Danmacsch's (Damasc's) civilizations

Alright herewith report for Greenland:

Mods used:
CP v88 8-23
EE v6
E&D v3
CD v15
RtP v42
HR v45
Greenland v1 (playing as)

- Greenland specific decisions are not showing in the Decisions-screen (other decisions like the ones with JFDLC are there)
- There is no text showing when first meeting Greenland as AI.
- In the social policy screen, it mentions Cultural Ideal "Colonial" but shows the 3 policies belonging to Northern
- UA: Walrus spawns with a camp on it and indication of 4 happiness and 1 food/prod/gold when worked. However, when city expands to include the icetile with walrus, it is not a workable tile for the city or doesn't provide yields from it in any other way (see logs) Also,walrus does not count as a luxury resource for happiness (not showing in happiness calculation). With this, assume that other feats involving Walrus (trade route to city with Walrus, Mead Hall extra movement to units when working Walrus are also broken....
- The WLTKD on Mead Hall was quite short (only 4 turns) which didn't feel that beneficial. Perhaps better to have a normal length WLTKD?

Hope this helps!


  • Greenland Walrus.zip
    289.5 KB · Views: 211
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Starting game with Kanem Bornu, just noticed some TXT_KEY_... with the Askawr (also in Civpedia for this unit and it's unique promotion), but also Decisions.

Not sure if due to other mods?:
CP v88 9-7
CD v15
RtP v44
EE v6
E&D v3
HR v45


Oh shoot that's 1000 posts D:

Starting game with Kanem Bornu, just noticed some TXT_KEY_... with the Askawr (also in Civpedia for this unit and it's unique promotion), but also Decisions.

Not sure if due to other mods?:
CP v88 9-7
CD v15
RtP v44
EE v6
E&D v3
HR v45

Could be to do with the CID support being outdated I guess, although iirc the TXT was still working fine in the Days of Thugs...

But yea lad plz I wouldn't have expected to have to remind you that logs are crucial to finding the sources of bugs...

(And yea don't no-one question our JFDDLC versions kk? :p)
Didn't think relevant for this one, since already on turn 0, but herewith...


  • Kanem-Bornu.zip
    69.2 KB · Views: 221
Do you even have CtD enabled? Is not CD - cultural diversity?

What did I say about not questioning the JFDDLC version...
I am not questioning the mods themselves. I was just wondering if the member meant cultural diversity or cities in development in his/hers mod list.
And here I was wondering if you were going to release Ithaca in honor of Odyssey day...
How are the remaining updates coming along (Faroe, South Africa, ..)? Hope you can get around to working on/releasing those soon!!
Hi I'm currently running into an issue with the Dervishes and Kasanje where they refuse to appear on the civ selection screen for YNAEMP or for a vanilla game. I have checked the logs, and they are both being registered in the database (as seen in stopwatch.log). Any help would be much appreciated!

  • YNAEMP v24
  • Future Worlds v5
  • Enlightenment Era v6
  • DLL - Various Mod Components - 62 Civ Version v87
  • Dervishes v7
  • Kasanje v8 (also tested with v7)
So first batch of updates finally here.

Dervishes updated to v8 and Kasanje to v9.

- Solved issue where neither civ appeared in the civ selection screen when loaded together (actually rather, I couldn't replicate the problem, but tested with all the mods listed in Limerickarcher's report and more and it worked fine - might have fixed it without realising it tho).

- various small bugfixes

- UU: Solved issue with ctd when capturing barb and CS worker. Unfortunately, there is still an issue where capturing CS workers will sometimes just delete the captured unit - still better than a ctd tho.
- UU: Added further limitations to the amount of Mavalas spawning to not clutter map too much .
- Support: Fixed compatibility with JFDLC (broke CID support tho), so that Mavala units actually work as intended (provide Citizens upon being expended).

Next updates: South Africa, Greenland and Faroe Islands (in that order likely).
Awesome job! Seems quite complex and I love the funky civ colour, + an UI that is intertwined with the entire design :D
Also great job on finally silencing everybody requesting the creation of a Madagascar civ :lol:
Yaay!!! The Malagasy Kingdom is now a full civ (not just a "minor" city-state)! Thanks a lot!
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