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CRpSuite : Playing aids and game analysis utils 2.11.0

Originally posted by Gramphos
If you figure you need to know any of the info I know of just PM me.

Thanks Gramphos, I may well take you up on that offer (again)! Both your online docs on Apolyton and your PM responses have been a great help to me in getting this far :goodjob:.

What I was really hoping is to avoid people suggesting features based on information that can't be extracted from the .SAV because it's not there. Most of the .SAV is a snapshot of the game state at the point the .SAV was saved. There isn't all that much that can be replayed over time. I.e. can't replay all unit movements because we only know the unit's current position, not all of their previous positions.
Originally posted by Dianthus

Thanks Gramphos, I may well take you up on that offer (again)! Both your online docs on Apolyton and your PM responses have been a great help to me in getting this far :goodjob:.

What I was really hoping is to avoid people suggesting features based on information that can't be extracted from the .SAV because it's not there. Most of the .SAV is a snapshot of the game state at the point the .SAV was saved. There isn't all that much that can be replayed over time. I.e. can't replay all unit movements because we only know the unit's current position, not all of their previous positions.

Maybe PTL data (which is pulled from memory) can be loaded after PTL is complete...
Thx Gramphos from me, too!
Just downloaded 2.0....and I have to say, I think the new settlerlocation utility is just as powerful (if not more so) than the viewer util when it comes to analyzing these games.

Thank you very much for all your efforts here. They are greatly appreciated! Looking forward to all the upcoming enhancements...I think your wish list covers everythign I want (resources/terrain feature on maps being #1). :thumbsup:
Originally posted by rabies
Just downloaded 2.0....and I have to say, I think the new settlerlocation utility is just as powerful (if not more so) than the viewer util when it comes to analyzing these games.
I forgot to mention that SettleLoc was RufRydyr's idea, though I don't think he expected me to get it working so soon! If you've any ideas for other utilities then go ahead and let me know.

Originally posted by rabies
Thank you very much for all your efforts here. They are greatly appreciated! Looking forward to all the upcoming enhancements...I think your wish list covers everythign I want (resources/terrain feature on maps being #1). :thumbsup: [/B]
No problem, and thanks for the feedback. I'll be sure to continue improving them.
I've just created the QSC 20 .crp file, complete with QSC scores. See the front page. It's currently missing runifoc's .SAV, though hopefully I'll get that sometime soon (Hey Ruf, that's a hint :) ).
Originally posted by Dianthus

If you've any ideas for other utilities then go ahead and let me know.

I think I mentioned this in an email. If you could make a utility that would convert 1.29 .savs to work perfectly in PTW, that would be pretty cool. I'm thinking it's just of matter of luxuries and other stuff appearing in different places in the .savs for each. So, the utilitly would 'move' them to the right spot n the .sav and then show up in the right spot on the map when loaded into PTW.
I've updated the QSC20 file to contain runifoc's game (thanks Ruf). The GOTM20 Full .crp is missing ~10 games at the moment. I'll get those incorporated before uploading it.
Originally posted by RufRydyr
I think I mentioned this in an email. If you could make a utility that would convert 1.29 .savs to work perfectly in PTW, that would be pretty cool.
I think I mentioned this in an email ;), that saving the .SAV's is quite a bit more difficult than loading them. Have you tried asking Gramphos? He has a lot more expertise than me in this area.

Alternatively, maybe CRpViewer could be made to display all of the information you need to evaluate the games, thereby avoiding having to load them into CIV. What information do you actually need?
Originally posted by Dianthus

I think I mentioned this in an email ;), that saving the .SAV's is quite a bit more difficult than loading them. Have you tried asking Gramphos? He has a lot more expertise than me in this area.

Alternatively, maybe CRpViewer could be made to display all of the information you need to evaluate the games, thereby avoiding having to load them into CIV. What information do you actually need?

Lots and lots. The more the better.
I've just added the Full GOTM 20 file. It contains data for all players except KELLO and Gandalf t'gray.
I've just uploaded a new version of the GOTM20 Full .crp. rabies PM'd me to point out that SirPleb's game didn't match the results, and it turns out I got SirPleb's, Sloppy Bob's and smackster's .SAVs mixed up. Thanks for pointing that out rabies, well spotted :goodjob:!
Originally posted by Dianthus
I've just uploaded a new version of the GOTM20 Full .crp. rabies PM'd me to point out that SirPleb's game didn't match the results, and it turns out I got SirPleb's, Sloppy Bob's and smackster's .SAVs mixed up. Thanks for pointing that out rabies, well spotted :goodjob:!

You definately have mine right now, I can see those annoying culture flips to Keltoi that sucked the heart out of my game. Its amazing to compare my game to the top players and see how quickly their empires grew. Big lesson in how to settle quickly. Great utility.


Originally posted by DaveMcW
Can you register the .crp file type so it clicking the file automatically opens CivReplayViewer?
Good idea Dave, I've added to the wish list. I think I will finish GOTM21 this week, so I should get some time to do some of those changes next week!
Originally posted by smackster
You definately have mine right now, I can see those annoying culture flips to Keltoi that sucked the heart out of my game. Its amazing to compare my game to the top players and see how quickly their empires grew. Big lesson in how to settle quickly.
I know the feeling. I did a lot better in the QSC last month, so my game actually compares with the top players up to 1000BC. I became very complacent after that though, not doing anything with my advantage in size/tech/territory. Probably a bit of Renata's Deity Paranoia creeping in ;). Hopefully I'm learning from my mistakes, if a little slowly.
Sorry terrible english. I have 2 qwestions.

1. Where I can find utilite for convertation *.sav --> *.crp ?
2. Where I can see number of reloads ?
Originally posted by EsatP
Sorry terrible english. I have 2 qwestions.
1. Where I can find utilite for convertation *.sav --> *.crp ?
2. Where I can see number of reloads ?
1. I included CRpCreator in the most recent distribution, but haven't documented it yet. It should be installed in the same .dir as CRpViewer and CRpSettleLoc. It's a command line application that takes a .csv file as a parameter to specify all of the .SAV's and some information about each .SAV. If you run it with no parameters it gives some very limited documentation. One thing to remember is to change to the same dir as the .SAV files before running it. Let me know if you need any more information and you can be my beta-tester for the documentation :).

2. I don't get or use the reload information. Have you looked at Gramphos' C3MT - Civ3MultiTool?
Originally posted by Dianthus

1. I included CRpCreator in the most recent distribution, but haven't documented it yet. It should be installed in the same .dir as CRpViewer and CRpSettleLoc. It's a command line application that takes a .csv file as a parameter to specify all of the .SAV's and some information about each .SAV. If you run it with no parameters it gives some very limited documentation. One thing to remember is to change to the same dir as the .SAV files before running it. Let me know if you need any more information and you can be my beta-tester for the documentation :).

I might just be me, but I can't get what you're saying.
Could you explain it in a "for dummies" manner, please? :D
What exactly should I do?
I have one sav in the same dir of CRpCreator.exe.
When I run the exe, nothing is created.
What am I doing wrong?
This tool is a great idea! Thanks for distributing it.
I just wanted to make you aware of something with the viewer. I had made a .crp file from a completed TETurkhan Scenario (starts with 31 civs). When I tried to open it, it gave me an error:
External Exception EEFFACE

It stopped loading after listing the first 16 players. I think that is where the error is coming from. I just thought you'd like to know to iron out this bug for future versions. Thanks.

Originally posted by Heinz4lif
This tool is a great idea! Thanks for distributing it.
Thanks Heinz4lif. I feel especially honoured that you used your 1st post in my thread :).

Originally posted by Heinz4lif
I just wanted to make you aware of something with the viewer. I had made a .crp file from a completed TETurkhan Scenario (starts with 31 civs). When I tried to open it, it gave me an error:
External Exception EEFFACE

It stopped loading after listing the first 16 players. I think that is where the error is coming from. I just thought you'd like to know to iron out this bug for future versions. Thanks.
OK, could you get the .crp file to me so I can take a look? Just zip it up, upload it, then post the URL here.
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