• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

While this speculation is nice and all...

Pack 1: Great Negotiators
  • Abraham Lincoln (United States)
  • Queen Mbande Nzinga (Kongo)
  • Sultan Saladin (Arabia)
Pack 2: Great Commanders
  • Tokugawa (Japan)
  • Nader Shah (Persia)3
  • Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire)4
Pack 3: Rulers of China
  • Yongle (China)
  • Qin Shi Huang the Unifier (China)
  • Wu Zetian (China)
Pack 4: Rulers of Sahara
  • Ramses (Egypt)
  • Ptolemaic Cleopatra (Egypt)
  • King Sundiata Keita (Mali)4
Pack 5: Great Builders
  • Theodora (Byzantines)5
  • Sejong (Korea)6
  • Ludwig II (Germany)
Pack 6: Rulers of England
  • Elizabeth I (England)
  • Varangian Harald Hardrada (Norway)
  • Victoria - Age of Steam (England)
We already know who's showing up now.
And I totally didn't read this thread before I posted. :lol: Oh wellerz.
Eh, this video seems more like a teaser so I'm not too concerned about the quality. I assume that the videos to come going into more details on the leaders will be more substantial in content.

As someone who plays as Egypt a lot, I'm REALLY glad that Ramses will now be an option, and am curious about the alt Cleopatra, obviously. Kind of happy to see Elizabeth I returning as well. Which means she can finally join the elite club of "Leaders who have appeared in every Civ game" (Alexander, Shaka, Gandhi, Genghis Khan, and Montezuma).
I am probably alone in this, but I am super disappointed that there is no alternative leader for France -- was hoping for Napoleon or Louis XIV. Napoleon seemed more likely to me given France's unique unit, but, hey, what can you do?

Yeah I'd loved a Sun King cultural France that worked with their UA/UI. But it looks like France just missed their cut of off /s

Top Gaming Markets by Revenue:
Market Revenue (USD) Players
1. China 45.77B 742.19M
2. United States 44.98B 197.16M
3. Japan 19.99B 78.1M
4. South Korea 7.93B 33.8M
5. Germany 6.62B 49.76M
6. United Kingdom 5.52B 39.1M
7. France 4.14B 39.34M
8. Canada 3.44B 21.91M
9. Italy 3.02B 37.64M
10. Brazil 2.61B 100.74M
Why does everyone refer to personas as new leaders? They're not, they're just glorified skins that add an immersion-breaking subtitle to the leaders we already have.

Different Abilities, diferent agendas, different playstyles. Coded as different leaders in the files.

Like it or not, the personas are different leaders that just so happen to have the same names as previous leaders.
The absence of new content for Rome, France, India, South-East Asia and Meso/South America makes me feel like this won't be the last of the new content.
One thing I hope is that they update the UI in leader selection screen. There are already more than 50 leaders, and the additional 18 leaders might make looking for the leader/civ to play a bit difficult - excpecially with there being duplicates (Eleanor, Kublai, Teddy, Catherine and the upcoming ones).
Different Abilities, diferent agendas, different playstyles. Coded as different leaders in the files.

Like it or not, the personas are different leaders that just so happen to have the same names as previous leaders.
The only issue I have with alt personas is that they do have a subtitle that makes them not match theme with the other leaders (eg Rough Rider Teddy, most leaders don't have such nicknames). Not a big deal or anything, but personally, I'd prefer they just got a new leader altogether.
Since England are getting another leader and another persona, I wouldn't see a problem with France getting another leader, just to balance things out.

The absence of new content for Rome, France, India, South-East Asia and Meso/South America makes me feel like this won't be the last of the new content.
Yeah, I agree.
Eh, this video seems more like a teaser so I'm not too concerned about the quality. I assume that the videos to come going into more details on the leaders will be more substantial in content.

As someone who plays as Egypt a lot, I'm REALLY glad that Ramses will now be an option, and am curious about the alt Cleopatra, obviously. Kind of happy to see Elizabeth I returning as well. Which means she can finally join the elite club of "Leaders who have appeared in every Civ game" (Alexander, Shaka, Gandhi, Genghis Khan, and Montezuma).

Not Monty. While they never changed the name, the leader changed from Montezuma II in the early games to Montezuma I in more recent entries.

Much like there are three different Frederick who have led Germany in Civ to date.
Given that it is free for people who own the old DLCs and given the lower quality of the video, this very much strikes me as something they had a few of their lower-level people throw together to generate some buzz and keep people invested in the Civ franchise while the rest of the team continues to work on Civ 7. I don't really expect a major patch to go along with it but hopefully there are at least some minor changes and bug fixes.

Still, it's free and I wasn't expecting any more content until Civ 7 so unless they somehow break the game, I can't complain.
Adding "free" alt leaders for DLC civs may prompt players to collect all DLCs that they are missing, so from a business point of view, it is way better than adding alt leaders for base game civs only.
Depends, doing it for base game only will make this DLC appeal to peoole who don't want that other DLC. I would say swings and roundabouts, but it's pretty uneven. People who don't want to pay double price for this DLC will outnumber those that are willing to and don't already own the other DLCs.
Not Monty. While they never changed the name, the leader changed from Montezuma II in the early games to Montezuma I in more recent entries.
Is there a difference between the two besides the fact that they're different people? I'm curious here, what did they do different from each other?
Given that it is free for people who own the old DLCs and given the lower quality of the video, this very much strikes me as something they had a few of their lower-level people throw together to generate some buzz and keep people invested in the Civ franchise while the rest of the team continues to work on Civ 7. I don't really expect a major patch to go along with it but hopefully there are at least some minor changes and bug fixes.

Still, it's free and I wasn't expecting any more content until Civ 7 so unless they somehow break the game, I can't complain.
That's where I am too. Almost nobody expected anything until about a week ago and now complain about what's not there.

TBH I'd be fine with static leaderheads if the mechanics etc are interesting.
[T]his very much strikes me as something they had a few of their lower-level people throw together to generate some buzz and keep people invested in the Civ franchise while the rest of the team continues to work on Civ 7.

I’m happy to get some new leaders and personas, including some fan favourites, and great that it’s free. But lack of other content is disappointing, even if understandable.

Anyway. Bit of buzz over the next few months will be fun enough.
Not a single in-game screenshot? :(

Anyway, have to admit Nader Shah might get me playing again. Never thought we'd ever see a post-Achaemenid leader of Persia. Would have preferred a Sassanid myself, but I'll take it. Also unironically pleased that we're presumably getting Cleopatra in Greek clothes. If you're going to choose a Ptolemy for Egypt, live with your choice. :p Have to ask, though, did we really need a persona pack for Victoria? :huh:
Did we REALLY need...four English leader choices? :p

FIVE for China...jeez. Some of these civs get way too much and a few that should get more are just ignored.

Still excited but...a bit reserved

EDIT: Oh it's FREE because I already bought all the rest of the DLC? Ok hype reactivate because I'm paid up!!
By the way, any speculation on the upcoming abilites?

I'm betting Nzinga will get combat bonuses based on how many alliances she has. It may be considered boring, but I also think it's very thematic considering her history.
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