BOTWAWKI Revised Thread

Narwhal Imperial Republic
Spoiler :

The Narwhal Imperial Republic had a fairly quiet year, as its reputation has kept most raiders at bay and its military might wiping out the threat from ghouls and other creatures. Immigration and natural growth has begun to strain the basic resources of the Republic, and efforts have been made to expand the nation's farming capacity. New farming equipment was constructed, and mushrooms and fungus were used to help in the more urban areas. A massive amount of new food supply was expanded throughout the region as immigrants were sent to work on Long Island. The Couriers, usually tasked to finding other goods, instead began desperately searching for food to feed their families and friends, while merchants in the market began trading water for whatever food they could. Some dispute arose when a merchant promised a good deal of food, enough to feed five hundred people over the course of the year, in exchange for a fairly small amount of weapons. The government's refusal to make the trade has raised the hackles of many who see doom rising on the horizon.

The engineers and robots of Vault 100 have once again interacted with our people, helping establish a trading route from the vault to Nyack, our northernmost outpost. Interstate 87 has been cleared through the region, thanks to New Appalachia, a new settlement to the north, just as much as to the vault's robots. Furthermore, the vault dwellers have taken one of the water chips from Vault 2 in order to repair their own. Most importantly, though, the engineers of Vault 100 have discovered and deactivated the program to exterminate all residents within Vault 2. Secret panels opened up all over the vault, revealing an army of Sentry Bots primed and ready for extermination. These robots are now under the direct control of Vault 100 and have since withdrawn to the north.

Overseer's Challenge: Despite our best efforts and all elements we could manage, the walls seem to be about to tumble down. Even at reduced rations we are looking at the probable deaths of 25% of our population next year. With over a thousand entering the grave, we're likely about to face cannibalism, riots, revolt, and revolution. How do we respond?
Spoiler :

+600 Food, -600 Water from Forum trading
+110 Food from Courier salvage
-5% Loyalty from refusal of merchant's services
+190 Food, +90 Water, +3,100 Scrap Parts, +5 Tech Parts, +40 Ammunition, +30 1-H Guns, from towns scavenging and NYC deconstruction
+50 Food per turn at Caumsett, +10 Food per turn at Hyde, +40 Food per turn at Jifkia, +10 Food per turn at Republic from farming expansions
+20 Food per turn at Narwhal City, +10 Food per turn at Battleship City, +20 Food per turn at Coney Island, +20 Food per turn at Liberty Island, +20 Food per turn at Princeton Fort from "shroomaculture"
+200 Food per turn at Fort Narwhal, +100 Food per turn at Fort Totten from farming equipment construction
+240 Population, +80 Food, +40 Water from Immigration
+225 Population, +15 Slaves from Natural Growth
+1,000 Water per turn from Increased Project Purity production

New Frostburk
Spoiler :

The faction of New Frostburk has had very few events this year, as the majority of their effort and capacity has been thrown into a major expedition known as the Frostburker Army heading to Pittsburgh. So far, they have found absolutely nothing of interest or note, except a few minor collections of tech parts. Virtually all towns they have went through have been abandoned or empty save a few scattered ghouls or other monsters. No other human groups or communities were encountered until they reached the outskirts of Pittsburgh, so most of their concealment efforts were rather pointless. Even upon reaching Pittsburgh they were attacked by a small raider force, which was easily wiped out by an over-zealous display of firepower.

At home, the departure of the Frostburker Army has made it virtually impossible to maintain the fields at the New Frostburk bunker. The fields have since mostly gone to waste and rot in the fields, as no one was available to bring them in. This development has of course not been very popular among the people, particularly with a portion of the food "wasted" to instead create alcohol. Other efforts on the home front were minor at best, as most people were too busy farming to focus on scavenging or other projects.

Overseer's Challenge: The creation of the Frostburker Army is becoming a hated policy by many people both in the army and at home. Those in the army resent being away from their homes for so long, while those at home resent the loss in production and the departure of their friends and family. How do we respond?
Spoiler :

+200 Scrap Parts from community scavenging
+200 Food, +200 Water, +300 Scrap Parts, +3 Tech Parts from Frostburker Army scavenging
-470 Ammunition from Frostburker Army losses
-5% Loyalty, -150 Food per turn at New Frostburk from lack of labor
+40 Population from Natural Growth

Rutgers Sheriffate
Spoiler :

The Rutgers Sheriffate had a fairly eventful year, sending out expeditions to nearby cities and locations to find goods for salvage. The first such expedition went towards the northwest, through some towns and cities, and managed to avoid much notice by hostiles, with the exception of a single pitched battle. The towns they passed were predominantly populated by a good amount of feral ghouls and beasts, and not so many human groups. They eventually reached their overall destination, Mountain Home Air Force Base. There they made a grand discovery. The base, which apparently was home to an obsolete reserve of the US Air Force before the war, had only been hit by a single Chinese nuclear weapon. Due to the lack of interest by foreign bombs, the Sheriffate's scouts discovered two intact F22 Raptor jets. Though these craft were ancient even at the time of the war, they seem to have been constantly serviced and repaired by a group of Mr. Gutsys which continued to function after the war wiped out the base's human occupants. To add to the extraordinariness of the find, there appears to be enough fossil fuel for at least a decade's worth of operations with the fighters at the base. Unfortunately, no one has the slightest clue how these fighters work or how to go about making them fly. Therefore the Mr. Gutsys were taken and the base abandoned, though the fighters were kept in position and are likely to remain fairly intact. The other main expedition sent out by the Sheriff was to Twin Falls. This expedition met with far more opposition, fighting numerous battles and foes on their journey. They returned with little more than scrap and some food and water. Both expeditions claimed that numerous other areas remained to be explored and salvaged on both routes, but were unable to be accessed due to a lack of time and manpower.

Wendell itself came under attack by raiders this year, striking at the settlement in relatively minor force. Though the population managed to repulse the attackers, there were still casualties among the local population. Fortunately the casualties were relatively minimal and the integrity of the Sheriffate continues to hold together.

Overseer's Challenge: The age of Sheriff Rutgers has begun to concern some of our people. We can't know for sure how long he'll live and of course, who his successor will be. Therefore, some people are calling for the Sheriff to announce his official successor. How do we respond?
Spoiler :

-10 Population, -140 Ammunition from raider attack on Wendell
+40 Food, +50 Water, +300 Scrap Parts from Twin Falls expedition
-20 Population, -220 Ammunition from Twin Falls Expedition losses
+6 Tech Parts, +5 Mr. Gutsys from Mountain Home Expedition scavenge
-55 Ammunition from Mountain Home Expedition losses
+60 Population, +50 Food, +60 Water from Immigration
+50 Population from Natural Growth

Spoiler :

The Seven Sixers began enormous programs of scavenging and development throughout the course of the year, sending out major scavenging and settlement expeditions. The first of these went to New Castle Airport, in the hopes of finding high technology or weapons as airfields are known for. Unfortunately, the airport was badly smashed in the Great War, and not much of any use besides food from the food court was found for the population. A new settlement was established at Norristown, after some ghouls were cleared out in a particularly vicious battle. Another group of settlers wasn't so lucky, as a move to take Wilmington University met with failure. They encountered a very large group of raiders rapidly gutting the place of books and anything of value, and fought a pitched battle. In the process what bits of the university weren't already destroyed soon succumbed to the flames. Those few who survived returned home, battered and badly mauled, forced to leave behind most of their gear and weapons.

Fear for the future dominated the population as the last slaves were freed and made full members of the Seven-Sixers. Furthermore, Aiken Drumm promised the establishment of a new democracy for the people, upon reaching a thousand people within their faction. More importantly was the development of new food sources, which met with very limited success. Attempts to make improvements upon fungus farming more efficient were mostly unsuccessful and continued to suffer from difficulties and setbacks at every step of the way. Traditional style farming was introduced with difficulty at Pia, the only outpost with terrain suitable for such a effort. Attempts to corral radroaches and molerats met with failure, though some minor food supply was gained from hunting the beasts.

Overseer's Challenge: Over half of our population is going to die from a shortage of food. The result will likely be unrest and revolt among our people, how do we respond?
Spoiler :

+5% Loyalty for slave freedom and promise of democracy
+40 Food per turn in Pia from traditional farming expansion
+40 Food from molerat/radroach hunting
+10 Food per turn in Van Solver, +10 Food per turn in Fort Wilmington, +20 Food per turn in Norristown, +10 Food per turn in Pia, +20 Food per turn in The Rush from "improvements" on fungus farming
-40 Population, -70 Ammunition, -10 1-H Guns, -20 Laser Weapons from failed Wilmington University settlement
+40 Food, +120 Water, +250 Scrap Parts, +1 Tech Part from Norristown settlement
+400 Scrap Parts from Philadelphia Naval Yard stripping
+40 Food, +250 Scrap Parts from New Castle Airport scavenging
-10 Population from Norristown settlement losses
+30 Population from Natural Growth

Spring Valley Food Corporation
Spoiler :

The Spring Valley Food Corporation continued to be locked into battle with the Reavers in Council Bluffs. With most of their population involved in farming or defensive preparations for battle in Omaha, the rest have begun raiding and striking across the river towards the Reavers' positions. On occasion these patrols have been overwhelmed and caught, but have still managed to take a toll on the Reavers and their forces. The skirmishes continue fairly regularly, but no large scale battles have yet to take place since last year.

The only other element of concern this year was the introduction of "chems" to the Corporation's society. The faction's leadership was fairly haphazard in its dealing with this, and the illegal trade of chems continues throughout the faction. Testing of various types of chems has only produced more addicts to the drugs, and they are quickly becoming less and less productive members of society. Studies seem to show that while the chems may initially enhance performance mentally or physically, long term they drain all energy and even life out of a person.

Overseer's Challenge: People are demanding a final offensive against the Reavers to secure Council Bluffs once and for all. The obviously superior numbers and equipment of our forces are claimed to be more than enough to triumph. How do we respond?
Spoiler :

+60 Food per turn in Buch, +60 Food per turn in Wehrspan, +20 Food per turn in Zorinsky from farm creation and expansion
-10 Population, -90 Ammunition from raiding warfare
-5% Loyalty from chem influence
+50 Population, +30 Food, +40 Water from immigration
+15 Population from Natural Growth

The Community
Spoiler :

The Community, despite its reclusiveness towards the rest of the world, had a new dispute arise this year as so-called "chems" began making an appearance. Rather than allowing the trade to hide in the shadows of the town, the mayor has legalized the use of chems though the brewing and creation of them are highly regulated and watched. Unauthorized dealers have been caught and hung by the police force for their unlicensed activities. The only other event of note for the small town was the return of a small expedition to Eureka, which returned with what few tech parts they could find and carry back with them.

Overseer's Challenge: The recent growth in use of chems has begun to cause a decline in the productivity of our workforce. Apparently, though they make a person feel on top of the world in various ways, a few months of usage causes quick and painful deterioration, and in the case of withdrawal, frequently death. How do we respond?
Spoiler :

+3 Tech Parts from Eureka expedition
+5% Loyalty from legalization, supervision, and regulation of chems
+300 Food per turn at Agrestic from farming equipment and expansions
+30 Population from Natural Growth

Vault 100
Spoiler :

Vault 100 has introduced new order in the area around Albany for the first time since the end of the Great War in the name of science. Thanks to an expedition to Vault 2 within the territory of the Narwhal Imperial Republic, the vault dwellers managed to recover a replacement water chip for their own machines. On top of that, in the process of deactivating Vault 2 sacrificial system, they managed to gain control of the vault's "emergency procedure devices," gaining full control over two hundred Sentry Bots. Using this mass new wealth of arms, Vault 100 has begun to establish great control over the old Interstate system in the area. A plethora of new outposts, fortified with the new fighting robots as well as a human garrison, has enabled Vault 100 to express control over the newly emerging trading routes.

The base of the new system is Base Station Albany, within the actual ruins of Albany itself, the main station between the I-88 and I-87 branches of the Interstate. Six more outposts were set up, connecting the territories of the Appalachian Commonwealth and Narwhal Imperial Republic to Vault 100. A system of tolls have been enacted, as well as considerable establishments providing a secure place of race and relaxation for any travelers along the route. All of this is simply for a small toll of food, water, or other notable salvage from the old world.

Overseer's Challenge: Yet another series of messages has arrived by secure Vault lines, stating that a newly discovered creature is being sent to Vault 100 for local experimentation. How does INAHAC respond?
Spoiler :

+30 Food, +50 Water, +250 Scrap Parts, +4 Tech parts from Outpost Zeta settlement
+20 Food, +30 Water, +200 Scrap Parts, +2 Tech parts from Outpost Gamma settlement
+50 Food, +60 Water, +200 Scrap Parts, +5 Tech Parts from Outpost Epsilon settlement
+10 Food, +30 Water, +150 Scrap Parts, +1 Tech Part from Outpost Delta Settlement
+10 Food, +30 Water, +600 Scrap Parts, +4 Tech Parts from Outpost Beta settlement
+20 Food, +40 Water, +400 Scrap Parts, +2 Tech Parts, +100 Ammunition, +20 1-H Guns, +15 2-H Guns from Outpost Alpha settlement
+50 Food, +60 Water, +200 Scrap Parts, +2 Tech Parts from Base Station Albany settlement
+5% Loyalty, +200 Sentry Bots, +500 Water per turn from deactivation of Vault 2 and gaining water chip
+40 Population from Natural Growth

Spoiler :

Faction in stasis at the moment. Overseer's Challenge repeated:

Overseer's Challenge: Our attempts to pacify ghouls have met primarily with failure, though some of our scientists still hold out hope. Regardless, an increasing amount of people have begun calling for their extermination, or more aptly "to be put out of their misery." How do we respond?

Wild Wolves
Spoiler :

The Wild Wolves faced a great internal crisis this year as an attempt to outlaw the cannibalism which has sprung up at Camp Future during the late food shortage. The people backing the process, upon hearing of the new law, immediately seized control of the armory, kill those placed in charge by the Homecave, and forced those remaining to eat the flesh of those slain. These people, calling themselves the "Futurekind" have claimed that cannibalism is the way of humanity, and have embraced it and forced others to by feeding them human flesh. They have thus rejected their membership with the Homecave and are to pursue their own course.

Elsewhere, the Wild Wolves have made good progress in making a future food or water crisis unnecessary. A new water purifier has been constructed as well as recreated farming equipment at Home Cave. The addition has been extremely noticeable as they now have a considerable surplus. Efforts have also been made to enslave more surrounding peoples as virtually all of the Wild Wolves' slaves died in the food shortage last year. This has met with limited success as travelling families, less wary than they should be have been, were captured.

Overseer's Challenge: The revolt of Camp Future presents a threat, particularly as the Futurekind hunt our people and others for food in the Gainesville region. How do we respond?
Spoiler :

+10 Slaves from slaving around Camp Forward
+50 Slaves, +50 Food, +50 Water from slaving around Homecave
+200 Food per turn at Homecave from farming equipment
+100 Water per turn at Homecave from purifier
+5% Loyalty from response against revolt
+80 Population from Natural Growth

Radio Stations​

Appalachian Radio
Received by: Appalachian Commonwealth, Flour City, Liberty Commonwealth, Vault 100, Seven-Sixers, Narwhal Imperial Republic

ERC Radio
Received by: Vutg, Earth Reclamation Command

Liberty Commonwealth Radio
Received by: Liberty Commonwealth, Vault 100, Appalachian Commonwealth, Flour City, Bekwa

Narwhal Radio
Received By: Vault 100, Appalachian Commonwealth, Seven-Sixers, Brunswick Nation

Radio Canada
Received By: Deifenbunker, Bekwa

Spring Valley Radio
Received By: Spring Valley Food Corporation, Earth Reclamation Command

Vault 9 Broadcast Channel
Received By: Vutg, Earth Reclamation Command

NPC Diplomacy

To: Vault 100, Narwhal Imperial Republic
From: New Appalachia

We offer to help patrol Interstate 87 if we can be supplied with water from Project Purity and enough Food from whatever source to keep our settlement going.


IMPORTANT TO ALL PLAYERS: Please take a gander at the front page weapons post for the revised costs of all structures and one or two other things based on education levels. In case you dispute this change for whatever reason, I should point out that the changes were already in effect for calculations on objects NOT within that particular post. I'm just catching up the thread with my notes. All costs applied for this turn were those that have been listed so far.

@Milarqui: As far as I can tell Lost Nation is located in the middle of the lake. I figured that instead you must have meant the Beach national park instead and that's where the scouts went.

@technojock: Just wanted to say that you placed the Narwhales' Hyde settlement in the wrong Hyde Park. The one I meant in their stats is on Long Island, not north of NYC. Once again, thanks for all your hard work on the Google map. If it makes it easier, I'd suggest removing the old PoIs from the map, it's all right, I keep track of them myself privately. That may also make the map clearer to read based on the factions.

@crezth: just realized your settlement was in the wrong location on my map. I have moved it to its correct position.

World Map
I thought I cleared the area all the way down there. :(. Oh well, less mouths to feed.
Nicolaus Renaud watched as the crowd slowly gathered. In one hand he held an apple which he slowly chewed. In the other hand is his tool to gather dinner. On his head is his cap and on his back his only change of clothes.

The crowd soon grew to about a dozen when he decided there were enough. Speaking in english... oh the feel of it in his mouth! he managed to say, "Musician of the Wilds, Ol'Nick will pay for food!"

At first there was silence. He tightened a knob and kept chewing on his apple. Maybe he won't get any more meals today, but at least he can try. At last, a little boy, shyly looking into his bearded face, trottled up and placed a handful of walnuts in his cap.

"Thank'ee my friend" he whispered, the, with a stretch he stood and began working his Accordian, pressing the reeds and forcing the air back and force.

"The day ez young, the sun ez brite!
For 'nother neiew lund's sight!
Wanduring de countrysiiiiiide
The day ex young, the sun ez briiiiiiight!"

However, his song didn't agree with all of his customers. A fair-haired lady blanched and quicly pulled away, taking two small girls with her. Another couple clasped their hands to their ears and ran away.

Nicolaus shrugged and kept playing. The Little Boys liked it, and he has at least a mouthful of food to eat that night.

He looked back in his cap, then frowned. Maybe HALF a mouthful...
To: Appalachian Commonwealth:

We suggest opening Immediate trade routes to exchange your surplus food for my Surplus water.

To: New Appalachia:

We will Include you in our water distribution rounds.

We would be happy to exchange 300 food for 600 water a turn. Would this be acceptable to the Narwhals?

Dang it. I forgot to include my new water pumping station that I had planned in my orders.
goddamn junkies, I'ma make them repent their sins before lower school children to terrify the youth. This will be the only way that I will provide any number of blankets to help them recover.

nice update.

We would be happy to exchange 300 food for 600 water a turn. Would this be acceptable to the Narwhals?

Dang it. I forgot to include my new water pumping station that I had planned in my orders.

We'de prefer a more... EQUAL exchange.
IC: Col. Barrett et le citoyens du Canada ont demandu un conférence d'urgence avec Chef François ou le conseil de tribu Quebecois, par radio-chiffre ou autrement.

(Col. Barrett has requested an urgent audience with Chief Francois or the Bekwa tribal elders, by encrypted radio or otherwise.)



:cry: :cry: :cry'

Why is there *no love* for the Canadians?


Also, isn't it a bit mean to make fun of Terrence's username like that? ;)
Awesome update.

Question, in Camp Future, how many cannibals actually revolted? How many of the inhabitants are like "meh" or don't care/dislike cannibalism? There's 400 pop there, do my men expect all of them being cannibals? or are there like 100 cannibals and rest are just "meh"?
Damn. Stupid mayors. Now I'll have to go after the raiders instead of expanding as I want. And why don't the people at Perchtown build more Mirelurk suits???

EDIT: Did the scouts I sent to Cape Vincent manage to get an approximate number of how many raiders were there?
I am really confused.. how can I be +340 food, yet half my people are going to starve? I thought the +340 meant how much my stock was GROWING ahead of consumption :/
I am really confused.. how can I be +340 food, yet half my people are going to starve? I thought the +340 meant how much my stock was GROWING ahead of consumption :/

Food per Turn income + Food stored - FoodpeopleEat = Food requirement.
Next turn Food stores= Current Food - Food people eat + scavenging income.

Took me some time to understand it by myself, but I think I got it.

Also, EQ,
Should my farming equipment + water cleaner increase my food/water income or ...?

Last turn said:
Food: 110 (+1,600)
Water: 200 (+1,350)
This turn said:
Food: 210 (+1,680)
Water: 50 (+1,330)

+100 Food, +120 Food per turn, +200 Water, +120 Water per turn, +400 Scrap Parts, +2 Tech Parts, +60 Ammunition, +30 1-H Guns from Gainesville settlement

So, farming tools boosted my food income by 200 food per turn? Same with water? I expected more :/ But oh well.
Ya, this is a set ratio. For now though, I can only spare about 300 food a turn. It'll probably go down to 1:1 ratio when I get that recycler up and running.
@Northern Wolf: I believe I included all the changes in your stats based on the turn's update. I'll doublecheck but I think your stats are correct. If you want to see exact changes, it's all in your section of the update. Also, the point I meant to relay in the update was that at this point ALL the residents of Camp Future have partook in cannibalism, BUT not all of them willingly.

@Abaddon: Northern Wolf's explanation of food is correct.

@ChiefDesigner: Because Canadians have refused to submit to their true overlords and maintain their farce of being a real country :p
+100 Food, +120 Food per turn, +200 Water, +120 Water per turn, +400 Scrap Parts, +2 Tech Parts, +60 Ammunition, +30 1-H Guns from Gainesville settlement

So, farming tools and water cleaning thingy boosted my water/food income by 200. Eh, no problem, I just expected a bit more but...
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