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Britain is leaving the EU

We have not broken any contract. We have simply used our legal right to enact a section of the contract which allows us to extract ourselves ‘nicely’ from said contract.
There is no provision in A50 for a ‘divorce payment’ and so, therefore, no such payments will have be made. Legally we do not owe a penny.

Article 70 ?

Article 70 of the Vienna Convention would be crucial. It states:

Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the parties otherwise agree, the termination of a treaty under its provisions or in accordance with the present Convention:
(a) Releases the parties from any obligation further to perform the treaty;
(b) Does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of the parties created through the execution of the treaty prior to its termination.
If I was a member of a golf club, I might have a vote in whether the club spent x over the next five years building a new clubhouse.
I believe this has been commented on in the press already — the UK seems to treat the Brexit negotiations as a matter of leaving a golf club — to the EU this is a full divorce settlement, where it will be decided who gets custody of the kids, the dog, and the summer house.

Unless the sides work out which of the similes is the actually operative one, expectations will jar.
the UK seems to treat the Brexit negotiations as a matter of leaving a golf club — to the EU this is a full divorce settlement, where it will be decided who gets custody of the kids, the dog, and the summer house.

Unless the sides work out which of the similes is the actually operative one, expectations will jar.

Well, of course, The public has allegedly had enough of experts and the Government very much seems to have had enough of accountability. Those two can't possibly go wrong, right?
I believe this has been commented on in the press already — the UK seems to treat the Brexit negotiations as a matter of leaving a golf club — to the EU this is a full divorce settlement, where it will be decided who gets custody of the kids, the dog, and the summer house.

Unless the sides work out which of the similes is the actually operative one, expectations will jar.

Reminds me of that scene in the film Gettysburg where the Confederate officers are talking to the British observer about secession, and General Pickett compares it to resigning from a Gentleman's Club because some of the other members are getting to involved in others "personal" lives.
You've brought back memories of Baltic Germans I used to know. All dead by now, but even in this thread it made me a smile.
At least something good came of that whole miserable affair then. :)
By Baltic Germans you mean people who were called back to Germany from Baltics in 1940?
Did you know anyone from Estonia?
German Flexibility you say ?

At least something good came of that whole miserable affair then. :)
By Baltic Germans you mean people who were called back to Germany from Baltics in 1940?
Did you know anyone from Estonia?
As a matter of fact I did, people who were called ‘back’ to Germany even if they had never been there and also people chased out by the Communists. Well, as I said, they're all dead.
I'm reading my way through Owen Jones' Brexitland series on the Grauniad, in which he visits towns (including his hometown, Sheffield) and asks people why they voted to leave the EU (well, not all of them did, of course, and both sides give opinions. I haven't read all the articles, but all the nonsense spouted by the Tories and UKIP is not the same as what people who actually have to work for a living say.
I'm reading my way through Owen Jones' Brexitland series on the Grauniad, in which he visits towns (including his hometown, Sheffield) and asks people why they voted to leave the EU (well, not all of them did, of course, and both sides give opinions. I haven't read all the articles, but all the nonsense spouted by the Tories and UKIP is not the same as what people who actually have to work for a living say.

I too read the article about Sheffield, albeit in dead tree format, while travelling back from London yesterday.

It is for the Guardian, which is more generally pro EU, a very balanced article.

Indeed International readers of this thread might like to read that Owen Jones article. I have not read many of his other articles.

Alas, merely listening to partisan diatribes, whether by Kippers or Bremoaners, won't help you understand the issues or the referendum result.
Alas, merely listening to partisan diatribes, whether by Kippers or Bremoaners, won't help you understand the issues or the referendum result.

It's interesting that you substituted "KIppers" for "Leavers" there, implying that UKIP are the only partisan Leavers.
It's interesting that you substituted "KIppers" for "Leavers" there, implying that UKIP are the only partisan Leavers.

I implied no such thing.

If I state that fruit and vegetables, bananas and carrots, are healthy for you, it does NOT imply that bananas are the only fruit or that carrots are the only vegetables.
If I state that fruit and vegetables, bananas and carrots, are healthy for you, it does NOT imply that bananas are the only fruit or that carrots are the only vegetables.

As I read it, it would instead imply that bananas and carrot are not fruit or vegetables.
PM May making an unscheduled announcement after this mornings cabinet meeting at 11:15 - snap general election?
Edit: Or a resignation?
Snap general election in June, if Parliament votes for it. This lady is certainly for turning.
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