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Current (SVN) development discussion thread

1535:You have been defeated!(Kongo)
How can I give my capital to Portugal?
It's my only city!
If this happens again then I will never play as Congo again.
Build a second city or don't give the first over then :p
There UU is made to be strong against the attack, and it isn't supposed to be easy!
They are harassing Congo more than the Europeans at the moment. Maybe let Congo spawn at peace with the natives?
They're definitely manageable by wisely using your Pombos though. It's the only opposition you have at the beginning of the game and quite an important part of what makes it interesting.

I agree the Portuguese conqueror bit is a bit jarring because you don't know what's coming for you the first time you play Congo and you can't react because they are right there next to your capital. When did that happen by the way? I'm surprised you didn't have a second city.
I think with the extra emphasis on Astronomy Portugal is getting the conqueror event earlier than before. It turns into a fine balance as whether to build Pombos, workers, or a settler. One that I think if not perfectly executed without anything bad happening (like an improvement destroying random event) will not win the UHV. A player should not have to be perfect in order to win a UHV if in Monarch or Viceroy.
They're definitely manageable by wisely using your Pombos though. It's the only opposition you have at the beginning of the game and quite an important part of what makes it interesting.

You'd still have barbarian impis to annoy you.
Strange. I've seen AI Kongo doing great, achieving 2/3 UHVs (I'm pretty sure it's the two except the Worker gifting one), being the first in the world to research Biology, with a Solid/Very Solid Stability, and on par with Europeans in terms of score. Being Christian can really pay its dividends.

AI Kongo won't vassalize on Friendly though, because "We just don't like you enough." I wonder if that's an intended feature...
AI Kongo won't vassalize on Friendly though, because "We just don't like you enough." I wonder if that's an intended feature...

I suppose you know, but do you have any other vassals? That can spoil your relationships.
I was playing as the Romans and wanted to switch to the Byzantines,but there was no switch option!
You can't switch between some certain civ combos. When civs start very close to eachother (like Rome and Byzantium, but also Greek and Rome and many more), you can't switch between them. This is to prevent squatting.
I was playing as the Roman Empire,I survived 476,vassalized Inca and Aztecs and was highest in score when my game crashed in 1525 AD.
Which revision do you use? I've committed a temporary fix yesterday, maybe you should update and see if the crash still happens (maybe you have to load a save from a couple of turns earlier).
What is squatting?

Oops, I said squatting, what I meant was exploiting.

Exploiting is building units, cities etc. as one civ, switch to another civs and taking all you produced with you previous civ.

e.g. When you are Greece, you can build some cities in western Europe. You produce some units and move them into the Roman spawn zone. When Rome spawns, the units will flip. As Rome, you take the Greek cities (which you left undefended ofcourse).
This gives you a huge advantage when playing Rome. (Free cities and units.)

Spoiler :
In previous versions, you could also give techs and gold to the new civ, but in the newer versions, this is disabled in the first few turns to prevent it.

Squatting is building your capital on the spawning plot of an other civ. When that new civ spawns, their units won't move, because they are in you territory and you don't have open borders with them. It won't build any cities, so you have one opponent less. And because capital spots usually are pretty good, you have a decent city spot.
This is not possible in the current versions of the mod, because capitals can flip now. Only if you have 1 city, it's still possible, because you're capital won't flip if you have only 1 city.

Spoiler :
e.g. In the (previous version of the) vanilla RFC game, you could build Amsterdam as your capital as France. You still could build Paris, as long as Amsterdam was your capital. When the Dutch spawned, their units will be placed a tile near Amsterdam. Because they are in your territory and you don't have OB with them, they can't move outside of your territory. They will remain motionless until: You declare war on them (which was the best option, but only when you are military superior and you wait 10 turns after they spawned, so they don't get extra units), or you sign OB with them or the culture level of your capital grows.

Result: No Dutch spawn, 2 good locations for cities. (Amsterdam and Paris)
Hiya guys, great modmod - love it. The reformation w/ the printing press threw Europe into chaos, the Vikings, me - Spain and my vassal Portugal were the only Catholic nations and everyone was fighting against us. But that's not the reason for my post here. I downloaded the SVN version and: in the main menu when you click single-player everything is unlocked which is a little bit weird. I proceed normally to the civ selection screen (after selecting one of the RFC scenarios of course) and when i click on one of the new civs eg. the Polish the game simply crashes. The rest of the civs work fine. What should i do?
Hard to tell. Are you sure the mod actually loaded, i.e. does it say "RFC Dawn of Civilization" in the upper right corner?
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