• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

You surely mean this image, Sam:

:p It's the one that goes with "the united kingdom"
Do it the next time. :p
Merry Christmas!
From the Revolutionary Committee for Yuletide Festivities

Link to video.
love the video :)

East Indies War losses
(land and air expenditures included, obsolete unit expenditures included at 25% EPs (rounded up) and 100% MP)

The Netherlands & Allies: 1527 EPs, 45 MPs
Japan: 988 EPs, 40 MPs
You should break that down to show that the American Allies have barely been touched.

Brazil lost: 60 EP of destroyers (4 ships).

I broke it down a while back, but here are the current fleet numbers that are actually in Asia at the start of 1924.

Coalition: Destroyers: 54 -- Light Cruisers: 7 -- Heavy Cruisers: 1 -- Battlecruisers: 10 -- Battleships: 11 -- Carriers: 2
Japan: Submarines: 3 -- Destroyers: 11 -- Light Cruisers: 4 -- Heavy Cruisers: 3 -- Battlecruisers: 4 -- Battleships: 5 -- Carriers: 1
I would, like for the American war tallies a while ago, but too busy atm.
That's a nice list, puts the current force balance in perspective the best (though some of the destroyers are basically affordable screens on the Coalition side). I can see the elimination of armor cost are already leading to a production boom in battleships.


To: Japan
From: New Zealand

Our government would like to offer to mediate in this conflict, though we are a military dictatorship unlike the nations of either side we believe our Portuguese ancestry and position as a neutral nation in the Pacific trading heavily with Japan and Peru may be a valuable asset in bringing peace to our region.
While we are aware that Japan has no doubt already explored the following train of thought we regardless feel the need to advice Japan to unilaterally withdraw their land forces from the Dutch East Indies and their navy to defensive positions while an international investigation is organized and conducted into the Japanese claims of Dutch support for Korean insurgents. Should the Netherlands be found guilty they will no doubt lose the support of their allies, and should they be acquitted the payment of reperations may be preferable to a fight against immense odds, in which a loss will likely see the Brazilians lobby (if not outright enforce) the disassemblement of Empire and perhaps even political reform at home.
Once again, we are confident the above arguments are no news to the Emperor and we apologize for the sudden intrusion, however as New Zealand is a long-time trading partner of Japan and a sincere believer in the status quo of the Pacific region we feel the need to make this impassioned plea that the Emperor set aside honor for the sake of survival, if only for once.
I would, like for the American war tallies a while ago, but too busy atm.
That's a nice list, puts the current force balance in perspective the best (though some of the destroyers are basically affordable screens on the Coalition side). I can see the The elimination of armor cost are already leading to a production boom in battleships.


To: Japan
From: New Zealand

Our government would like to offer to mediate in this conflict, though we are a military dictatorship unlike the nations of either side we believe our Portuguese ancestry and position as a neutral nation in the Pacific may be a valuable asset in bringing peace to our region.
While we are aware that Japan no doubt already understands our following train of thought we regardless feel the need to advice Japan to unilaterally withdraw their land forces from the Dutch East Indies and their navy to defensive positions while an international investigation is conducted into the Japanese claims of Dutch support for Korean insurgents. Should the Netherlands be found guilty they will no doubt lose the support of their allies, and should they be acquitted the payment of reperations may be preferable to a fight against immense odds, in which a loss will likely see the Brazilians lobby (if not outright enforce) the disassemblement of Empire and perhaps even political reform at home.
Once again, we are confident the above arguments are no news to the Emperor.

OOC: What?
OOC: You won't force the Japanese to disassemble their Empire if they continue to fight and lose?

OOC: Not if they accept the generous peace we've presented to them. The continued assault on neutral nations with the intent to gain further colonial holdings is unacceptable to the world at large (as seen in Portugal) and would only doom Japan in the long run.
OOC: I guess we actually agree for once. That is the core of what I'm trying to say in my above post (that refusal will lead to doom), but maybe I was unclear.

EQ: The Netherlands population seems a bit off to me. OTL they had a population in 1923 of 7.15 million people. The Netherlands in CI includes a Belgium-sized area as well (plus Calais, minus southeastern Wallonia), but has only roughly 630 MP (including the military). They're about 50% compared to OTL, like Spain, but without a civil war and a roughly equal if not stronger economy (just working off that as I don't know their history outside the last CI) seems to indicate at least equal development, though the huge military explains some of it.

PS. Merry Christmas everyone! :)
The Workers' University of Uppsala disputes the accuracy of this map on the grounds that the Kongo Society Regime is not in light blue. :mad:

Sorry, but we, the Empire of Scandinavia, have a multi-party parliament unlike you frozen prole bastards in the north. Merry Christmas and we hope you enjoy the slave labor enforced upon you by your dictator, boys and girls of Uppsala.
Sorry, but we, the Empire of Scandinavia, have a multi-party parliament unlike you frozen prole bastards in the north. Merry Christmas and we hope you enjoy the slave labor enforced upon you by your dictator, boys and girls of Uppsala.

The Empire of Scandinavia is a dead political institution. It has had its day; we, the workers, have ascended from the ashes of the Empire like a phoenix to herald a new era in the history of the Scandinavian people and nation: the egalitarian democracy of the proletariat! Feel free to join us sometime, you dirty plutocrat slavemongers, assuming you aren't too busy dying of malaria and Yellow Fever in the tropical hell you have built for yourselves...

*pause for breath*

Merry Christmas to you too.
Random Example of Population Loss During a War, University of Akarana

Italian MP with units: 1,736
Italian MP losses in the year of 1923: 89 (including the offset from MP growth)
89/1824 (y. of 1922) = 4.88%

OOC: Since CI considers MP loss to mostly equate the loss of new families formed I guess this mostly explains the low European pops. Quite the carnage! :)

MP Tally of Nations, University of Akarana (units and colonies included)

Spoiler :
#1 - Russia: 14,371
#2 - India: 8,684
#3 - Japan: 4,234
#4 - Guangxi: 3,318
#5 - Germany: 3,187
#6 - UK: 2,951
#7 - Brazil: 2,947
#8 - Confederation: 2,625
#9 - USA: 2,598
#10 - Vinland: 2,061

#11 - Italy: 1,736
#12 - Peru: 1,632
#13 - UPRA: 1,375
#14 - Spain: 1,351
#15 - Persia: 1,346
#16 - China: 1,323
#17 - Argentina: 1,281
#18 - Rome: 1,223
#19 - Florida: 972
#20 - Jacksonia: 926

#21 - Aztlan: 878
#22 - Scandinavia: 842
#23 - Romania: 785
#24 - Colombia: 784
#25 - Kalinga: 750
#26 - Netherlands: 707
#27 - Cechy: 610
#28 - Tibet: 520
#29 - Hungary: 438
#30 - Mayaland: 404

#31 - Occitania: 389
#32 - Bulgaria: 376
#33 - Portugal: 340
#34 - Turkey: 327
#35 - Venezuela: 275
#36 - Croatia: 262
#37 - Angola: 230
#38 - Uruguay: 217
#39 - Chile: 209
#40 - Brittany: 208

#41 - Paraguay: 201
#42 - Denmark: 194
#43 - Papacy: 186
#44 - Sardinia: 182
#45 - Kurdistan: 182
#46 - Serbia: 164
#47 - Afghanistan: 148
#48 - Kongo: 142
#49 - Cuba: 139
#50 - Bosnia: 112

#51 - Hispaniola: 109
#52 - Hashemite: 95
#53 - Ecuador: 85
#54 - Nicaragua: 78
#55 - Honduras: 62
#56 - Costa Rica: 39
#57 - Oranjien: 38
#58 - Corsica: 35
#59 - New Zealand: 33
#60 - Hollandia: 31

#61 - Switzerland: 19
#62 - Hawaii: 12
#63 - Puerto Rico: 11
This is your 48 Hour Warning to get in orders. EQ is still without Internet, but should be back tomorrow
I'm sort of back now. Have very limited internet though, and for some reason it seems to strain opening private messages. Still keep getting those orders in, and either myself or TheLastJacobite will post the final warning tomorrow.
To: Japan
From: Vinland

For several years now, we have stood in quiet opposition to your actions. We have stood by and seen you declare war on the Netherlands, acting on what we still consider to be a very flimsy provocation. We have seen this war expand into a conflagration that actively threatens and involves several of our friends around the world.

For decades, you have maintained a foot in the affairs of the New World. In this modern era, the presence of the Imperial Colony of Japan to our northwest, forming our second longest land border, has grown increasingly intolerable to the people of Vinland.

For centuries, your nation has stood against the ideals of liberty and democracy for which the modern state of Vinland stands.

Based on the threat posed by an aggressive Japan dominating the Pacific Ocean, the continued existence of Aisuyochi as a bastion of old world rule over the new world, and inspired to action by the struggles of our friends and allies in both PADA and Europe, the Kingdom of Vinland does hereby declare war on the Empire of Japan.
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