Chrisy15's Civilisations - The Fertile Crescent to the Cold War, and beyond!


Flower, Beautiful
Jul 9, 2015

The Kingdom of Chrisy15's Civilisations

Internal Politics
Spoiler :
Capital City - Parsagadae

Head of State - Imperial Queen Brother Chrisy XV the Magnanimous; Imperial Chancellor, Viceroy of the Commonwealth, Knight and Privy Councillor of the Mod Empire; Conqueror of Korea; Shah of Some Of the Persias; Chairman or smth of Vietnam; First Chancellor of Great Britain; President of America; Moderniser of Japan and the Iroquois Peoples; Patron to the Fire Emblem Weebs; Restorer of Afghanistan, Malaysia, Australia, the Dene, the Inuit, the Joseon, Chilies, Wales, The Greeces, the Murri, and countless more peoples; Decider of Romania, Rome, Evenenetia, Jerusalem, Yuan, Senshica in general, and an immeasurable number more. Also has a position in the Ministry of Exploration, whatever that's good for.


South Korea - Park Chung-Hee (v7)

Subscribe (new page)
Map Labels, YnAEMP (v.24), Unique Cultural Influence, Civ IV Traits, Mercenaries, RTP, Cultural Diversity, ExCE, Sovereignty, R.E.D/Ethnic Units, E&D, CID
This mod REQUIRES the Korea DLC, and has only been tested with the Complete Edition.

Chrisy15 (me): Code, Design, Concept
SnowyNix: Civ Icon (which looks brilliant)
JFD: Various mod snippets that I copied, generally being Jifford
LeeS and bane_: Making excellent Lua tutorials
HoopThrower: Finding music (Who knew that Gangnam Style would work so well in Civ!), design help
TPangolin: Leaderscene and Leader Icon
Senshidenshi: Unit flag
DarthStarKiller/DarthKyofu: Building Icon, forcing me to get decent art
TarcisioCM: Map, Infographic template (is not claim for annexation dun belieb him)
Suk: UU Icon
Pyroflare and KrizChin: Choosing religions
All the lads tbh



UA: Bushido

Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged. +2 Culture from each Atoll, and +1 Culture from Sea Resources.

UU: Samurai

Elite Infantry unit of the Medieval and Renaissance. Replaces the Longswordsman. Is initially stronger than the Longswordsman, and starts with Shock I. Gains increased combat after Gunpowder, and the Leadership promotion after Chivalry. Is more expensive to maintain. Can build fishing boats withoug being consumed.

UU: Zero

Air Unit designed to launch itself at units. Only the Japanese may build it. This unit has a bonus against other Fighters, as well as all Naval and Land units and does not require Oil. Kills generate Golden Age Points.

All changes can be enabled or disabled independently in the UserSettings SQL file. Includes special support for Enlightenment Era and Renaissance Era Revised.


Me: Design, code, concept, testing
JFD: Providing examples of how to set up a settings system. Also deserves credit for having lots of handy bits of code that can be 'borrowed'
Zwei833: Design contributions
Machiavelli: The UnitCreated snippet, which should have been in the game from the start.

Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh


Mod Support: E&D, CulDiv, JFDDLC, YnAEMP v.25, R.E.D., and Ethnic Units.

Code, Design: Me
Icons: DMS, Darth
Map: Urd
UB Suggestion: Lungora
Caretakering: Darth
Incessant motivating: Lads
Absolutely nothing whatsoever: Nicovallejos

TarcisioCM's Yuan Dynasty - Kublai Khan


Supports: YnAEMP v23, v24, and v25; CulDiv; JFDDLC; E&D; R.E.D.

Design, Art, Code, basically everything: Tar
Decisions: Chrisy, w/ ideas from Lads
Desk Slamming: Darth
Envoy Duty: Tranq


The Achaemenids - Cyrus the Great (v3)

Subscribe (new page)

Includes significant changes enabled by the JFDDLC:
Spoiler :

Cyrus II - The Achaemenids
UA: The Charter of Cyrus
Puppets extend Golden Age length by 5% (max +50%) and receive +1 Happiness for every two followers of their original founder's Religion. May capture Great Generals for Golden Age points.

UU: Sparabara
Replaces the Spearman. Cheaper, and receives a Combat bonus when adjacent to friendly Ranged units.

UB: Satrap's Court
Replaces the Courthouse. May be purchased in Puppet Cities, or constructed instantly by expending a Great General. When in a Puppet city, the Satrap’s Court provides the Palace’s yields to the city; allows for unit purchasing; removes Science and Culture penalties from the city; and will provide Happiness during Golden Ages.

UA: The Charter of Cyrus
Puppets extend Golden Age length by 5% (max +50%) and receive +1 Happiness for every two followers of their original founder's State Religion. May capture Great Generals for Golden Age points.

UU: Sparabara
Replaces the Spearman. Cheaper, and receives a Combat bonus when adjacent to friendly Ranged units.

UB: Satrap's Court
Unique Achaemenid Courthouse. May be purchased in Puppeted Cities and Colonies for Gold, based off of Population and the distance from the Capital; Alternatively, it can be purchased by expending a Great General in the City. Doing so converts the city into a Satrapy, a unique Achaemenid Province; this status will be removed upon annexation.

Darius I - Persia
UA: Eight Lying Kings
Garrisoned units provide +1 Happiness. Cities experiencing a We Love The King Day generate Golden Age Points, and Units receive +1 Movement during Golden Ages.

UU: Immortal
Ancient Era Unit which specialises in defeating Mounted units. Only Persia may build it. This unit will heal every turn, and will heal at a faster rate.

UB: Royal Mint
Unique Mint replacement. Does not require Resources to be built. When the Capital posesses this building, Trade Routes to other Persian Cities leaving the Capital contribute Production to Royal Mints in the destination City, and provide Happiness bonuses once completed. Trade Routes may be chained through Cities with Royal Mints.

UA: Eight Lying Kings
Garrisoned units provide +5% Loyalty per level. Cities experiencing a We Love The King Day generate Golden Age Points, and Units receive +1 Movement during Golden Ages.

UU: Immortal
Ancient Era Unit which specialises in defeating Mounted units. Only Persia may build it. This unit will heal every turn, and will heal at a faster rate.

UB: Royal Mint
Unique Mint replacement. Does not require Resources to be built. When the Capital posesses this building, Trade Routes to other Persian Cities leaving the Capital contribute Production to Royal Mints in the destination City, and provide Loyalty bonuses once completed. Trade Routes may be chained through Cities with Royal Mints.

Code: Me
Maps: Regalman
Civ Icon: Poom
Leader and Sparabara Art: TPangolin
Royal Mint Icon: Modified by myself from the CBP
General Capturing, plus countless innumerable things and JFDDLC support assistance and favours of various kinds: JFD
General bantering, motivation, and entertainment: The Lads
Testing and Balance Suggestions: Pleb
Cultural Diversity, JFDDLC, Map Labels, YnAEMP (v.23, probs v24), Unique Cultural Influence, Civ IV Traits, Mercenaries, R.E.D/Ethnic Units, E&D

The Qajar Dynasty - Naser al-Din (v3)

Steam - v1 Direct - v2 Direct - v3 Direct

UA: Royal Tours
Receive Science from Friends while discovering Techs they have already discovered, and receive Golden Age Points for completing these Techs. +50% Combat vs Cities during a Golden Age

UU: Cherik Horseman
Unique Qajar Lancer replacement with a lower Production cost than usual. Doesn't receive XP when trained from Buildings or Policies; this XP is instead converted into Golden Age Points, and starting XP is instead generated based on the number of Pastures worked by the City. Pastures contribute +1 Production while the City is training a Cherik Horseman.

UU: Cossack Brigade
Replaces the Cavalry. Provides +1 Local Happiness when garrisoned. Has the Leadership promotion. Receive a free Cossack Brigade whenever a DoF partner trains a Cavalry Unit, plus a Horse Resource to support it.

Code: Chrisy15
Design: Chrisy15, HoopThrower
Art: Urdnot_Scott
Moral Support: Lads, MH06

Supports E&D, R.E.D., JFDDLC, Historical Religions, YnAEMP v25
North America
Iroquois Rework (v1)


UA: Great Law of Peace
Settling a City assigns it a Nation, granting bonuses, and Units from different Nations receive a Combat bonus when they start Adjacent. Your Forest and Jungle tiles act as Roads, forming City Connections once possible.

UU: Tomahawk Raider
Unique Swordsman replacement for the Iroquois capable of both Melee and Ranged attack. Requires no Iron, ignores Zone of Control, and has the Woodsman Promotion.

UB: Longhouse
Replaces the Workshop. Provides normal Workshop Production bonuses in the City, and increases Yields from Forest tiles depending on the City's Nation.

Spoiler Nations :

Onondaga Nation:
This City enters a short We Love The King Day, if one is not already active, whenever you adopt a Social Policy. The Longhouse in this City provides +1 Culture on Forest tiles.

Mohawk Nation:
+10 XP to Units trained in this City. Allows the training of the Mohawk Warrior upon discovering Iron Working. The Longhouse in this City provides +1 Production on Forest tiles.

Mohawk Warrior
Standalone Unit for the Iroquois that may only be trained in Mohawk Cities. Recieves a Combat bonus in Forest and Jungle, and begins with the Woodsman Promotion. Requires no Iron.

Oneida Nation
City Faith output contributes towards Defence, to a maximum of +10 Defence. The Longhouse in this City provides +1 Faith on Forest tiles.

Cayuga Nation
Each Camp worked by this City increases the Gold you receive from incoming International Trade Routes by 1, and a source of Furs is spawned near this City. The Longhouse in this City provides +1 Gold on Forest tiles.

Seneca Nation
Units receive a 15% Combat bonus when fighting in friendly territory while within this City's borders, and constructing Defensive Buildings in this City grants Culture. The Longhouse in this City provides +1 Food on Forest tiles.

Tuscarora Nation (obtained through a unqiue Event)
Units trained in this City receive additional Flanking bonuses and may retreat from Combat. The Longhouse in this City takes its effect from the nearest Nation.

Code, Design: Me
City Names: Seelingcat
UU Icon: RawSasquatch
UU Flag: Darth

America - Thomas Jefferson (v1)


UA: Louisiana Purchase
50% discount when purchasing tiles, and purchasing a tile with Gold claims adjacent unowned Bonus Resources for free. Cities celebrating a We Love The King Day generate +1 Happiness.

UU: Frontiersman
Standalone Unit for Jefferson's America which excels at exploration. Requires Astronomy, and shares much in common with the Musketman besides it being a Recon Unit. May remove Camp Resources from neutral territory, and deposit them in your territory. Ignores terrain costs, and receives a 15% combat bonus while outside friendly territory.

With Enlightenment Era:
Explorer replacement for Jefferson's America. Stronger, and has a combat bonus while outside friendly territory. May remove Camp Resources from neutral territory, and deposit them in your territory.

UB: Yeoman Farmhouse
Unique Granary replacement for Jefferson's America. No Gold maintenance. In addition to the usual Granary bounses, unimproved land tiles worked by the City will be improved passively.

Design: Chrisy15, Uighur_Caesar, Hyperion
Art: DarthKyofu, Rawsasquach
Unit Model exported by Typhlomence, and sourced from C4Col by Hyperion
Code: Chrisy15

Supports: Historical Religions, Events and Decisions, Cultural Diversity, Sovereignty, YnAEMP, R.E.D. (probably), Additional Achievements, Unique Cultural Influence

United Kingdom - Pitt the Younger (v1)


UA: Atlas of our Reeling Globe
Receive interest on your Treasury every turn. Purchasing a Naval Unit contributes Production towards the next one of its kind.

UU: Flagship
Replaces the Frigate (Ship of the Line with EE). Receives an increasing Attack Bonus against Units and Cities as it moves further away from the Capital, and a stronger Defence bonus the closer it is to the Capital. Has a chance to capture neutral Units that it begins its turn adjacent to. +2 Movement to Admirals starting turn with it.

UB: Customs Office
Replaces the Seaport. Provides usual bonuses. Incoming International Trade Routes receive +1 Gold for every Strategic Resource improved by this City, and provide you with +2 Gold for every Luxury Resource improved by the origin city.

Supports JFDDLC, E&D, various YnAEMP versions idr now, R.E.D.

Uighur: Sparking design
Urd: Map, UU icon
Darth: Civ icon, colours, leader art, art handling, prompting
Alga: "Acquiring" UB icon
Pookie: Putting the model in EE so I could steal it shh
Jifford: Question answering, probably
Lads: Distractions
Jane: <3

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[EDIT] Wow I really overestimated this didn't I
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Glad to see you have a thread now. What do you have planned once South Korea gets a few more updates?

Also does he have TAL support?
Glad to see you have a thread now. What do you have planned once South Korea gets a few more updates?

Also does he have TAL support?

SKorea's pretty much done now - The only foreseeable updates will be bug fixes, support for upcoming JFD expansions, and QoL stuff like art and music.

And yes, he supports TAL. It's satisfying to think that he's currently the only other guy under Korea :)

Excellent :D And where do you next plan to expand?

"Do you really need a government?" One is his own government :D

Come on JFD, haven't you been paying attention to my logs? You're the only guy who's got any idea who [REDACTED] is ;)

The government will probably end up consisting of Great Artists. Or LeeS. He deserves a medal.
lol, you open a thread finally! Glad to see your mods and the first mod support RER:goodjob:

I can help you with icons(but you need to provide source images) and unit models(not always, though).

Elite Infantry unit of the Medieval and Renaissance. Replaces the Longswordsman. Is initially stronger than the Longswordsman, and starts with Shock I. Gains increased combat after Gunpowder, and the Leadership promotion after Chivalry. Is more expensive to maintain. Can build fishing boats withoug being consumed.

If RER is enabled, then the Samurai will also gain a 25% Combat boost against Spearmen, Pikemen, Tercios and Landsknecht upon discovering Large Weapons.
It is a interesting idea that Samurai get special ability through technologies. Do you want them also change their unit models through technologies? If you need, I can make Samurais with musket and Naginata. But I don't know use what kind of code to change unit models in game.

And yes, he supports TAL. It's satisfying to think that he's currently the only other guy under Korea :).
What is TAL?:confused:
I can help you with icons(but you need to provide source images) and unit models(not always, though).

It is a interesting idea that Samurai get special ability through technologies. Do you want them also change their unit models through technologies? If you need, I can make Samurais with musket and Naginata. But I don't know use what kind of code to change unit models in game.

If you're offering, it'd be nice to finish off Park properly. If you need better picture than the ones on the infographic, just say. I don't think it's worth making a Pohang model though...

Is that possible? If it is, it would be sweet to add new UnitMembers when each tech is discovered. Don't know how well it would work with RED, though.
What other civs are planned?

[REDACTED] will be out by the end of the month don't hold me to that.

After that, I've got a variety of half-developed ideas, most of which are Cold War based.

I'm also kinda tempted to do a modern SKorea, but I'm not really interested, and would only be doing so because a lot of (2) people have requested it.
It's my thread, so I'm allowed to double-post :)

Spoiler :

Made this. Used a lot of guidelines, a lot of maths, and a lot of the number 72. I've had more ideas for the Japan Buff, so expect more updates in the future!
[REDACTED] will be out by the end of the month don't hold me to that.

After that, I've got a variety of half-developed ideas, most of which are Cold War based.

I'm also kinda tempted to do a modern SKorea, but I'm not really interested, and would only be doing so because a lot of (2) people have requested it.

So this isn't a modern SKorea? This looks very interesting though, and now I have a civ to match Muism from HR to.
So this isn't a modern SKorea? This looks very interesting though, and now I have a civ to match Muism from HR to.

The Civ's about as modern as most 'modern' civs - the 70s weren't that long ago, were they?

SKorea's HR is still Theravada, although it could be justified to make Muism NKorea's preferred religion...
Nah, thats a job for JFD alongside Lili&#699;uokalani led Hawaii :p
No love for a Myeongseong led Imperial Korea?

...How do you spell that again?

If you've got an idea, I'd be happy to give it a go - however, I've got other projects in the pipeline, and so researching an all-new leader that I've never heard of isn't my main priority.

Of course, I'm now going to look them up anyway, because I want to know what's special about them...
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