Yeah, events are definitely one of those things where quantity matters. Too few and they get predictive and repetitive, which is unfun no matter how well they are individually written.
Old World has a total of about 4000 events, and it took more than 2000 for the system to really click. That doesn't necessarily translate to the same number in Civ7. There are several types of events that Old World needs and Civ7 doesn't - for example, diplomacy is event-driven in OW while Civ7 keeps the "bargaining table" with proposals. Or, Old World has you managing your heir's education, which needs a bunch of events, while Civ7 has no such mechanic. Some other triggers are more comparable, Civ7 gives you events when you pop a goody hut as this dev diary showed, Old World does the same.
I'm a long-time supporter of events in Civ. I made some of the events that appear in Civ4, I wrote a guide on how to mod new ones, and I've been hoping to see the feature return in Civ5 or 6. So I'm happy to see Civ7 finally embraces random events. My initial feeling is that 1000 events, which sounds like a great number, isn't quite enough but I am sure more will be added, and it's a very respectable number compared to some other games that tried similar narratives. Humankind was advertising 150 events on launch. Millennia has about 650, if my quick look at the game files is accurate, and Millennia's events didn't get too repetitive in some categories, while other categories did get repetitive quite quickly, so of course how events are distributed across triggers also matters a lot.
So my initial feeling is that the even pool is a bit below where it needs to be quantity-wise, but I'm pretty sure it's more than any other 4X other than Old World, and I'm optimistic about that. But I like events. One of my most important lessons from Old World was that many people just don't - we've had a substantial minority of players who feel there should be zero random events, or as close as possible, culminating in a No Events mode being added a few months ago. Some people will definitely dislike the system in Civ7 regardless of the implementation details, just because they dislike such random events.