CFC Steam Group

If any of you have a duplicate dead island riptide card from the Steam summer badge. I'd like it. D: The odds of a random drop for it are pretty low considering how it favors Tomb Raider and Football Manager.
What do you get for the work you put into this?
I have a bunch of coupons I don't want:
-75% Skulls of the Shougun (x2)
-20% Escape Goat 2
-25% Dadliest Catch
-25% Pixel Piracy (x2)

I don't really expect much in return.
I wouldn't mind joining, and my Steam handle is the same as my user name here.

EDIT: I didn't check the date before posting... how embarrasing. :blush:
Name: CaptainMcDrek.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:203004933
SteamID3: [U:1:406009866]
SteamID64: 76561198366275594

Can you invite me into group :3
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