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Colored or White Lights?

What kind of lights do you like best?

  • White Lights

    Votes: 34 51.5%
  • Multi-Colored Lights

    Votes: 28 42.4%
  • Single-Colored Lights (red, blue, green, etc.)

    Votes: 16 24.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 6.1%

  • Total voters
I say we combine the multi-colored and single colored votes to overcome the whites! :gripe:
You mean those ugly strands that people seem to wrap around everything from Halloween to Valentines day? I prefer the ones that will go out if I sneak onto thier property and replace one lightbulb with a bad one and the whole strand ceases to work.
I see outdoor lights as a complete waste of electricity. I'm willing to bet that they were popularised some time in the 1920s or 1930s by a power company looking for some holiday profits. It makes me sick to think of all the coal being burned so that our communities can be filled with light pollution. It wouldn't be so bad if the displays were at least tasteful and pretty, but most are garish and hideous-- "icicle lights" and lines of glaring white lights that make a house look like O'Hare International.
That's my rant for today. It just seems such a stupid and typically human activity.
(I voted single colour, by the way, as that seems to be the most tasteful kind of display.)
Does your self-hate and misanthropy ever affect your social life? Or was it just a really crummy day? :p
Immortal said:
Does your self-hate and misanthropy ever affect your social life? Or was it just a really crummy day? :p
Hey, if he wanted lights distracting him every which we he'd go to Vegas. Can't he just have a nice tasteful december?

If you want to have holiday cheer, put up a nice tasteful wreath, don't ugly up the whole friggin' nieghborhood.
Inside, we use colored on the tree. Outside, we light about 100 luminarias on Christmas Eve.

Luminarias: A New Mexico tradition. A paper lunch bag is opened up and filled with an inch or so of sand for weight. A votive candles is placed in each bag. the bags are placed along walks or porches or rooftops. They are lit at dusk. Here's a picture from a cemetary.
Fetus4188 said:
I say we combine the multi-colored and single colored votes to overcome the whites! :gripe:
Looks like the white lights used the old "divide and conquer" method to overwhelm the forces of good.
White lights. I used to like the colored ones, but I don't anymore, certainly not the multicolored.

And small lights. No question.
Coloured, but they must be LED.

Like the ones in my room! Speaking of lights, i've been selling the damn things since after halloween. This has been a looooooooooooooooooong Xmas.
White or coloured, but not multi-coloured. They look a bit too much like a 3 year old has been let loose with paint.
White lights are far more stylish and classy than (multi) colored lights.

Multi colored lights are kitsch; especially the blinking chains. They are designed for people with bad taste. Unfortunately there are many people with bad taste around, so the manufacturers continue producing them....
Rik Meleet said:
White lights are far more stylish and classy than (multi) colored lights.

Multi colored lights are kitsch; especially the blinking chains. They are designed for people with bad taste. Unfortunately there are many people with bad taste around, so the manufacturers continue producing them....
I always thought Xmas decorations and taste were incompatible. ;)
Multi-colored all the way. White lights are too bourgeois. ;) And I have a personal hate-on for people who leave those strands of icicle lights up all year -- at least the old-fashioned single-strand ones weren't quite so noticeable.

@birdjaguar: :thumbsup: to the luminaria. We do them sometimes, too. Our neighbors growing up were from Puerto Rico; sometimes our whole block would do them. They look nice.

Don´t like lights at all. In Austria they are very uncommon with the exception of shops (95% white) and bordells (100% red). I do not want my home to be mistaken for either.
What I like: classic candels on the christmas tree with otherwise dimmed light.
As far as christmas decorations go, I abstain. If I was to put up some lights, they would be small and white. And not many of them. It looks outright ridiculous with all those multi-coloured "decorations" here and there. Soooo tacky.
We don't decorate the outside of our house, only the tree. Our tree has blinking multi-color lights and they look wonderful I think.
Coloured lights look tacky.

I just realised something! You can't spell coloured without red! wow...
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