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Chinese state media praises gay parade


Jun 12, 2007
From BBC

China's first gay pride festival has been praised in the state media in a significant shift from the previous attitude to such events.

The festival was described in the China Daily newspaper as an event of "profound significance" and a "showcase of the country's social progress".

Film screenings, discussions and parties are being held as part of the week long festival in Shanghai.

Homosexuality was officially labelled a mental illness in China until 2001.

Before Shanghai's Gay Pride Festival got underway, the organisers were worried it might get shut down.

They were warned by a lawyer not to hold a parade, for fear that it might be seen by the authorities as a protest.

'Open and progressive'

Instead they decided to organise a week of activities in private venues.

That low-key approach seems to have worked.

The China Daily has carried a large front-page article about the event and about homosexuality in the country.

An editorial inside says the festival shows how Shanghai, what it calls "one of the most open and progressive Chinese cities", has displayed acceptance and tolerance by allowing the festival to take place.


More from BBC World Service
In the past the official attitude to homosexuality in China might best be characterised as "don't condemn, don't promote".

The fulsome praise the paper lavishes on the festival, its organisers and on the city of Shanghai, has not been seen before in the official media.

The paper acknowledges that in rural areas especially homosexuality is seen as a taboo or an affliction.

It says there is still a lot to be done by the government and the country's media to promote acceptance and respect of the China's lesbians and gays.

This is good news. sign that maybe China is going to become more socially progressive in general?
First they ban Sneeches, for it shows how the "others" are like us.

Then they co-opt it, and show how we are all Sneeches, one united Sneeches nation.
It's a good thing, but who knows what their intensions are. Maybe it's just another one of those 'look, we're working on humanrights' things. Maybe not :)
You know funny thing is that if today China is a democratic society, this will never happen as the majority of the people here are still very conservative regarding this issue not due to religious reason but a culture one.
Also in the news, the Chinese government requires installation of censorship software on all new computers. So no, they aren't becoming more socially progressive in any way.

In their views towards gay parades in Shanghai they are.
Good move on part of the CCP.

fugazi said:
It's a good thing, but who knows what their intensions are. Maybe it's just another one of those 'look, we're working on humanrights' things. Maybe not :)

Well, if it really do lead to greater civil, social and political rights for the people, then I'm for it.

Phlegmak said:
Also in the news, the Chinese government requires installation of censorship software on all new computers. So no, they aren't becoming more socially progressive in any way.

That has to do with politics and keeping power, not enforcing social values.

chauism said:
You know funny thing is that if today China is a democratic society, this will never happen as the majority of the people here are still very conservative regarding this issue not due to religious reason but a culture one.

*ahem* Republic of China...
It's a good thing, but who knows what their intensions are. Maybe it's just another one of those 'look, we're working on humanrights' things. Maybe not :)

It's easy to be cynical about things, but really, they did the right thing. You can't criticise that.
Good move on part of the CCP.

Well, if it really do lead to greater civil, social and political rights for the people, then I'm for it.

That has to do with politics and keeping power, not enforcing social values.

*ahem* Republic of China...

Yeah, Taiwan has the same percentage of peasants and uneducated people as China. The first gay parade in Taiwan was just 6 years ago.
Ill never quite understand the idea of a Gay Pride Parade. I mean the symbolism is nice and all but it is a bit too much. It is an excuse to be as outrageous as possible to some.
Thats true, and I think that aspect of some parades is actually quite self defeating. However, not all ones are like that, and not all gays are like that.
And you don't think that that is just a nice little excuse?
Well, yeah, it's a nice little excuse. Ok, so it's not for social reasons.

And North Korean is neither democratic nor republic, what is your point?

My point was that it seemed like taillesskangaru was trying to say that China was a republic in response to you saying "if China was democratic". I realize now that he probably meant Taiwan, which actually is a republic.
Thats true, and I think that aspect of some parades is actually quite self defeating. However, not all ones are like that, and not all gays are like that.

We should lumped all the Minorities together (meaning anyone who isn't white, male or Christian =p) and have a Minority Parade. One float per minority. Latinos get 3.
It may well be, but I dont think its at all helpful. Nonetheless, I think its absolutely ridiculous that they are banned in some countries, such as Russia, Poland etc
It was probably a reference to the legitimate Chinese government in Taipei, Taiwan, The Republic Of China.

if we follow that line of thought then surely the legitimate government of the usa is in london, coming to power violently doesnt mean a government is ilegitimate

the roc is only the legitimate government of taiwan and the other islands it controls, the status quo should be allowed to continue, i think in time mainland china will liberalise and maybe then reunification would be possible
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