• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

DaNES I: At the Precipice

From: The United States of America
To: Serbia and Montenegro

We hereby request and require the surrender of the Serbian military to the Joint Allied High Command. If a Serbian surrender is procured, we can ensure your continued existence as an independent state. If you refuse, Serbia will not survive as a coherent polity.
From Serbia and Montenegro

We will consider your gracious offer. We will let you know our response soon.
@Dachs - So my mission to find the Bolivian player was unsuccessful?
Constitutionalist Persian Republic
Capital: Tehran
Ruler: Revolutionary Council/Abaddon
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Corrupt) (1/4)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 8 infantry divisions, 2 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 40
Navy: 5 destroyers
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/1 (Stagnant)
Area: 4
Infrastructure: Pathetic (1/4)
Population: 2
Education: Tolerable (1/2)
Living Standards: Very Low (1/2)
Culture: Mostly Iranian/Persian with some Arab, Kurd, Azeri, and Turkmen populations; mostly Shiite Muslim with some Sunni along various frontiers; almost completely culturally unified.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating (didn't this get +2?)
Just noticed... in the update i got +1 confidence, yet in my stats it's still the same respecting as last turn.
I'm pretty sure I've responded to all of the PMs and fixed all of the extant stat problems. Abaddon, I got the +2 Confidence, but I'm not sure why the infrastructure is wrong.
i had 4 spending... one went on everything.. edu/infra/living/beur
Yes, and one did...:confused:
Radio Announcement by Nicola Pasic, January 1928

A new year has arrived, and with it all the problems and challenges we must face. Large swathes of our lands and people lay in the hands of the Magyar lords. I offer a prayer to God that they survive. We are now forced to cower behind the mountains that hide us from the Hungarian hordes, but also from our ancestral lands. The American President, with his fine sounding words and gracious offers has demanded our surrender. What do I say? Are we in any state to refuse?

Yes we are.

I look around me. In this recently conquered city, where we have been forced to flee I see fear each day. Wifes without husbands, mothers without sons, young men in their uniforms. But there is something else. Strength. Hope. Defiance. Southern Slavs across the lands are finally uniting. Far too long have we been used. First the Romans, then the Ottomans, and now the powers that would call themselves "great". Well this Slav says "No more!". It is time to show the world, to stand up and say "We are strong!"

The brave men that died defending till the end did not do so in vain. I will not let their sacrifice buy us a surrender. Our armies regroup, the fight goes on. We are surrounded by enemies, but we also have friends. The Bulgarians, fine Southern Slavs by any standards, are rallying to our aid. The powers of the Entente support us. Scattered across the Hungarian lands, other Southern Slavs have found they are not weak. If we can unite we shall crush all those before us, starting with the pestering Magyars.

I call on you my children, everyone, to stand tall and fight. Be it in the battle fields, in the factories, in the farms or at home, you can all do your bit. The Southern Slavic bird spreads it's wings. It's time to grow back those clipped feathers and take flight!

Only With Unity Are We Strong
Bitter resistance till the end!

:rolleyes: With any luck either your generals or your people will kill you for blatant disregard of their lives. To be honest, I've seen more cunning treachery from my kid brother :p
oh, my government should say something like "Theocratic Republic" or something like that.

To Sweden-Norway
From Ahmed Aslan, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden-Norway from the Islamic Republic of Arabia

I have seen that there is some uneasiness in your government about your loan agreements with us. Do you intend to go through with the loan as proposed, or should we readjust? If your government wishes, I can provide a report of spending last fiscal year, as well as the planned allocation of the loan money for this upcoming year.

Ahmed Aslan
From: Empire of Japan
To: Spanish Empire

Japan shall honor its alliance with the Entente.
The complete disregard for our 'deal' :p. I wasn't even going to invade Belgium, so you can't use that excuse :).

OOC: If NESers ignore written and signed treaties, what makes you think they will stick to a shady backroom agreement? Wilson had it right - 'diplomacy by press release' is a good way to keep everyone honest ;).
From: Empire of Japan
To: Spanish Empire

Japan shall honor its alliance with the Entente.

About time you showed up.
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