August 2023 Update - Patch Notes Discussion (Celebrating 32 Years of Civ!)

I played JC with barb clans, yeah can confirm it really helps the economy.

Actually an interesting experience regarding the barb XP bonus.
With the +5 combat barb policy and the JC +5 against barb, my scouts were able to hold their own. In fact I beelined for the ambush promotion (+20 in all combat situations) and my scout was pretty good at taking down barb scouts. Once I upgraded to skirmisher, it really became a valuable tool to farm cash.
I always thought skirmisher is the most useless unit in the game, so it was nice to get some use out of it. Eventually a barb musketman cornerd and killed it.

Maybe someone can squeeze some more use out of the recon unit line like this. (For what, I do not know)
I played JC with barb clans...
With the +5 combat barb policy and the JC +5 against barb, my scouts were able to hold their own. In fact I beelined for the ambush promotion (+20 in all combat situations) and my scout was pretty good at taking down barb scouts. Once I upgraded to skirmisher, it really became a valuable tool to farm cash.
I always thought skirmisher is the most useless unit in the game, so it was nice to get some use out of it.

Yeah, JC being able to farm barb XP allows your scouts to achieve coveted +20 Ambush promotion.

Just don't put them on "auto" cos they suicide 😑
JC is now even more OP and exploitable.

Looks like the "new" design team at Firaxis are all about OP awesomeness.

Just throw balance out the window. Who cares? 😆
Yeah he is OP as all hell now with this change (increased gold, not the XP bonus) and imo easily the best early civ by far in the game, as long as you play him on a slow speed and with barb clans active.
Played him on marathon speed yesterday, and with one pillage you get enough for your first settler or 2 warriors (4 warriors if you buy them from Clans) and you are still left with some lump gold.
Have one or two camps early on, and you can raise an army in no time and totally decimate your Deity AI neighbour without any real hassle.
It also has pretty much no opportunity cost to do this either, meaning you can play fully peacefully behind this in terms of expanding, improving tiles and placing districts.
All while raising a huge army (or buy settlers or whatever) for practically no effort.
In my current game Im farming 5 Clans every 10 turns, and I have 9 cities in the ancient era, a huge 330 military score army, and bought myself Isidore of Miletus for wonder rushing (getting great bath on deity is hard you say? Not with this guy lol) and a prophet to get a religion for zero effort.
Its just that broken.

It's like a more consistent and overall much better version of Qin.
Until this gets a nerf, he is just flat out the best leader in the game, no questions asked.

Not a fan of this either tbh, but it seems like Firaxis want people to get broken toys because that drives sales/interest.
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Not a fan of this either tbh, but it seems like Firaxis want people to get broken toys because that drives sales/interest.
Honestly, I think if this were driven by sales/interest, it would've been how he worked on release. Outside of specific communities like this forum, how many prospective buyers are going to be paying attention to the patch notes?
Outside of specific communities like this forum, how many prospective buyers are going to be paying attention to the patch notes?

It's because only hardcore Civ fanatics, modders and multiplayers care about balance.
The majority of Civ players don't play at Deity...they want more yield porn, more OP civs like Babylon, Byzantium, Unifier Qin (especially as there's now a big China player base) and of course JC. They are driving sales 😏
"The majority of Civ players don't play at Deity...they want more yield porn"

Guilty as charged:D
"The majority of Civ players don't play at Deity...they want more yield porn"

Guilty as charged:D
To me, the balance of the core systems and overall pacing were both ruined by the developers leaning more and more into crazy bonuses and yield porn (seemingly to give the fans what they want).

If you spend a while reading fan feedback, you'll probably come to the conclusion that most fans don't really even know what they want or why, and that developers should probably give less credence to our blaring cacophony of demands.
To me, the balance of the core systems and overall pacing were both ruined by the developers leaning more and more into crazy bonuses and yield porn (seemingly to give the fans what they want).
100% this.
Its quite obvious if you look over at reddit, about half the threads there are people bragging about their insane tile yields, and Im quite certain that the devs have noticed that and are catering to it.
Its fun for a bit, but when you grow tired of abusing these mechanics, you are just left with a somewhat broken game.
To me, the balance of the core systems and overall pacing were both ruined by the developers leaning more and more into crazy bonuses and yield porn (seemingly to give the fans what they want).

If you spend a while reading fan feedback, you'll probably come to the conclusion that most fans don't really even know what they want or why, and that developers should probably give less credence to our blaring cacophony of demands.
I agree to this, it's particularly glaring when you compare how you improve the terrain between Civ 5 and Civ 6. I don't build Mines and Farms often in Civ 6 if there is no resource there because the yields from Resource tiles alone are already quite powerful so I usually end up working those tiles more than any other tile.

In 5, it was much harder to hoard food since mines would reduce the Food output of a tile, as would hill tiles and certain other tiles/improvements.
If you spend a while reading fan feedback, you'll probably come to the conclusion that most fans don't really even know what they want or why, and that developers should probably give less credence to our blaring cacophony of demands.
While understandable, I'm not sure I can handle another game release + support cycle of HOW DARE THEY IGNORE US, THE LOYAL FANS, WHO ARE THE ONES THAT MAKE THE GAMES DO WELL. I mean, it'll probably happen anyway, but Civ fan reactions tend on the whole to be more measured than other communities I'm a part of.

Listening to the fans is a double-edged balancing act. This means sometimes some demographics win, some demographics won't. Short of not having it at all, ya gotta take the bad with the good.
I had to rename all my Australian advisors / citizens (the pool used for spies and gossip reports) back to Bruce again. Steam did a verify before I could open the file to lock it, and replaced it with the default file. Oops.

The new Julius change is pretty good. Games with Julius and Mandate Qin will have them butting heads in pretty short order.
I agree to this, it's particularly glaring when you compare how you improve the terrain between Civ 5 and Civ 6.
In civ 5, if you get a workable tile with 3 yields when you settle your capital (like +2 food and 1 production for instance), that is a very strong tile and you have a good start.
Whereas in civ 6, that is a rather weak tile and you should at minimum be looking at +2 food 2 production tiles or better.
Whereas in civ 5 again, such a tile is virtually unheard of and would be obscenely strong.
Which is part of why salt was considered the best luxury tile in civ 5, because it allowed you to get +2f2p1gold (and only when improved with a mine).
Such a tile is nothing special in civ 6 however.

Also there was no farm adjacency bonuses in civ 5, mines had 0 food on them when improved and only gave 3 flat production.
Contrast this to the absolutely stupid yields that people post on sites such as reddit, and it becomes apparent that this "yield porn" causes power creep that will at some point become unsustainable in terms of overall balance.
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