Break free while you still can!

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Richard III

Duke of Gloucester
Nov 6, 2001
CFC OT IS an addiction. It's a waste of life. It used to be an entertaining waste of life, but after a couple of years of it, now it's made much more wasteful because of :

(a) dogmatism - not that there's more of it, but fewer strains of it
(b) close-mindedness
(c) the impact the close-mindedness is having on my once characteristic open-mindedness (e.g. rage, and close mindedness of my own)
(d) the fact that I barely touch Civ anymore
(e) ...and the fact that this forum, like the world, seems younger and younger ;)

Now, despite the fact that there are about seven or eight of you who I hope to someday run into at an event and hear you say, "hey, I'm --------, but you might know me as ----------," it's time to break free from this ****. And, knowing that the thing that allowed me to break free from ANOTHER forum addiction was that I said something outrageous, in print, that made it impossible to come back, here I am saying it...

And before you know it, "poof" - he's gone.

Anyone with last cheap shots can feel free to e-mail me via the forum.

Goodbye! Remember: counseling is available!

R.III :D :D :D .... (still wishing there was a "salute" smiley)
See ya ;)
Originally posted by Richard III
(c) the impact the close-mindedness is having on my once characteristic open-mindedness (e.g. rage, and close mindedness of my own)

I don't think it has. Anyway, what IceBlaZe said. :)
Good luck to you, Sir. May your life be fruitful.
So long RIII. Too bad, I thought you were one of the more intelligent posters.
Agreed, dumb pothead. I'm still entertained by this forum, so I am still here.

EDIT: I use this forum as something to do when I am home alone and bored. However, I have been wondering lately if this forum is a factor in the amount of time I am home alone and bored, wondering whether it actually does have some kind of subliminal impact on my social/personal life. :hmm:

EDIT 2: This thread seems like a nice place to post what will be my "leaving" avatar.

Bye RIII. :) :goodjob:
The ME threads are more dangerous than I thought :crazyeye:
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