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[BtS MOD] Wolfshanze 1850-1920 Enhancement Mod v2.0

I just dl'd this a little bit ago and followed the installation instructions. When I start up the mod it goes to the BTS screen and I can't see the menu. I have BTS 3.17 installed. Any help would be appreciated. I've read about the mod and am pretty excited about trying it out.

I just dl'd this a little bit ago and followed the installation instructions. When I start up the mod it goes to the BTS screen and I can't see the menu. I have BTS 3.17 installed. Any help would be appreciated. I've read about the mod and am pretty excited about trying it out.

I've heard of this problem before... some people get it, and some people never have a problem like that (self-included)... I'd like to know a definitive answer myself, because it's becoming very annoying!

For starters, BtS seems to install itself in two completely different paths... there's an installation in "My Documents", and there's an installation in "Program Files". Make sure you install the mod in the "Program Files" tree... Beyond the Sword/Mods folder (not the "My Documents" path). That may or may not help, but it mirrors what I have done on this end.

Also, there are instructions on the 1st page of this thread (1st post) and in the read-me file on how to install the mod by default on boot-up rather then going through the "Advanced and Load Mod" options. Try following those instructions to auto-load the mod on boot-up.

One or both of the above methods have worked for some people with the problem you have. Give it a try and let me know if it works or not... I'd like to know either way if it solves your problem or not.
Hey have you released any scenarios for your mod yet? I like to play on an earth map but skip straight to the industrial age. The Advanced Start option puts you up to the right period but on a random map. also you cant play the 34/36 civ modes like that.
Hey have you released any scenarios for your mod yet? I like to play on an earth map but skip straight to the industrial age. The Advanced Start option puts you up to the right period but on a random map. also you cant play the 34/36 civ modes like that.

no do not make a world map,

make one of just Europe, really zoomed in
Hey have you released any scenarios for your mod yet? I like to play on an earth map but skip straight to the industrial age. The Advanced Start option puts you up to the right period but on a random map. also you cant play the 34/36 civ modes like that.
There's already some earth maps in the scenarios section for the Wolfshanze Mod. That's about it... I'm not really into making scenarios... but if someone else wants to make one for the Wolfshanze Mod, I'd be happy to include it in the download.
i am just about finished with a release of a 1784 scenario (awesome time actually- end of US revolution and before the second+ batch of Austro,Russo VS Ottoman Turk wars in the near future of the scenario, only the 1st partition of Poland has taken place [it's so cool that there is a Polish civ thanks to Wolfshanze!]... so its much more open to play without war at the start, even though i want a good Napoleon setup) set on a larger Earth map [ i tried to do a North Atlantic map-port but the map was buggy/ not made for 40 civ... but i actually found a great one] as an open-ended Pre-Napoleonic timeline aiming for most play through ww2 ect, using the Wolfshanze mod (since it is IMO the best ;) did i mention how impressed i am with it? oh yeah 'hi' as i come out of nowhere) and i am hoping the time i spent on historical accuracy is appreciated- although some gameplay stuff is balanced in favor such as mid-west USA not being Spanish / French and is instead represented by rebel Natives so the USA civ will attempt to expand into a challenge. i got some cool civs in to match history too- i have never seen an Uzbekistan before:p- and Central Asia is completely underestimated...36 civs and a city-filled world is a little laggy but the possibilites for historical simulation of world domination is worth it :)

i haven't balanced the starting armies and such but i am guessing you guys might be interested in an imminent release to sort of beta test / enjoy the Wolfshanze mod in more ways?

I def. need some input because i have no idea what is too extreme for the attitude modifiers- i want war to be likely but it also shouldn't be eternal hatred, at least for open-ness... there are some vassals at the start, even though i turned it off for later since everyone instantly makes themselves a vassal due to power setup- i want the vassals to eventually make themselves independent but i dunno if making them a vassal will work against it all because they'll never leave?

PS- Wolfshanze, i love the changes you've made such as horsemen instead of horse-archers, which is much more historical than worldwide horse-archer units, when the steppe is known for that unique innovation... also, i really like the heavy infantry abstraction replacing the maceman- that unit is imo ridiculous since maces werent that common as portrayed by a whole class in Civ4, esp. superior to swordsmen- although against armored opponents they are always handy- still, there is a reason the sword and shield stayed predominant for so long

BUG? in Worldbuilder i noticed the Chinese Knight and Pikeman have weird pink skin rendering as if something is off (on the map only- versus the civopedia)... i am pretty sure i have everything installed correctly- 2.82

I set it up to autoload and I still get the same problem...no menu at the main screen. I have the mod downloaded into the BTS/mods folder under the program files.
BUG? in Worldbuilder i noticed the Chinese Knight and Pikeman have weird pink skin rendering as if something is off (on the map only- versus the civopedia)... i am pretty sure i have everything installed correctly- 2.81
Sounds good on your custom scenario... when it's done, I can include it in the main download (next time I update).

As for your bug... I just double-checked on my end.... I see no problems with the Chinese Knight or Pikeman... neither have been changed in a LOOOONG time... so certainly this would not be a new problem/bug as the coding, files and XML work have remain unchanged on those two units for quite some time. It's possible you may have had some issue with memory leakage or something... a simple reboot would probably clear that up.

I figured out what my problem was with the no menu appearing. I updated my graphic drivers and that fixed the problem. Thanks with your help. I'm giving the mod a go right now. I'll let you know how it goes.

I figured out what my problem was with the no menu appearing. I updated my graphic drivers and that fixed the problem. Thanks with your help. I'm giving the mod a go right now. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hmmm... that's kinda funny... by chance what video drivers did you need to update... what kind of video card do you have? It's always been working on my end, but maybe some of the other folks who've had a similar problem might find the same solution works for them.

Anyways, glad you got it working... let me know what you think of the mod.
What do you mean by "can't load maps?". Which maps do you refer to? There's only one map set that's designed for the Wolfshanze Mod, and that's the 36-civ Earth Maps that are included with the mod... any other map would have to be customized to run with the mod.

The main purpose of the mod is to generate new/random map games. There should be no problem with map generation.
Osome Mod Wolfy!!! Nice graphical and ingame touches....

The new ships & air units are a highly welcome overdue addition; just a shame you seem to fly through them before the 'ole skool' units come online.
Nearly makes me want to play on marathon speed just to enjoy them longer.....nearly! lol

My only problems are that it won't play with the BUG mod, only BAT. It's not a major, but I read somewhere that you can now get BAT & BUG combined into one mod? I'm sure I've got everything in the right folders, it just makes me choose which of the 2 mods to run, so I go with BAT because the graphics are prettier.

p.s. My Jager's (easy 2 promo upgrade to 'woody3') are simply horsehockyting all over the poor English Redcoat musketmen!!! Very handy UU indeed..:groucho:
Well, I have been following the menu problem that others have, which I also have, I tried all their fixes and still no menus. I am running XP Professional. I updated the drivers to my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 video card and still no joy. I have deleted the mod, downloaded it again and re-installed and it still is a no go. Only thing I have left to try is to un-install BTS and start over.
I wish I had an answer for you and the others tanklord99... some people have it and can't seem to get around it at all... others have it and figure a way around it... and others never have the problem at all and everything runs just fine. It's a real head scratcher.

Kiwi Tyrant... glad you're enjoying the mod... so you're playing as the Austrians? They'll be getting a very nice update very soon here... I have several new models for the Austrians!
Well, I have been following the menu problem that others have, which I also have, I tried all their fixes and still no menus. I am running XP Professional. I updated the drivers to my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 video card and still no joy. I have deleted the mod, downloaded it again and re-installed and it still is a no go. Only thing I have left to try is to un-install BTS and start over.

ATi's Pre-3XXX series have terrible drivers. And by terrible, I mean atrocious. If you have access to a computer with an nVidia graphics chipset, it could help determine if it's ATi's drivers or not.
2a. American Civil War - Merrimack vs Monitor - 1861
Merrimack was the Union name before they scuttled her to prevent her from falling into Confederate hands. The Confederates raised her, rebuilt the upper portions of the ship into an ironclad, and renamed her C.S.S. Virginia.

Hey Wolfshanze, do you know what I need to do to merge this with RevolutionDCM? I love both mods but as of yet, nobody has merged them. I realize I'll need the FPK file, but are there any SDK changes I need to make to enable everything?
You know Wolf, given how many people are always asking this, perhaps you really should put in some of the DCM stuff. :p
However, most of the features of the RevolutionDCM mod are not MP compatible. Several parts of the DCM mod are, but the Revolution stuff isn't.
Wolfshanze, I've got an Nvidia GeForce FX 5200. I just downloaded the most current drivers just out of curiosity to see if that would fix the problem and it did.

I'll let you know about the mod. I haven't had a chance to sit down and play it today, but will give it a go tomorrow. I look forward to it.
You know Wolf, given how many people are always asking this, perhaps you really should put in some of the DCM stuff. :p
However, most of the features of the RevolutionDCM mod are not MP compatible. Several parts of the DCM mod are, but the Revolution stuff isn't.

Wolfshanze + DCM = Merged Mod.

what we don't have is Wolfshanze + Revolutions. It's what I'm waiting for... as long as it includes inquisition. Who cares about multiplayer...bring on the merge ;)
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