Denmark and refugees

"There are big problems in Sweden"

"Stop pulling facts out of your butt!"

"I got my information from Swedish sources and from media from all around the world"

"Get your information from more reliable sources"

"Here's some links to some reliable sources"

"{Hurls insults in my direction}"

Whoops, I missed one of your important questions, I guess that means you get to insult me and act like a spoiled brat.
Spoiled brat, really? Seems to me you need to direct your misguided anguish to the man in the mirror.
Spoiled brat, really? Seems to me you need to direct your misguided anguish to the man in the mirror.
You say that one post after calling him 'dense'? :confused:
I'll happily include you aswell Ryika if you feel left out?
Europe should help refugees but it would be better, and perhaps more expensive and complicated, to open legal avenues for refugees in Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. Not those who arrive illegally. In particular with Denmark, they would have to go through several already safe countries to get there.

Czech Republic tried this for Iraqi christians with full service. After 2 months from 89 relocated people 41 tried illegaly move to Germany and 8 returned to Iraq.
I'll happily include you aswell Ryika if you feel left out?

Well yeah, go ahead and insult me as well. I'll wait until you've done that so I can just report your post against me and then mention your second post instead of having to report both posts separately.
Czech Republic tried this for Iraqi christians with full service. After 2 months from 89 relocated people 41 tried illegaly move to Germany and 8 returned to Iraq.

I saw this in Iraqi media, which said Czech Republic sent them back but I didn't bother to read the article. So they tried to go to Germany? That means they were stopped?

Czech Republic is getting positive attention in Kurdistan because they're making some projects here.
Look, I agree the tone wasn't appropriate, but while there are statistics that show that Sweden has migratory problems, there are also statistics that show that the problems aren't really that severe. It's true that Sweden is, at the very least, strained, but it's not a collapsing third world economic hellhole. Sweden still scores quite well in GDP and GINI and does it with sucky natural resources, as has always been the case in Scandinavia, save for oil. The Sverigesradio link warpus provided isn't just critical of the situation in Sweden, it also displays a number of proposed solutions to try and fix the problems, all of which are quite reasonable. The "Theglobeandmail" link reads really awkwardly and I'm unsure why warpus is buying into the rhethoric because it's really manipulative. While they provide some dark statistics, it arbitrarily dismisses Malmö as a nonsolution,
The immigrant-heavy city of Malmo, just across the bridge from Denmark, is an economic and social basket case.
I understand that she tries to phrase that it just happened, but no, Malmö doesn't just magically happen. Rather than looking into the solutions Malmö has done she just hand-waves it off. That's absurd!

The article also uses the phrases "Sweden’s fantasy" and "Swedish welfare ghettos" rather than... well "Sweden's ideals" or, well, "ghettos" if you insist on using the word.

The article claims that journalists don't report the bad news. Uh, what? The bad news are plentiful here in Scandinavia. Bad news from Sweden are all over the place in Denmark, available in Swedish, actually. Does this guy actually read Swedish news or does he just handpick the stats that circulate the web between rightwingers? He quotes that Sweden has had the highest increase in inequality between OECD countries since the 1980s. Well, that might be partly the fault of immigration, but it's really not just that, it's also that (as far as I know) Swedish equality used to be much higher than the rest of the OECD in the 1980s. As such the statistics are more easily warped.

Lastly, and this is really important, there are plenty of people that are educated in economics in Sweden. Handpicking a Kurdish-Swedish economist is awfully convenient and honestly, well, manipulative. Why not talk with the numerous other economists available? Will they all color the palette like that? Do you think the Swedish parliament doesn't consult economists when making policy? And willfully going ad hominem, the guy has migrated from Sweden to Chicago. You understand that people moving to the Americas from Scandinavia usually don't actually favor our political structure.

There's so much emotional spin in that article's rhetorical structure, it's actually contrary to its own ethos. But perhaps that's just me...


So let's just for a second assume that Sweden is exploding from these costs.

The reason Sweden is strained at all is because of the rest of Europe are, again, bombing and displacing populations in the Middle East while conveniently denying responsibility for the populations in question. European immigration isn't Sweden's fault. Pointing to Sweden to showcase the problem with European immigration policy isn't really productive.

Look, I'm all for you guys arguing that Sweden should set up walls. Sure, they have some bad stats, let them grow more authoritarian to fix it or whatever. But doing that will actually just redirect the streams into the rest of Europe. These displaced populations will not just stop showing up at the doorsteps just because Sweden shuts its doors. These people are fleeing from outright despicable and dangerous living conditions. Wasn't it Lebanon which had like 2 million refugees in a 1 million country? (EDIT I'm sure my stats are off, perhaps even the country I will admit, they were off the top of my head. I just remember it was really bad, somewhere.) Where do you think those guys will go? Magically disappear? Starve to death in a collapsing economy? Have their lives destroyed by going back to where they fled from?

Because the problems in Sweden are not especially because of the money paid per immigrant, it's because of a number of factors besides that. There are too many immigrants, even without our assumption. But migrant populations automatically end up as bottom feeders in whatever economies they end up in. This prevents them from moving anywhere on the social ladder. At the same time they can't afford much because of their socioeconomic standing so ghettos naturally grow. Low skill jobs are already in very low demand in developed European economies and natives favor hiring natives. All of this creates a positive feedback loop, which segregates the populations in question. Sweden actively works against all these things, and there are plenty of statistics that showcase that these policies are succesful, still, there is a lot of work to be done, and if anything that would be because of the sheer magnitude of it.
(EDIT: The point is, the above outlined problems are what I think is the problems with migrant populations in all of Europe, the point was to showcase why migration can be a problem to begin with, to demonstrate this would not be unique to Sweden. Read on for the point.)

So, Sweden doesn't work. Let's handpick from the new Danish political developments, assuming that's the way forward, exemplified in the Theglobeandmail article warpus posted. Denmark's new policies in regards to immigrants, lowering the subsidies for immigrants to the degree we do, actively produces an alienated, impoverished (due to the cost of living), offcut, segregated population, unable to speak the language and compete on the job market. Often there's huge resistance to constructing public mosques for example, native Danes think this will hinder Islamization or whatever, but what it actually just does is to keeping the segregated population's religious practices well and hidden in cellars. Denmark's money-saving policy is producing a segregated, disenfranchised, empoverished population that cannot compete with the native population on a fundamental level and is growing in size.

And you say Sweden's policies are a recipe for problems.

The argument that Sweden should tighten up the same way Denmark does - and that everyone in Europe should follow accordingly, because that's really the only reason you guys discuss some obscure Scandinavian state to begine with - isn't very good. Because it will create several disenfranchised, possibly angry population pockets all over Europe.

(EDIT: True to my usertitle, that was a little messy post. I hope some of you can collect the pieces, I'm not good at being concise.)
We know this since Greece:

"There can be no democratic choice against the european treaties" Jean-Claude Juncker

Let me translate that for you
"Örder uber Alles Pay DEBTS "
It makes sense, you guys have the most liberal immigration policies on the continent and a very generous welfare system. And like I said, seemingly no plans to integrate any of the arrivals into your culture.

So I'm not really sure which part you really think I'm pulling out of my butt, because it all seem accurate enough, no matter where I look.

Sweden is cutting benefits and half and starting deportations. Very similar policy like Germany, you have to learn the native language and intergrate. Same problems like the previous waves of immigrants, overcrowding, unemployment and crime. Except in the past Christian immigrants had an easier time intergrating.
The good news is that after the riot the law enforcement crackdown has since return law and order.

We can’t be part of society,” he says. “To be part of society we need to learn the language, learn the rules, conduct our lives as Swedish people.”

There has been little such trouble in Sodertalje since a crackdown on gangs several years ago, according to the deputy police chief, David Beukelmann. But he worries about the lack of integration.

Sodertalje has the highest percentage of people in Sweden in so-called social assistance, designed to boost the income of the poorest, but the town was forced to cut it by half, according to Mr Andreae.

even if the children get a chance to learn Swedish, identity issues ensue. To be officially classed as Swedish, a child must be born in Sweden and have at least one Swedish parent. A pupil at Ronna School, who declines to be named but who has two foreign parents, says: “I was born in Sweden, I speak Swedish but I’m not considered Swedish, I don’t have the same chances as a Swedish person.”
The reason Sweden is strained at all is because of the rest of Europe are, again, bombing and displacing populations in the Middle East while conveniently denying responsibility for the populations in question.
Yeah yeah, it's all Evil Europe's fault :rolleyes:
Yeah yeah, it's all Evil Europe's fault :rolleyes:

Why are you writing toxic sarcasm after a mod asked us to keep down the offensive tone? And why are you not addressing anything I wrote? Are you willingly making yourself look unable to provide substance? I know you're capable of it, so I don't understand why you default such content.


Anyways. To be fair I don't know about the military assistance of Sweden during the latest wars in the Middle East. Sweden may have taken part in the destabilization of the region. And I'm also well aware that the US has spearheaded the affairs. But the thing is, regardless of how "just" the wars we have waged actually are, and how "just" the intentions with the wars actually are, the fact of the matter is that wars have consequences. You can't just go into a region with nonorganic borders and remove governments without expecting some kind of human consequence. That is how things work. It's not very difficult to understand, so it shouldn't be difficult for Akka above either.

Sweden may have taken some problematic decisions, but they're not simpletons. They are also actively trying to mold the problem in a direction so that ghettofication and polarization of populations doesn't happen in the future. Swedens' policy isn't just to take in people and not do anything about it, there are attempts at integration in all layers of the process.
The US, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have each done far, far more bombing and military actions in the area than most of Europe, so why do Europeans always think they have a unique obligation to fix everything at their own expense? Saying "I think maybe Sweden had some part in it, I haven't checked, so therefore it's their duty to take in a ton of people from very different cultures with very different values all at once" just doesn't suffice.
I saw this in Iraqi media, which said Czech Republic sent them back but I didn't bother to read the article. So they tried to go to Germany? That means they were stopped?

Czech Republic is getting positive attention in Kurdistan because they're making some projects here.

25 were stopped in Germany and rest was stopped in the Czech Republic when ordered bus to Germany. Its unclear what will be next. They may ask for asylum in the Czech Republic again, some already did. Some asked for asylum in Germany, there is some chance if they have some close family member in Germany. But it seems that these will be returned to CZ soon.

The interior minister stopped relocation program.
The US, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have each done far, far more bombing and military actions in the area than most of Europe, so why do Europeans always think they have a unique obligation to fix everything at their own expense? Saying "I think maybe Sweden had some part in it, I haven't checked, so therefore it's their duty to take in a ton of people from very different cultures with very different values all at once" just doesn't suffice.

I actually just think that the rest of Europe has an obligation to take some responsibility for the situation in the Middle East. I'm unsure whether Sweden has. It's very true that of the Western coalition the US has been the main mover, but there are still several warring European states. It's not about who's doing the most bombing, it's whether the European nations have warred enough to make an impact. Which I do think they have.


But that said, hey, let's say Europe doesn't have anything to do with it at all. No moral obligation. Let's even pretend Europe hasn't waged war whatsoever... There's still millions of displaced people just across the Mediterranean.

Fact of the matter is still that Europe will face waves of immigration. Closing up Sweden will just redirect the flow of the populations to the other states. The article warpus provided appealed to the behavior of Denmark, assuming it was rational. Well, immigrants in Denmark, which arrive jobless, are facing social subsidies of about 5000 kr per month. Just the rent of a Copenhagen apartment easily amounts to 6000 kr a month. To be fair they can also take a Danish course and get 500 kr more a month. So a new, unemployed, uncompetetive, probably poor immigrant individual only faces a monthly deficit of 500 kr. Before they even begin to purchase say food.

Of course there are areas that are cheaper, such as rural areas, but there is much less work available there for people to get out of this situation. Of course, they can bundle together with roommates and families, but there's a good chance the laws will eg hold the head of family the only person able to get these subsidies, as the subsidies may otherwise become larger than the base social subsidies of Danish families, and the state doesn't like that.

The decision of ca 5000 kr a month was set as such because that's the subsidies students get for studying here, and the government argued that since students can survive on that, immigrants should be able to do so too. Well, actually students can't survive on that, and they've been saying so for many years. (Whether the students deserve more money or not is not relevant for this thread. The point is that it's really really hard to get by on just 5000 kr a month in the capital.) Students are allowed to work a bit in addition to these subsidies, and they're allowed to take very low rate loans, and many many students are supported from home or other indirect means. The migrants have no such offers from the state and often have no contacts in Denmark that can support them. Also they are in an unfavorable situation in the job market because they often don't speak the language, their skills or education often aren't thought of as comparable to the Danish education, and there's flat out employer racism which is demonstrable in many studies.

Do you think this policy will create an integrated, content population group with favorable views towards Danish values and traditions, facing away from the immediate groups that are present in the country, also comparably poor, which face the same difficulties? Do you think the crime statistics will be better or worse than the Swedish immigrant crime statistics?

Is this a good example of a policy possibly to copy throughout Europe?

Would this be a good policy for Sweden? Will their statistics get better?

My point is that hey, you may mark Sweden's policies as fantasy land idealistic nonsense, but good, sustainable, even costly immigration policies is not necessarily an idea grounded in bleeding-heart liberalism, it may actually have to do with concrete, socioeconomic problems that Europe will somehow face very soon, if they're not facing it already.

EDIT: fixes, clarity, stuff.
I do not feel any responsibility when foreign bloody dictators fighting with muslim radicals. If I would do I would have to choose if I feel reponsibility for being involved or not being involved enough... IMHO only for what Sweden should feel responsibility are own radicals who fight abroad. This is your shame.

Regards help, most effective is always help in affected region. I would argue that by taking illegal wealthy migrants who made it from another continents you are just worsening situation, supporting smugglers and helping less people in need. Your migration policy is your thing, but other countries suffer too when you are attracting illegal movements- making own hotspots in Africa and Asia would be much more clean if you want attract migration.

Regards balance between prevention and repression you have some truth. The people are individual, some need sugar and some need whip, but for example scandinavian prisons producing better people than these traditional ones. So when you have already decided integrate somebody, you should probably give him what he will ask for. The problem would be total number and externalities.
The US, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have each done far, far more bombing and military actions in the area than most of Europe

The UK has been quite happy helping the US along with its arming of rebels. And France has been bombing out of an ingrained belief that it owns Africa, and any locals who "threaten" french rule there should be killed with extreme prejudice. Libya was destroyed by France. This is something for the other europeans to remember as the situation worsens there. As for the africans, they will remember. Some will submit, but not all. It'll be Algeria for the french, again and again...
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