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BlaDipNES - A Fresh Start

Edit: Sentttttt
go go go XD
Results for Fall, 2001 (Movement)

Spanish Empire does impression of pig on a spit.

Exemplifying that no good need goes unpunished, when the Spanish forces were busy delivering aid to French cities, Dovermen snuck around their flanks and took hold of Brest. Meanwhile, Carthaginian fleets, wooden and sailed as they are, overwhelmed the Servicio de guardacostas before anyone could react. Spanish army commanders immediately declared martial law for the French cities in which they were stationed and took control of all industry and production for the war ahead.

Finnish Empire rests easy after clearing Scandinavia of Viking threat​

A second, more conventional attack on Norway resulted in a victory for the Fin 1st Army. It caught the Viking's counter-invadion forces and pushed them all out of Norway, which resulted in a lovely monochromatic color scheme instead of a split-complementary one for the peninsula, much to the king's delight.

Italy holds strong in Rome, deflects Carthage's second thoughts​

I'm starting to wean you off my detailed articles. :)

Stalemate at Istanbul​
UBP and 1337 forces have headed eachother off at the (looks on Wikipedia) Sea of Marmara. All efforts at pushing through have met stiff resistance. An outside apprach may be necessary to win this day. Eh, I can't keep the funny on all the time, what can I say?


Results for Fall, 2001 (Movement)
General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 06-May-2007 at 20:47:19 CDT

Order Results:

Carthage: F mao Supports F wes -> spa/sc
Carthage: F nap -> rom
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).
Carthage: F wes -> spa/sc

Dover: A hol -> bel
Dover: F nth -> eng
Dover: F pic -> bre

FinnishEmpire: F fin -> bot
FinnishEmpire: A stp -> nwy
FinnishEmpire: F swe Supports A stp -> nwy

NorthItalianEmp: A rom Holds
NorthItalianEmp: F tus -> tys
NorthItalianEmp: A vie Holds

SpanishEmpire: A bur Holds
SpanishEmpire: A par Holds
SpanishEmpire: F spa/sc Holds
Dislodged from wes (2 against 1).

UBP: A bul -> con
Failed because leetAscendancy: F con -> aeg failed.
UBP: F gre -> aeg
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
UBP: A rum -> sev

Vikings: F bal -> ber
Vikings: F edi -> nth
Vikings: F nwy -> stp/nc
Bounced with stp (1 against 1).
Dislodged from stp (2 against 1).

leetAscendancy: W ank -> bla
leetAscendancy: F con -> aeg
Bounced with gre (1 against 1).


Spoiler Fall 2001 Moves :

Spoiler Fall 2001 Results :


Spanish Empire: Fleet at Spa can retreat to por, lyo, or mar.
Vikings: Fleet at Nwy can retreat to ska, nwg, or bar.

Fall 2001 Retreats Due: Tue, 7:00 PM EST
retreat to marseille
To 1337 ascendancy
From UBP

(oh fine~!)
Prepare for the worst, and we suggest you to surrender without a fight.
From: The 1337 Ascendancy
To: The United Baltic Provinces

The technocrats would like to gently tell the geographically challenged that although defeat may appear to be inevitable, we shall live on in the name of technology. Subjugated will our haven of technology be, but we will emerge again.

Also, we would like to remind the denizens of the poorly managed government of the "Baltic" states that their government actively engages in a covert operations that utilize deceit and coercion to force people to do what they want.

We may have settled in a poor location. We may have created an island of peace. But apparently, your government is bloodthirsty. Nothing shall stand in their way of power, at the price of peace.

If it is a war that is wanted, then it is a war that shall be had.

Haxor Dood
King of the 1337

Postscript: In the future, we would appreciate your messages to contain the proper nuances of English. We understand that along with a lack of understanding of geography, the heads of government may be just a tad lacking in their intelligence, but do us the favor of capitalizing our whole title. It's a proper noun, if that can be remembered.
Just passing by.

Judging by what I see, it is painfully clear that the head of the government of the 1337 is a tad bid stolid.

Clearly not a 1337 player indeed.
To: Mod

Why didn't I move to stp? It was undefended, and I had a naval border to it. Is there a rule that you can't attack if your base of invasion is attacked? Because my intention was to lose norway and gain stp.
To: Mod

Why didn't I move to stp? It was undefended, and I had a naval border to it. Is there a rule that you can't attack if your base of invasion is attacked? Because my intention was to lose norway and gain stp.

Edit: Edit: ... nvm wont work cause you have a fleet nvm XD
To: Mod

Why didn't I move to stp? It was undefended, and I had a naval border to it. Is there a rule that you can't attack if your base of invasion is attacked? Because my intention was to lose norway and gain stp.

You were blocked by MjM's army going the opposite way (though you couldn't block him because of his support). If you attacked from, say, the Barents Sea, it would have been successful.

edit: xpost
iggy, do your retreat order so we can go to build order XD
build order sent XD
Can someone clear this up for me? Say I was attacking a province with 1 defender and I have 1 support onto my attack. What would happen if say another enemy unit attacked my attacking unit from an entirely different direction would my attacker's attack halt or would it continue ceeding its original spot to the enemy attacker.

I can try to be clearer if you dont understand.
Can someone clear this up for me? Say I was attacking a province with 1 defender and I have 1 support onto my attack. What would happen if say another enemy unit attacked my attacking unit from an entirely different direction would my attacker's attack halt or would it continue ceeding its original spot to the enemy attacker.

I can try to be clearer if you dont understand.

Correctness bolded.
who didn't turn in order??
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