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CapNes1: The Continuation of GNES 1949: Time of Struggle for Peace and Survival

To Egypt,
From Canada,

[OOC] Yes, i completely ignored all the stuff about Egypt and eco, since I thought it didn't concern me. Oops. [/OOC] Looking back upon how this currently situation with the USSR started, Canada can see that this issue is partially the fault of Egypt. you knew that you had a debt to pay back to the USR, yet you point-blank refused to pay it back, knowing that the USSR was not too happy with your new Government, and knowing that they, in their typical agressiveness, would be hostile, and threaten invasion, and the like. You knew this, and you knew that you had a debt to pay back. In the intersts of peace, you should have paid back the debt, or arranged a deal with the USSR, instead of stubbornly insisting that you refused to pay it back. You know that the world is a very tense place, and that wars can start easily. Having said that, can we come to an agreement with the USSR that they shan't invade, and you shall pay back the 3 eco, or arrange to have it paid back?
To Canada
From Egypt

We never refused to pay the debt. Never.

Egypt will pay its debt this year, but we only asked the USSR to sign a NAP with us to reassure that they will not invade us after we pay the debt.

The USSR refused and said that they would not sign an agreement with a government they did not recognize. We politely told them then why accept the payment of Egypt's debt from a government you don't recognize?
To the USSR,
From Canada,

In exchange for getting your repayment of the 3 eco this turn, will you sign a NAP with Egypt? [OOC - I will be on MSN tonight if you wanan discuss this through that]

To Egypt,
From Canada,

Yes, we now understand the situation, and Canada will do everything it can to resolve this dispute in a peaceful manner. No one wants war. Your proposal is fair, and, frankly, you have a legitimate reason to be worried of invasion.

OOC - Capulet, any idea of when the next update will be?
OOC: Vietnam's stats are messed up fyi capulet.
Well, Capulet is leaving, so we have no mod once again. If you want to continue say "Ay" and either I will mod this nes or someone else will, since Id like to keep playing the USSR.

Ay, I want this to keep going. I got a Space program to build!

And i cannot Mod, way too busy with RL stuff.
It'd be cool if someone wanted to take over this. I guess.

Saves me the time from writing an update that includes the end of the world :lol:
I must bring Canada into Space, and try to keep this world, well, alive by adverting a Nuclear Holocaust.
3 people so far, anyone else interested in continuing?

Gelion, you can have USSR if I mod the NES ;)
silver 2039 said:
Who'll be USA? capulet?

We can get someone new.

And I am staying put with Canada. IMO, the USSR and the USA have too many problems. Also, I would immediately ban Nukes in any country I took, so that would kinda upset the equilibrium a wee bit.
I would be willing to take over, thoug it would be better to disband the commonwealth if UK becomes an NPC.
Or actually just cancel the creation of it since it has not really been processed yet (heck UK still says conehead is playng it)
Lol and again it seems like to much to manage....
Welll let me see.....
"Ay" and I MAY want to be the mod if I finish my paper some time this week. Note I said maybe :). And Storm, I don't mind, but don't you have another NES coming out?
This MUST go on. Brazil was just about to set its evil master plan into motion, and if it will proceed, we will end up reviving Nazi Germany with a Hitler clone zombie in control.

Kidding, kidding. I DO have an evil master plan, though.
Ay, (I have little time at the moment to post plus there not much happening in Europe.) but this is a good nes
In that case we need someone experienced to Mod. I can do it, or Gelion if he can since its his NES originally. Or someone else wants to volonteer?
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