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[BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

You can't really judge things by the in-game calendar... otherwise it takes a good 300 years to build units early in the game.

:confused: 300 years to build units? That seems rather impossinle, even on Marathon speed... Anyway, I play on Normal speed, 1066 AD for Thomas' War.

BTW, I'm experiencing some late game CTDs, with the message "try to reduce Graphics settings" (so I switched to single unit graphics). Sorry, no savgames...:blush:
BTW, I'm experiencing some late game CTDs, with the message "try to reduce Graphics settings" (so I switched to single unit graphics). Sorry, no savgames...:blush:

Actually, here's one; completing the 1st spaceship component CTDs my game, on the very next turn, I believe.

EDIT: I have been able to reload each time (I'm saving almost every turn now, being some 60+ turns from finishing).


  • Spain 1066 TW.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.3 MB · Views: 77
What about a Standard Earth with 18 Civs ? And a few barbarians cities ?

I tried to make that but i dont know how to balance it...

What i tried : placing all the civs in eurasia and africa and oceania...


What about an "eurasia only" map with 18 civs ?

Should be Standard, setted in 750 BC, should be very nice...

Earth in 750 BC : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8th_century_BC


To Jeelen : i'm playing your Earth Map Huge 18 Civs, in 1790 AD (Epic Speed) i have not encountered problems...

Spain has a problem : she cant build 2nd City near the coast since Iberic Peninsula can host only one city...

I suggest two possibilities :

1) Make Iberic Peninsula have more tiles so it could have 2-3 cities...

2) Placing Spanish Capitale to Barcelona location, so a second city could be built
I agree with 'Lachlan', we need a 18 civ Standard Earth map or Eurasia map. However I also lack the ability to make a balanced one. Or maybe a Standard Earth map with 20 to 40 civs? My computer just doesn't have the balls to handle late games on a huge map with many civs.

Also why in the Standard 12 civ Earth map included in 'Thomas' War' is Europe so upscaled? Its almost the size of asia!!!!

As for the random events (Tornadoes, Storms etc.) They all seem to be working great for me since updating to 3.5a. 3 to 5 turns for these events to disappear, compared to god knows how many turns before (felt like 50 to 100)
I'm not sure were you would get that idea. Basically it's only real function is to provide some commerce and extra defense over the standard fort (which provides no extra commerce). Since it's an upgrade of the fort, it gives some more use to that improvement (which is marginal at best in the standard game) if you are forced to build it in your city radius for whatever reason.

I read the civopedia and saw that it acts as a city for military purposes. HAHA
I guess my imagination got the best of me. For all I know that standard Fort is defined the same way. I haven't checked most vanilla entries though in QUITE a while :)

On the other hand I wonder how that would play out; A Fortress that could produce military units. Maybe the fortresses could even be named :) ?

EDIT: Oh BTW, I built a few forts on forested plains and desert tiles. I figured I'd sacrifice a few lumber mills for the extra military production. I had plans to name them after they matured in 90 turns as well. LOL
Actually, here's one; completing the 1st spaceship component CTDs my game, on the very next turn, I believe.

EDIT: I have been able to reload each time (I'm saving almost every turn now, being some 60+ turns from finishing).

The building spaceship components screen repeatedly seems to not work when using the "Add" button. Also, when finishing by having my spaceship reach Alpha Centauri, the Victory movie freezes and I'm unable to view my victory score. (I was finally able to complete my game by using Single Graphics and Medium graphics quality settings. I also disabled the Full Screen option, just to be on the safe side.)

On a slightly different note, I noticed that the different Shieldings actually cover 9 tiles, instead of just the city they're built in. (If I recall correctly Mars Now! for intsance uses similar shieldings graphics, but of a smaller size.)
On a slightly different note, I noticed that the different Shieldings actually cover 9 tiles, instead of just the city they're built in. (If I recall correctly Mars Now! for intsance uses similar shieldings graphics, but of a smaller size.)

This is, because the shield grows with the city size and the buildings size.
I like this feature, but i had to change it, because some of my early buildings, like the space elevator, have big/high models, so my shields were much bigger than my cities.

@Tsentom: If you want to change it, just change the LSytem entry in the artdefines from LSYSTEM_ARCOLOGY to LSYSTEM_1x1.
But i wouldn't do it, just maybe a smaller scaling is better.
I just wanted to say thanks for a great mod!:goodjob: I like how you can use scenarios with it, I'm doing one of the PYL series right now. Couple questions

Why doesn't BUG work with it? Would be great if it did.

Did you make any progress on merging the Heroes mod? I like those additions in that one.

edit: I notice the graph in the F9 screen doesn't show anything on the graph.
i really love this mod and use it nearly every time i play civ
my brother and i play this game alot and we like to play multiplayer games as well

but the problem is that when we use thomas' war on the lan games (me on my laptop and my brother on a desktop, but altogether sharing the same network) it doesn't let us join eachother's games
we would be able to make the games and see them, but we couldn't join them

i would really like to find out how to solve this problem and finally be able to play a game with my brother

I noticed few requests for RevolutionDCM. I second them.

I also noticed your concerns about the mod.

So here is my proposal. What about trying to mod in Combined Arms Stack Attack? That is only thing that is absolutely necessary to make this mod even more awesome. The rest of the RevolutionDCM can be done without if necessary but not CASA. That would make this game and much more this mod even more exciting, y'know?

Thanks for listening ot my suggestion.
Hi, I would like to play more of this mod, but I can't download at all from Atomic Gamer. Most downloads freeze there...at random times.

So, could you post this up on a working website? Say Filefront? :)
Dear tsentom1,

I am a vista user that is having trouble using the mod; but i know it is not the vista because I edited it to not give me trouble. It keeping telling me "Cannot Initiate Interface" or something like that everything is in the firaxisgames/civ4/beyondthesword/mods folder, as you specified, they are properly named and placed; Nothing so far... please help.. soon.

I don't believe that Thomas' War works with Vista. I try playing it and it suffers from an APPcrash almost immediately. I downloaded 3.5 and the animated leaderheads and animated wonder movies (by copying them and overwriting the obsolete files) like it says in the instructions.

BTS, however, seems to not be able to see the leaderheads from Sweden and other leaderheads that were copied from Colonization. (Which I do not own, by the way) The only leaderheads it acknowledges are ones from BTS.
I run Vista as well and Thomas' War is the smoothest running mod I have seen. A couple other mods I have played recently will crash all the time because of Vista, but not this one.

Thanks tsentom1 for a GREAT mod, love it.
This has probably been explained somewhere in the previous 48 pages but: What does MAFS mean?
It says it cannot initiate primary control theme default path is... then a script name and then it shuts down
Help.. please... Just want to play your mod...
Hey everyone, sorry I sort of vanished there for a bit. Some personal stuff has come up that I've been taking care of - still taking care of actually. Don't worry, I fully intend to continue working and will probably have an update when everything is taking care of. Until then, please bear with me and I'm sorry for not responding to all your posts and PMs.
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