You should be able to walk straight into empty Berlin.
How? He has 1 or 2 warriors.
You should be able to walk straight into empty Berlin.
Turn 1 worker steal ? And finish Frederik off with chariots, teching AH at once?
Do we really need to finish him? If we eliminate him, his space will take Cate or Caesar or Alexander - all 3 are really annoying opponents. Isn't it cleverer to have weak Frederick as a buffer?
In addition to being a buffer, early production and research needs to directed to key wonders not killing Freddie given you can’t keep his land.
I wouldn’t put my spy points on him if you’re going to take his worker. He’s likely to put his points on you if you declare war on him and I guess there’s a risk that he won’t open borders. My understanding is that both of these factors would increase the cost of stealing techs from him. Lizzie seems a better bet to me.
However, I’m not sure how culture spread works across the ocean. Some stuff to research/ponder.
Since everyone said it was impossible, I decided to give a OCC with conquest in mind a go... And I failed rather horribly.
I replayed the opening several times for some stuff "Once under a blue moon" to click.
I popped mining and then masonry from the piggy-hut up west, and the scandinavian one.
Stole a worker from Freddy, and then razed his capital for another worker at 25% odds.
So pretty much everything is absurdly rigged in the players advantage.
Given that I spend most of my life with French people in London that’s slightly alarming but in terms of the game it suggests that French culture spreads just fine to London and Lizzie is likely to be a good tech stealing target.I flipped and thus razed London eventually in my trial game so it does spread over water.
Not sure how it effects espionage though.
Spoiler :
I still like GProphets. They add hammers and gold, both of which is really nice. Beakers isn't end all be all if you are going conquest at all.
But you do need one GSci for the academy!
I think that strategy might work out much better. You have a early strong UU that you can wreck havoc with, you are IMP which is a godsend.
Getting early feud and start aquiring vassals is probably key, have to make it happen in the medieval era to have any chance I think. I got my first with cannons after T150 and that was to late.
It’s true that Fred will open borders at annoyed but I’m not sure that’s still true if you’re his worst enemy? However, having thought about it more I don’t think it matters. I think you get the espionage reduction if you have trade routes with the target city and not just from having open borders (?). Given that, until currency, you’ll only have one trade route, I doubt that’ll be with Germany as you’ll start earning the years of peace trade route bonus later with him than you will Izzy, Lizzie and JC etc (unless you worker steal from them too). Also, once you get sailing I assume you’ll end up with trade routes with Lizzie because she’s overseas. This pushes you towards Lizzie being a better longer term target. Another factor is Paris might start putting its culture on London earlier than Berlin which would make tech stealing cheaper. However, I’m not sure how culture spread works across the ocean. Some stuff to research/ponder.
Culture spread over ocean works the same as normal but you can only spread culture to tiles that can be worked from the continent that the culture spreading city is on. (not necessarily from that city, just from somewhere on it's continent)It’s true that Fred will open borders at annoyed but I’m not sure that’s still true if you’re his worst enemy? However, having thought about it more I don’t think it matters. I think you get the espionage reduction if you have trade routes with the target city and not just from having open borders (?). Given that, until currency, you’ll only have one trade route, I doubt that’ll be with Germany as you’ll start earning the years of peace trade route bonus later with him than you will Izzy, Lizzie and JC etc (unless you worker steal from them too). Also, once you get sailing I assume you’ll end up with trade routes with Lizzie because she’s overseas. This pushes you towards Lizzie being a better longer term target. Another factor is Paris might start putting its culture on London earlier than Berlin which would make tech stealing cheaper. However, I’m not sure how culture spread works across the ocean. Some stuff to research/ponder.