CFC Steam Group

We are actually trying to set up a TF2 Highlander Tourney. It's in the Forum Games Section
I know the OP has been updated in a couple of months or so, but I'm not in the list of members (PeteAtoms = PeteAtoms)
I asked a question about my username once (whether it had to be my account login name), but I guess I never actually disclosed my profile name. I did join the Steam group a long while ago however.
What clan is CnB?
I guess this is the best place to post this (we don't have a Trades/Swap thread), but I have a copy of Warband if anyone has something they could trade for it.
CnB stands for Chickens and Basketballs
Does anyone not have Civ 4 around here? :lol: I'd like to trade my BNW pre-order gift with someone.
Burn the heretic.
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