[Development] Alternative Map during 1.17

Yes, only small changes have been made since those were uploaded. You can then track changes in the screenshots shared in the last pages of this thread.
I applaud your patience.
Sorry, if this is semi-necroing this thread, but what would be the best guess for when 1.17 including the new map could be playable.
If I understand correctly, the new map will be 1.18 (or possibly 1.19, I'm not sure of Leoreth's plans).

Version 1.17 is focused on a bunch of changes to the underlying code, which should make all future changes easier: see the threads here and here.
New update:
- moved resources in Punjab, opened more terrain in Aksai Chin, added salt in Tibet
- adjust uranium location in France
- adjust resources in Mexico
- reduced Gobi desert in Mongolia, changed some hills to moorland forest, adjusted some resources
- added Lake Khanka
- adjust forests in Iceland
- adjust terrain and resources around Orduqent
- enlarge the Andes and add more highlands in northern Peru

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New update: terrain adjustments for
- Madagascar
- Caribbean
- Central America
- Central Asia
- Indochina
- South China
- Scandinavia

We are now caught up with the existing suggestions.
New update:
- adjusted oases, dates, dyes, and oil in Arabia and Egypt
- adjusted resources in the Philippines
- moved Azores 1S and adjusted their terrain and surrounding islands
- moved Lake Chad 1E
- moved the Guadalquivir river south
- adjusted resources in the Zambia and Congo regions
- moved Ahaggar and Tibesti mountains 1N
- adjusted terrain in Central, West, and North Africa

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Broader overview of the current map state following in a bit.
I suggest making Nejd (2W, 1N. from the camels in eastern Arabia) a hill terrain to represent the plateau (since mountains are too much at this scale), and add 1 oasis north of it Nejd hill to represent the large oases in Qasim, as well as turning the terrain under al-Hasa (oasis with dates) to a more type that has higher food yield, as these were historic agricultural centers relative to the general aridness of the desert.
On a side note, I like how it is possible to squeeze Medina into the hejaz region north of Mecca.
Note that a desert oasis date tile already is 3 food unimproved and 6 food improved. Putting dates on oasis tiles is something I only decided to do recently, but it makes a lot of sense aesthetically and historically. However a 6 food tile seems a little powerful. Reducing the Orchard effect to +2 food still makes for a very good tile, and iirc I only put dates at +3 because the expectation was that they would be on otherwise plain desert tiles.

That means I need to revisit some date locations to account for this. I think I did not pay sufficient mind to how dates impact the local food availability when originally placing them, because they were added later than most resources.
Note to everyone using the map branch on the private repository: I have rebased and force pushed the map branch, so if you are updating I advise you to delete your local copy of the branch, and then fetch and pull it again. I will be using this branch for ongoing development so it might not always be stable.

I also pushed map-before-rebase as an alternative branch but it will be frozen on its current state, so the map might get out of date over time.
which branch is the "Big map" on GitHub? I have github access and I already downloaded it once, but it was a long time ago and I forgot. I would like to download it again because I wanted to mount some images to be able to make some suggestions/discussions here in the forum.

PS: I realized what was going wrong. I was entering through Github from the public DoC, but the correct one is private. and it really was, literally written map kkkkkkk. Ok thaks Leo.
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It is literally called "map". See the post right before yours.
Just to share a bit of what is going on currently:
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This is an export of game data into CSV file format which can be immediately opened with LibreOffice (or Excel etc. if you prefer). This is just a basic example where I exported the basic terrain types that are usually relevant when editing any kind of game map (water vs land vs peak) and used it to create the corresponding background colours.

But in practice moving forward every game map of this type will be stored in CSV format so that it can be easily edited using a common spreadsheet editor. As long as it is exported as CSV again, the edited map can be used by the game immediately. This makes it a lot easier to edit these maps because we no longer have to mess around in huge nested Python tuples.

I am also trying to make the background colouration here importable into any other spreadsheet so that when you are editing e.g. settler map values the cell colours indicate which tile you are editing. There's more that I want to try out, such as an easy way to import and export these files into Google sheets. That way it would be much easier to make the current state viewable and editable online and share proposals for changes to import them back into the game.
Danemark, Norway, Japan, Italy, Phillipines soo cool!!!

GB is accurate. Land's End looks weird.

Thx for oasis buff! Mb 16+ Dubai happens.
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I'd really like to see an oranges resource in Sicily, maybe outplacing the olives one. Sicily is the most dense area in Europe for citrus production. During the Roman period, citrons and lemons were rare and cultivated mostly in the Vesuvius area and Calabrian coast. oranges came later in the 15th century.
Nowadays, Italy and Spain have a similar production ratio (1:2) for both olives and citrus.
Hello Leoreth and co., seeing all the work made here, all those big and little touches to all the regions ... Would you consider adding some natural wonders to the map? There is also a dedicated thread (Natural Wonders Brainstorming) to this topic - but the debate there seems unsettled. You know, just to add that small amount of flavour? Like Mount Everest, Mount Sinai, Mount Fuji, Kilimanjaro. No need for special effects connected to them in the first place until proper forum the discussion etc. I believe just being there they could add some "spice" to already great looking map :)
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