CarmenNES01: Space Colonization!!!

Just so you know, stats will be updated. I'm basing the number of troops by population. If ships, aircraft, or tanks, I multiply the number of the said stuff from today by 2, and sometimes round.

Just to contribute: current population of European side of Turkey is a bit above 9 million - I have census data province-by-province.
I just joined as aliens. I am peaceful unless I need something or someone angers me.
Carmen.. are there any deadlines.. lets crank this into gear!
What are those numbers in the countries?
Spoiler map's explanation :
It is for a detailed NES I intended to run in the future...when/if I have time and enough experience for it.

5 city sizes are allocated according to their GDP's

10-30 $bn = 1 income (eg. Baghdad, Sofia)
30-100 = 3 income (eg. Warsaw, Stockholm)
100-300 = 10 income (eg. Barcelona, Istanbul)
300-1000 = 30 income (eg. London, Paris)
1000+ = 100 income (New York & Tokyo)

larger cities also have other benefits.

Capitals are red or yellow

The numbers show what I decided to name rural industry (most of the GDP of rural areas go to agricultural stuff consumed at home anyway, so this is a fraction of the actual rural GDP. I decided on it kind of arbitrarily as 10%. So in rural areas 100-300 $bn = 1 income)

USA does not have any size 1 cities, because it actually has 90 of them, so their number is rural income of 24 + 90 income from cities (it seemed too much work to place 90 cities, after placing the 70 or so larger US cities on the map)

Plus each country has a base of 1 income on top of everything.
so Albania has 1, Bulgaria 2, Romania 4 income shown on the map.

I also have some extra rules in mind to offset the unrealistic disadvantage of some nations (North Korea) due to their low GDP on paper.
I'll post it in the map thread now, in order not to spam here further. If you have comments, proceeed to there please.
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