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Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

Interview of His Holiness


~ Broadcast on RomaTV and on various Latin American and Ecclesiastical Broadcasting Channels


Spoiler :
PELLEGRINI: Welcome to RomaTV studios Your Holiness, it is an honour to have you present

HH: We are glad to be here, as you know we strongly support the development of Television.

PELLEGRINI: To begin, if I may ask a most poignant question Your Holiness. The Magisterium and You Yourself have long been opposed to liberalism. Could you succinctly describe why Liberalism is so opposed to the Divine and Catholic Faith?

HH: Liberalism is a modernist, that is to say anti-transcendent, ideology. The aim of the liberal project is to dismantle the natural, social, and spiritual order of being and construct in its place a society in which the only recognized basis of order is an equality of all human desires managed and pacified by a bureaucratic state. This is dogmatically opposed to the truths of original sin, and to the truths of the Catholic faith. Liberalism, in denying that one must discriminate between truth and error, and proclaiming the toleration of the evil as a virtue, all in the name of a false equality and a false freedom is diametrically opposed to the faith, and to natural human understanding.

PELLEGRINI: Your Holiness, are there aspects of liberalism that good?

HH: Many ideals upheld in liberal ideology are good: the appeal to reason in public discourse; a common rule of law for all citizens; restrictions on the power of government; constitutional checks and balances; federalism based in subsidiarity; and many other things. Error however is most gravely dangerous when it contains some truth, since in presenting some truth people may be more easily taken in by the evil hidden amongst it. Thus modern liberalism which makes non-discrimination, tolerance, equality, and false freedom the ruling principles of society must be rejected despite its praiseworthy aspects.

PELLEGRINI: Your Holiness, what would you suggest is the best alternative to Liberalism?

HH: it follows that the only true opposite of liberal society is a traditional society, in which the order of being is recognized, nourished, and expressed, rather than disparaged, despised, and banished as it is by liberalism, and in which the truth of the Catholic faith is actively promoted and allowed to flourish.

PELLEGRINI: What is His Holiness' assessment of Proletarism

HH: The Magisterium, under our venerable predecessor declared that it is not licit for a Catholic to either be a member of a Proletarist Party, or obstinately and scandalously promote Proletarism through literature or other means in accordance with the juridical principles of canon law. As to our assessment, it is clear to us that Proletarism promotes the same errors as liberalism, and yet to a greater degree particularly in its traditional form in that it actively promotes violence and the overthrow of the order of things in the name of a false equality which is nothing other than totalitarian tyranny. Those who follow this ideology are sadly confused, and we pray for them that they may desist from their errors and return to the serenity of Christian society.

PELLEGRINI: The Proletarists recently engaged in terrorists attacks in the Papal States, with the Inquisition noting more stringent measures will be in place to counter the movement. What would His Holiness say is necessary to overturn the confusion of Proletarism?

HH: Holiness and Charity. The Holy See must of course protect the innocent civilians it is charged by God to govern from violence and protect the sovereignty of the Church from the attacks of its enemies. But at a personal and spiritual level it is the duty of Christians to cultivate sanctity, and to offer the hand of charity to their fellow human beings, particularly the proletarists. Through sanctity and charity they may see the truths of the True religion and be led away from their misguided anger and confusion and into the clarity of right teaching.

PELLEGRINI: On another topic, in Aztlan the adherents of the Mesoamerican cults have emerged, with much violence and conflict erupting there. What is His Holiness' consideration of this matter?

HH: As the Bishops of Aztlan have noted, violence should not be used against the followers of the monstrous errors of the past. Rather as with all error, false piety must be met with true sanctity, false religion with true religion, and false gods and idols with the light of the true and ever-living God. We would also say however that governments, as they rule by the leave of God, have a moral compulsion to support and promote the true religion and defend the rights of the Church of God. It would be an error for the government of Aztlan to tolerate the monstrous practice of the Mesoamerican cults, and insodoing fall into the errors of relativism, and practical atheism.

PELLEGRINI: The Church recently proclaimed the excommunication of the so-called "Old Catholic Church" in Argentina. What is the Church's assessment of this schismatic sect.

HH: Firstly we are saddened at its adherents wanton rejection of the doctrines of Christ and the sacred and infallible dogma of the Faith. In their heresy they deny that outside the Church there is no salvation, and that the Church is the pillar and foundation of the Truth, protected by Christ himself from Error as scripture informs us. In consummating their heresy with the appointment of an antipope, they effectively become but another protestant sect, all the more grave in its heresy by its forfeiture of truth to appease the world and follow the misguided errors of our time rather than hold unflinchingly to the absolute truths of the Gospel. It is the role of the faithful, clerical and lay to convert these misguided souls and those who have been so deceived by their error to the truths of Christ, by sanctity in themselves, and through their words and actions.

PELLEGRINI: The Schismatics departed, so they say, due to the Magisteriums support for Moralism. What is His Holiness opinion of this accusation?

HH: The Church does not support moralism, it supports Catholic Truth. Any association with moralism or any other political movement, be it traditionalism, conservatism or so forth, is engaged in as a prudential and pastoral initiative inasmuch as those movements promote truths and combat rampant errors present in our day. The schismatics by the fact they chose apostasy and false doctrine and rejected infallible dogma went far beyond merely questioning prudential decisions on the part of their bishops and the Holy See as was their right, and showed that their separation was due primarily to heresy, and the adoption of protestant and liberal principles contrary to truth. Ergo their actions indicate the falsity of their statements on the matter, and show that apostasy and infidelity is the root cause of the Argentine schism. rather than fundamentally the actions of the Holy See .

PELLEGRINI: A few final questions. His Holiness has strongly supported television, can you elucidate why you support this technology? Afterall does not it pose a social danger as some suggest?

HH: It does pose a danger, yet like any tool this is due to improper use rather than to any inherent character of the same. As to why we support this technology, it is because it can serve great good in serving as a tool for the proclamation of the gospel. This technology is already established, and the Church as part of its evangelical mission should, we think, adopt this technology wholeheartedly in order that firstly, it may serve the Lord, and secondly in order that the people may, through sound guidance, may be taught a proper way to use this tool, avoiding obsession and the risk that the human dimension of life may suffer from this technology.

PELLEGRINI: Thank you Your Holiness for consenting to be interviewed by RomaTV

HH: Thank you.
EQ, I thought I ordered jets this turn but I don't see them in my stats?
@ORK75: They will be added with stats come the new thread.
To: The Confederation
From: Normandy

We will have to politely decline your offer at this point; it is not in the best interests of the Norman people to join at the current time. Regardless, we congratulate you on reunification, and look forward to further close relations with you.
To: Japan, Guangxi
From: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

The Red Army has been defeated, and China is once again at peace. We are pleased to have cooperated with the two of you, and hope that such a conflagration in China never erupts again.
Treaty of Denver, 1940

In the year of our lord 1940 do the United States of America and Republic of Jacksonia ordain these terms, to be upheld as law in both countries, and to be henceforth recognized as the basis of our legal providence in this effort of Reunification.

Resolved, that:

I. The Republic of Jacksonia and the United States of America agree to immediate cessation of hostilities and the immediate peaceful reunification of the Republic of Jacksonia into the United States of America as a free state with all of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges accorded thereof; wherein the occupied territories of the United States are returned to her jurisdiction and the Republic of Jacksonia Army & Navy demobilized pending incorporation into the United States Armed Forces. During the period of reunification, the United States Armed Forces will refrain from occupying the lands formally entitled to the Republic of Jacksonia.

II. The federal government of the United States of America is recognized as the supreme authority over the Republic of Jacksonia, and the Republic of Jacksonia is recognized as a free state of the United States of America with all of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges accorded thereof.

III. The United States government agrees to forward an amendment on the matter of equal treatment under the law for all male citizens in the United States regardless of race, color, or creed to the United States Congress pending its passage.

IV. The Department of Labor of the United States of America is to be granted privileges of business oversight in conjunction with the Department of Commerce, whereof the necessities of business to respect the rule of law, the dignities of its employees, and the best practices of commerce are to be enforced and managed to the advancement of the general welfare.

V. The United States of America agrees to recognize the States' sovereignty in determining their own laws of commerce, labor, and social law, to be superseded only in cases of interstate commerce and international trade.

VI. The United States government agrees to hold a referendum once the emergency period is expired to relocate the government to another city.

The undersigned agree to observe and respect the items listed above in full, and to employ in every manner the necessary actions to ensure that the demands of these conditions are satisfied in full.


President Henry Harris of the United States of America, on behalf of the United States Congress and the United States of America

OOC: I'll be surrending control of USA to Nuka.
Wait what?
Its quite self-evidently unification via treaty JoanK.
Treaty of Denver, 1940

In the year of our lord 1940 do the United States of America and Republic of Jacksonia ordain these terms, to be upheld as law in both countries, and to be henceforth recognized as the basis of our legal providence in this effort of Reunification.

Resolved, that:

I. The Republic of Jacksonia and the United States of America agree to immediate cessation of hostilities and the immediate peaceful reunification of the Republic of Jacksonia into the United States of America as a free state with all of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges accorded thereof; wherein the occupied territories of the United States are returned to her jurisdiction and the Republic of Jacksonia Army & Navy demobilized pending incorporation into the United States Armed Forces. During the period of reunification, the United States Armed Forces will refrain from occupying the lands formally entitled to the Republic of Jacksonia.

II. The federal government of the United States of America is recognized as the supreme authority over the Republic of Jacksonia, and the Republic of Jacksonia is recognized as a free state of the United States of America with all of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges accorded thereof.

III. The United States government agrees to forward an amendment on the matter of equal treatment under the law for all male citizens in the United States regardless of race, color, or creed to the United States Congress pending its passage.

IV. The Department of Labor of the United States of America is to be granted privileges of business oversight in conjunction with the Department of Commerce, whereof the necessities of business to respect the rule of law, the dignities of its employees, and the best practices of commerce are to be enforced and managed to the advancement of the general welfare.

V. The United States of America agrees to recognize the States' sovereignty in determining their own laws of commerce, labor, and social law, to be superseded only in cases of interstate commerce and international trade.

VI. The United States government agrees to hold a referendum once the emergency period is expired to relocate the government to another city.

The undersigned agree to observe and respect the items listed above in full, and to employ in every manner the necessary actions to ensure that the demands of these conditions are satisfied in full.


President Henry Harris of the United States of America, on behalf of the United States Congress and the United States of America

OOC: I'll be surrending control of USA to Nuka.
I'm not entirely convinced of the integrity of surrendering to a country that you then proceed to take over.
OOC: What... the hell...

To: India
From: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
CC: Argentina, Persia

As Argentina is our ally and friend, the United Kingdom does not believe it should stand by idly in the conflict in India. As the United Kingdom has remained neutral in this conflict, we feel that we would make a suitable arbiter between India and Argentina. Our suggested agreement is simply that India and Argentina sign a non-aggression pact that will last for 20 years; also, seeing as the United Kingdom has strong relations with both Argentina an Persia, this non-aggression pact should be accompanied with similar pacts with both the United Kingdom and Persia, India's immediate neighbors. We would also hope that the Indian government pledge to redress some of the grievances between the federalists and the separatists.
I'm not entirely convinced of the integrity of surrendering to a country that you then proceed to take over.

Nuke just needs to forfeit his prole hat, and acquaint himself with his scottist side :p
Treaty of Asunción, July 1st, 1940

1. Of the domestic defense forces of Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, the stiff limit for each shall be 75 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 30 Artillery Brigades, and 8 Brigades of Armor. In lieu of Brigades of Armor, a number of Brigades of other composition may be held, but exact numbers and types must be approved by members of this treaty.

2. Of the domestic defensive air forces of Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, the stiff limit for each shall be 10 Fighter or Close Air Support Squadrons, and 2 Strategic Bomber Squadrons. Obsolete Aircraft are unregulated.

3. The Argentine Navy shall cease construction of new ships without conferring with other members of this treaty. The Peruvian Navy shall not construct new carriers without conferring with other members of this treaty. All other ship types are unregulated. The Brazilian Navy shall continue current operation.

4. There shall be no meddling in the affairs of surrounding South American states, barring Article 5, except in the form of financial aid or military aid, only in cases where the receiving state has asked.

5. Argentine and Peruvian authorities will issue a warning to the Social Proletarist Government in Uruguay. This will constitute a warning not to attempt to support revolutionary Proletarist movements in other South American countries.

6. There shall be a cease in hostile or antagonistic statements between the governments of the three members of this treaty.
Signed by Peru and Brazil. Discussion of terms is still continuing.
To: India
From: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
CC: Argentina, Persia

As Argentina is our ally and friend, the United Kingdom does not believe it should stand by idly in the conflict in India. As the United Kingdom has remained neutral in this conflict, we feel that we would make a suitable arbiter between India and Argentina. Our suggested agreement is simply that India and Argentina sign a non-aggression pact that will last for 20 years; also, seeing as the United Kingdom has strong relations with both Argentina an Persia, this non-aggression pact should be accompanied with similar pacts with both the United Kingdom and Persia, India's immediate neighbors. We would also hope that the Indian government pledge to redress some of the grievances between the federalists and the separatists.

To: Britain
From: India

The British, of all people, should understand what a terrible transgression it is for one country to foment unrest in another. Argentina has violated our sovereignty; the only course of action they can take now to save what little honor of theirs remains intact is to get their bloodstained hands out of India and leave the one legitimate government of India to put an end to the unrest within its borders. And as for negotiating with the perfidious rebel princes; did the British sit down with the Red Army to "redress some of the grievances" between them? Obviously not, as the tens of millions dead in China can attest. Your own nation understood that those who revolt have signed their own death sentences, and you were able to do what needed to be done. And now London claims that Mumbai does not reserve that same sovereign right?

India will sign no agreement with any nation who wallows in such hypocrisy, nor will we treat with those who endorse your hypocrisy by virtue of their alliances with you. We will most especially not sign such a pact with the Argentines, who have already made apparent their fickle nature with their violation of a previous non-aggression pact in Uruguay.

To: Argentina
From: India

Do not hide behind Britannia's skirts; we have no inkling as to what your interests in extending an already bloody civil conflict in India might be but we will not tolerate further insult and injury from your nation. We know not if the concept of Karma has yet reached Buenos Aires, but it is a concept you may yet soon become familiar with if you continue to insist on causing untold amounts of grief in other nations.
General Announcement

Due to a breakdown in negotiations, the Treaty of Denver has failed to achieve diplomatic salience.

The United States hereby terminates the armistice and resumes hostilities.
Treaty of Asunción, July 1st, 1940

1. Of the domestic defense forces of Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, the stiff limit for each shall be 75 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 30 Artillery Brigades, and 8 Brigades of Armor. In lieu of Brigades of Armor, a number of Brigades of other composition may be held, but exact numbers and types must be approved by members of this treaty.

2. Of the domestic defensive air forces of Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, the stiff limit for each shall be 10 Fighter or Close Air Support Squadrons, and 2 Strategic Bomber Squadrons. Obsolete Aircraft are unregulated.

3. The Argentine Navy shall cease construction of new ships without conferring with other members of this treaty. The Peruvian Navy shall not construct new carriers without conferring with other members of this treaty. All other ship types are unregulated. The Brazilian Navy shall continue current operation.

4. There shall be no meddling in the affairs of surrounding South American states, barring Article 5, except in the form of financial aid or military aid, only in cases where the receiving state has asked.

5. Argentine and Peruvian authorities will issue a warning to the Social Proletarist Government in Uruguay. This will constitute a warning not to attempt to support revolutionary Proletarist movements in other South American countries.

6. There shall be a cease in hostile or antagonistic statements between the governments of the three members of this treaty.
Signed by Peru and Brazil. Discussion of terms is still continuing.

Brazil confirms her signature on this document. The Moralist government of Brazil has always striven for arms reduction on the continent and peaceful resolution to conflict. We will continue our peaceful ways of self-defense and zealous protection of democracy. Argentine and Peruvian agreements to stop the naval arms race gives Brazil reason to accept land and air reductions to levels that would deter armed conflict.

We congratulate the Peruvian government on coming forward with this proposal, and we extend our hand in friendship to the both of you.
Florida finds itself incapable of fully expressing the enormity of the disgust it holds for Henry Harris and his regime. We decry Chicago's bad faith in negotiation, and its seemingly irrepressible desire for war and suffering.

Florida will never surrender to the lusts of this tyrant, and vows to continue the fight.
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