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BirdNES Turn and Stat Poll

Please answer each set of questions.

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Super Moderator
Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM
No need to vote right away; I would rather you give them all some thought before voting. The poll tries to address all the questions raised here and is multiple choice so you can vote for or against each option.

Cradles should stay synced in time
Cradles should advance independently of one another at player discretion and synchronized when required.
Cradles should advance independently of one another at mod discretion and synchronized when required.

Animas should stick with 10 year turns for now
Animas should switch to 100 year turns now

Manipur should stick with 10 year turns for now
Manipur should switch to 100 year turns now

The Manonash should stick with 10 year turns for now
The Manonash should switch to 100 year turns now

I want custom stats
No custom stats

I want three leadership stats
One leadership stat is best

I want expanded technology stats
I do not want changes to the stats
What does custom stats mean?
What does custom stats mean?

I can easily customize stats by nation. You could see leadership as a single number and someone else see it as three numbers. I can add or delete stats so that a player sees only the stats they want posted for their nation.
the last question pertains to tech stat descriptions.
I made the exact same votes that I made in the last thread:
Cradles advance independently at mod discretion sync when required.
Manipur should switch to 100 year turns now.
I want three leadership stats.
All BirdNES players please vote!
You left Lost Boys out :(
Whoops, made a mistake. MOd discretion synce when required is my true vote.

Anyway, I think there should just be one leadership stat but with three weighted areas. But, I dunno, that'll just complicate things.
Who is Yui?
By "Cradles advance independently at mod discretion sync when required" am I understanding it correctly to mean that the mod will determine when to do 10 year turns and when to do 100 year turns for each individual cradle? If so does that mean if someone votes for that option, they are basically invalidating their own vote for whether a particular cradle should have a 10 year or 100 year turn, since they are freely leaving it up to the mod to decide?
Or is it one where the mod makes a decision based on the input of the players?
By "Cradles advance independently at mod discretion sync when required" am I understanding it correctly to mean that the mod will determine when to do 10 year turns and when to do 100 year turns for each individual cradle? If so does that mean if someone votes for that option, they are basically invalidating their own vote for whether a particular cradle should have a 10 year or 100 year turn, since they are freely leaving it up to the mod to decide?

Or is it one where the mod makes a decision based on the input of the players?
I guess it would be up to the mod. ;) Yui108 is a player in other NESes.
15 player votes so far and here are the results:

Keep cradles synchronized in time vs let mod de-link them : 4-12

Prefer Animas to stay with 10 year turns vs 100 year for now: 4-0
Prefer Manipur to stay with 10 year turns vs 100 year for now: 2-4
Prefer Manonash to stay with 10 year turns vs 100 year for now: 1-3

Custom stats versus all the same: 3-7
Leadership 1 stat vs 3: 5-9
Tech the same vs expanded Tech stats: 3-8

If you are in the game, please vote; even the 'lost boys'.

If you voted against letting the cradles move at their own pace, I would like to know why.
Seems like too much work for you, the mod, and the eventual syncing will be as arbitrary as the current assignments. You're just delaying the problem and making it more complex. That's why I think they should stay the same.
Seems like too much work for you, the mod, and the eventual syncing will be as arbitrary as the current assignments. You're just delaying the problem and making it more complex. That's why I think they should stay the same.
thank you for your speedy reply. I think long turns will be easier to update using my new format, but de-linking them does not necessarily mean more long turns overall. A mix of long turn updates and short turn updates might be an easier update overall. And of course, if we try something, and it does not work, we can always change back.

A lurking question is: If the goal is to get through 2-3000 years of history, how much time can we afford to spend in 10 year turns and when do players want them to take place?

Non players feel free to comment on the issues under discussion, but please don't vote.
A lurking question is: If the goal is to get through 2-3000 years of history, how much time can we afford to spend in 10 year turns and when do players want them to take place?

I'm not in any hurry--at all--to get through large chunks of history. The more time and turns we spend in ancient eras, the better (in my estimation). That's likely an opinion not shared by many others, but there it is.
I thought the goal would be to eventually make contact with other cradles, which again will be a pain in the ass if we're all on different timelines. Unless you want to skip some cradles for an update or so to sync back up.
I'm not in any hurry--at all--to get through large chunks of history. The more time and turns we spend in ancient eras, the better (in my estimation). That's likely an opinion not shared by many others, but there it is.

It is shared by me, at least.

I thought the goal would be to eventually make contact with other cradles, which again will be a pain in the ass if we're all on different timelines. Unless you want to skip some cradles for an update or so to sync back up.

What are you talking about? Who said that each cradle had to spend the exact same amount of time in isolation? When they link up, they link up. They basically drop what they were doing beforehand, and go into a new, unified, timeline.
For example, Manonash might have a lot of hundred year turns while Animas sticks to mostly ten year turns. Manonash discovers the Animas in what is by their calendar 2240, while Animas is still at 1620--that just means the first Manonash update turns out to have occurred earlier in history than the first Animas update.
Admittedly, any globally observable events (climate, disaster, astronomical) would have to be left out or left ambiguous until all the cradles met and synchronized, but that seems to be a very minor drawback.
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