms, let us not let this opportunity slip past.

Whether one Muslims believes the legacy of Ali is immaterial in comparison to the statement of the holy creed. Surely, we may all agree that Ali is of the Rightly-Guided and loyal to the edicts of Muhammad, and his cold-blooded death at the hands of Muawiyah is a farce on Islamic tradition and a stain upon our history. But to Shi’a, I ask this of you, was the ascension of earthly kings not so blessed by the blood of the Prophet not necessary to maintain the order of the Ummah? The Shi’a shah and sultan of today doubtlessly recognize this as one committed to faith and just with his laws is the best of rulers currently upon Earth that Allah may provide.

And to Sunni, I ask of you, why is it of good taste and what good is it to denigrate the Twelve Imams when they were loved by their followers as Allah commands us to love our leaders? As the designs of Allah were displayed to us by his Prophet, we know not with the certainty of Allah the all powerful the Mahdi. But is it so necessary to deny the hope of thousands who are steadfast in their faith and submit and spread the Aqidah? Who follow the tenets of the Pillars? There is no such beauty upon the Earth as the hope of the purity of faith.

Whether or not Muhammad ibn al-Hasan does merge with Isa the Messiah and destroys the falseness of the unbelievers and the guise of the Anti-Messiah is beyond our scope as mere mortals. Perhaps one day, when the time of judgment arrives, it will come to pass. We may only endeavor in our faith and our own steadfast belief in the Aqidah creed, and show our benevolence and faith in the eyes of Allah, as it pleases him so.

Let us not, then, divide us into mortal enemies who fight within the Ummah. When asked of our faith, let us not divisively separate ourselves into Sunni and Shi’a, Turk and Persian, Arab and Indian, African and Asian. Let us call ourselves only the purity of the divine word Muslim, sworn to the creed that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.



Some say the plea originated in the environs of Constantinople, others say the outskirts of Baghdad. Others claim the anonymous peacemaker originated from Mecca himself, while still others claimed it had come from afar as a blessed idea from Africa.

Whatever the source, the message spread far and wide and captured the imagination of many Muslims and seeped into the culture of the hearts and minds. Many imams, who had not touched the subject for long past, saw its simple statements of faith as a potent way to re-invigorate religion in their communities. Perhaps peace and unity would finally bind the Ummah, the Muslim world.
To all the states of the Maghreb, from Morocco to Tripoli

What started in Palestine has spread to the Maghreb, The infidel has launched another crusade upon our lands but by Allah’s will did we defeat it. But of the next who knows? The disunited are defeated easily in time, and the infidel clearly has ambitions on our land that is dear to us.
We would welcome flying the banner of the Ottoman as we would be united under the strength of their legion and secure ourselves under our collective will. Should they offer us the beylik and governorship of North Africa, we would gladly accept Allah’s will and the destiny and what he has put forth before me. But, fellow Muslims of the Maghreb, know that we accept not for my own glory or the expansion of my own domain, but because the will of Allah demands that we must not splinter and fall.

We will lead your men to victory against any who dare despoil our lands, as we have done against the Neopolitan, but we will not foolishly ask you surrender the will of your own domain. It is time for us to unite, my brothers, under the crescent and star. Allahu Akbar.
The various messengers sent to the Maghreb states were all treated with courtesy and respect. Their messages were listened to acutely. And one by one they returned home with out any official reply.
So, Birdjaguar, will you reply for the Patriarch of Constantinople?
To: Ashikaga Yoshizumi, Shogun of Japan
From: Sho Shin, King of Ryukyu

I believe I was too selfish in my decision to only patrol around Kyushu. My ships will patrol all of the waters around your country, and will thoroughly search for wokou.
Are all the Maghreb states going to fuse with the Ottoman Empire in the end?
:dunno: I guess we'll have to see how it unfolds. Up to this point except Portugal & Naples, Europe has left N Africa alone to find its own course and it looks like they are doing just that.

In a day or two I will move all these OOC posts to the dioscussion thread.
Declaration of Janos Corvinus

It's come to my attention that a couple of years ago when I was weaker I was forced by fools to give up my claims to the my lawful place as Archduke of Austria and Prince of Luxembourg. Just kidding! I am the ruler of Hungary, and I am descended from the greatest, Attila the Hun himself, and therefore I am the Emperor of the Hunnic Empire and what he conquered, the Emperor of Rome, and there is no chance that I would surrender a title to somebody like a Hapsburg. Also, because the Huns awere the ancestors of the Turks and Mongols, as an original Hun-garian I also am the real Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Khan of the Horde. I am Roman Emperor, but since the Huns were better than Rome, I am also king of what they could never conquered, I am King of Scotland.

I declare my rightful throne as the Emperor of the Roman and Hunnic Empires and King of Hungary and all other lands within, Scourge of God, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Khan of the Horde, King of Scotland, Archduke of Austria, and Prince of Luxembourg.

Remember this and tremble you false kings.

Értünk Kunság mezein
Ért kalászt lengettél,
Tokaj szőlővesszein
Nektárt csepegtettél.
Zászlónk gyakran plántálád
Vad török sáncára,
S nyögte Mátyás bús hadát
Bécsnek büszke vára.
To: His Holiness Il Papa Gregorius XIII,
Episcopus Romanus et Vicarius Christi, Successor Principis Apostolorum, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis, Patriarcha Occidentis, Primas Italiae.
King Piedro II

Father, it came to my ears that our acquaintance to the east, king Janos Corvinus of Hungary, has blasphemically declared himself Emperor of Rome and Huns, Sultan of the Ottomans, Archduke of Austria and Prince of Luxembourg. Within these, I was sickened by his will to be the Scourge of God, and the lord of you, father, the most precious holiness. We saw his letters written to us; and we do not accept his unjust claim of the Emperor of Rome. Blasphemy! How he dares to decide for you to be ruled by the Scourge of God, he has no right to rule our Lord or you, father. We offer you our just soldiers to fend off those barbarians; they must be taken down from their heretical throne.
Declaration of Janos Corvinus

It's come to my attention that a couple of years ago when I was weaker I was forced by fools to give up my claims to the my lawful place as Archduke of Austria and Prince of Luxembourg. Just kidding! I am the ruler of Hungary, and I am descended from the greatest, Attila the Hun himself, and therefore I am the Emperor of the Hunnic Empire and what he conquered, the Emperor of Rome, and there is no chance that I would surrender a title to somebody like a Hapsburg. Also, because the Huns awere the ancestors of the Turks and Mongols, as an original Hun-garian I also am the real Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Khan of the Horde. I am Roman Emperor, but since the Huns were better than Rome, I am also king of what they could never conquered, I am King of Scotland.

I declare my rightful throne as the Emperor of the Roman and Hunnic Empires and King of Hungary and all other lands within, Scourge of God, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Khan of the Horde, King of Scotland, Archduke of Austria, and Prince of Luxembourg.

Remember this and tremble you false kings.

Értünk Kunság mezein
Ért kalászt lengettél,
Tokaj szőlővesszein
Nektárt csepegtettél.
Zászlónk gyakran plántálád
Vad török sáncára,
S nyögte Mátyás bús hadát
Bécsnek büszke vára.

This Janus Corvinus proposes that he is the only true ruler of most of the world. He must be dealt with swiftly, though he is a Christian and it is Christians who should come to bear on him.

It is clear that he is mad, and this is no euphemism. In the first instance this Corvinus declares himself an Earthly God. In the second he tries for good relations with the Empire whom he just declared invalid. In the third he equates the rightful Caliph with a mere Emir. The maneuvers are the wranglings of a man whom insanity has overtaken.

For you people of the book, this Corvinus has laid claim to a fair portion of Christendom and likely seeks to overthrow the authority of the Pope.
Augsburg, 1501

The end of Lent and the coming of Easter were always a happy time in the Verner household. It felt good to be through with the rigors of the church imposed abstinence and return to the more relaxed and indulgent lifestyle of the well-to-do that they were. Nicholas had returned from Erfurt and was telling Helene about his lunch with Jodocus Trutfetter. The university there has adopted the Humanistic thinking of the progressive minded scholars of the University of Bologna and Jodocus Trutfetter was one of its strongest proponents. Their conversation drifted in and out of many topics personal and business. For a while peter, now 9, sat on his mother’s lap and listened. Geography interested him and he often wanted to know where the places they talked about were. Six year old Jeanine was less attentive and mostly sought applause for her pennywhistle playing as she pranced around the room. Even at six she excelled at both music and languages.

The Sultan of Constantinople had wrested control of Egypt from the Mameluks and now controlled the entire East including the Holy city of Jerusalem, plus Cairo and Damascus. Without doubt this would affect trade coming from Indies. The Verner world was changing and there was no end in sight. Nicholas was cautious and Helene optimistic. Eastern Europe was a mess. Poland and the Knights were still at war, Lithuanian nobles spoke openly about their dislike of Casimir and his rule. The Muscovites were expanding their hold in Finland as Kalmar seemed to be falling into total disarray. Corvinus of Hungary was inciting nervousness all around with his talk of a great Hunnic Empire and his contempt for the King of Bohemia. Nicholas’ agents were pretty sure that the war wagons of the Black Army were on the march. Phillip of the Netherlands had even left the Dutch lands to return to Vienna. As spring turned to summer and the campaign season moved north, Nicholas was sure war would erupt somewhere.

It was the same story in Italy. All of Italy seemed leaderless. The Pope was preoccupied with his rebuilding of Rome that he had been largely absent from the politics of the Church and squabbles of his neighbors. Genoa, Milan, Naples and even Florence all seemed at the brink of some terrible chaos that was not entirely discouraged by the ever more impressive Charles of France. The talk of a crusade as a solution to the “Swedish problem” seemed to have faded away as more selfish interests came to the front. Thankfully Germany and the Empire were peaceful. Jean Claude Vauchamps (Helene’s brother) had sent word that both England and Scotland were preparing ships for long sea voyages of exploration. He didn’t know their intended destinations, but would send word as soon as he heard something. Ocean voyages were becoming more commonplace and the Portuguese boasted of regular sailings to Diascia and to their trading fort in Songhai. In Spain puffing on the burning leaves of an exotic plant from New Spain was all the rage. The nobles of the court were constantly holding clay pipes between their teeth and drawing in deep breaths of blue smoke. The rumors said it was quite an intoxicating experience. His agents were sending him some. There was almost too much to do, too much to digest and understand, too much to manage and Helene was due again in the summer.

Wisdom is an extraordinary attribute, Charles, most bountiful of princes. Indeed, all princes should seek it, just as Solomon, as a youth of good parts, spurning all else, alone desired, and which he wished to be his constant companion on the throne. This is that purest and most beautiful wisdom of Sunamite, by whose embraces alone was David pleased, he that wisest son of an all-wise father. Even the pagans see this. Plato wishes those guardians of the state to excel in others not in wealth, in gems, in dress, in statutes and attendants, but in wisdom alone. And not without reason did Plutarch say that no one serves the state better than he who imbues the mind of the prince, who provides and cares for everyone and everything, with the best of ideas and those most becoming a prince. On the other hand, no one brings so serious a blight upon the affairs of men as he who has corrupted the heart of the prince with depraved ideas and desires. He is no different from one who has poisoned the public fountain whence all men drink.

For this reason, mighty prince Charles, it pleased us greatly when you consulted us on the matter of warring against the Turks. For no man attains wisdom on his own, but only by learning it from others. This then is true wisdom, to listen to wise advisors and heed their words. Do this, and just as much as we hope you surpass Solomon in good fortune you will surpass him in wisdom.

Although a prince ought nowhere to be rash in his plans, there is no place for him to be more deliberate and circumspect than in the matter of going to war. For like a mighty storm, war tosses around the ship of state, shipwrecking it in the seas of calamity. From the winds of war spring waves of hatred and violence; war begets more war; from the smallest comes the greatest; from one war springs two. Like a deadly plague it arises in one place and spreads to another, leaving nothing but death in its wake. If every prince kept this in mind, I imagine there would be no more war.

But how much more should the Christian avoid war? If, in the whole teachings of Christ, a single instance or commendation of war can be brought forth in its favor, let us fight. The Hebrews, one may suggest, were allowed to engage in war. But they were only allowed to war by the consent of God. Our oracle, which we hear steadily in the Gospels, restrains us from war, and yet we wage war more madly than the Hebrews. David was pleasing to God, a man after his own heart. Yet God forbade His Holy Temple to be built by David on the one ground that he was tainted with blood; that is, he was a warrior. In His Wisdom he chose the peaceful Solomon for His task. If these things were done among the Jews, how much more should it be done among us Christians? They had a shadow of Solomon, we have the real Solomon, the Prince of Peace, Christ, who through his body conciliates all things, both in heaven and earth.

But, some may say, Augustine approves of war and St. Bernard praises some soldiers. But Christ himself and Peter and Paul everywhere teach the opposite. Why is their authority less with us than that of Augustine or Bernard? Is Augustine greater than Christ? Or is Bernard over Peter? Augustine in one or two places does not disapprove of war, but Christ everywhere teaches against it. There is no place in which the apostles do not condemn it. Yet people prefer those holy fathers who in one or two places seem to approve it. Why do we pass over all these matters and fasten upon those which justify our sins in our own eyes?

But, some may argue, wars with the Turks are justified. For though wars among Christians, such as are commonly practiced among us to our own shame, are evil, wars against the Turks are holy and just. Yet this is not so! For the Kingdom of Christ was first created, spread out, and firmly established not by the blood of warriors but by the blood of martyrs. Perchance then it is not right that it should be maintained by means differing from those by which it was created and extended. For Christ could have called out thousands of legions of angels, if he had wished to spread the gospel by war. But instead he called out thousands of martyrs, who with their precious blood watered the gospel, bringing forth the flower of faith.

Rather than saving the Turk, these wars more readily cause us to degenerate into Turks ourselves. For what of our history? Do we need to mention how many times under pretexts of wars of this kind the Christian people have been plundered and nothing else has been accomplished? Or how about the last crusade, when the good King Ladislas of Hungary and Poland was miserably defeated at Varna because by the pope’s command broke the treaty he had made with the Turks. When the virtue of truth is trampled upon, how can we expect to spread the Truth, which is the Gospel of Christ?

First let us see that we ourselves are genuine Christians, and then, if it seems best, let us attack the Turks. For if we war against the Turks with unclean hands, God will use the Turks to judge us. The historical books of the Old Testament, along with many other passages, show clearly what it means to fight against an angry God and against an enemy whom we have deserved. Or do you think that God only used the pagan to judge his people when they sinned against him in the Old Testament? I suppose it is because God no longer uses pagan nations to judge his people that we are so successful in our own wars against the Turks, so that where he formerly held one mile of land he now holds a hundred. But let us cleanse the Church, root out the multitude of thistles and thorns of vice which do now crowd upon it. Let the Church everywhere be as the Church of France, which stands as an example to all men by your efforts, and the efforts of the Pope.

I have no doubt, most illustrious of princes, but that you are of this mind; for you were born in that atmosphere and have been trained by the best and most honorable men along those lines. For the rest, I pray that Christ, who is all good and supreme, may continue to bless your worthy efforts. He rejoices to be called the Prince of Peace; may you do the same, that by your goodness and your wisdom, at last there may be a respite from the maddest of mad wars. The memory of the misfortunes we have passed through will also commend peace to us, and the calamities of earlier times will render twofold the favor of your kindness.

[1] Much of this is loosely based off of Erasmus’ Education of a Christian Prince. If Erasmus prints such a book in this timeline, this letter could easily be seen as a “rough draft” of some of its ideas. As for the likelihood that Erasmus and Charles would be familiar with each other, Erasmus in his time was the “king of letters,” writing to everyone from politicians to religious leaders, so it would not be surprising that one of his acquaintances in this timeline is perhaps the most prolific European monarch letter writer. In addition, Erasmus actually did spend time in Paris, and it would not be inconceivable that in this timeline there would be mutual interest between Erasmus and Charles VIII, who is a champion of Christian reform along humanist lines.
To Grand Prince Dimitriy
From King Hans of Denmark, Sweden and Norway

We bring word on the situation in Sweden: As a peaceful resolve cannot be reached with this Sture villain, We see no choice but to put the resistance to the sword. As We have already informed You, We march on him and his allies in the spring of 1502, and We request the assistance of the mighty armies of the Rus.

We also look forward to marrying our daughter, Elisabeth, to You, soon.

Your friend, Hans of Denmark.
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