Diplomacy 6 Game Thread 2

Carthage: Build F car

Very funny to watch, I must admit.

EDIt : Vae Victis
Wow. First time I've looked at this game.

It's amazing to see just how differently the game is playing out in the two different threads.
I'd be more than happy to sub in for oyzar - I'm almost dead on the other thread (Thanks to Renata, the evil backstabbing, smart player >:O)

Thanks for the offer, but I have a reserves list. In order to be fair I need to go through it first. Granted, I'm waiting for a reply from Oyzar first before I hand his spot off.
Thanks for the offer, but I have a reserves list. In order to be fair I need to go through it first. Granted, I'm waiting for a reply from Oyzar first before I hand his spot off.

I think Oyzar is not a member anymore, he can't be messaged or commented on his profile and I don't think he can post anymore.

I'll remove
army at Gal
army at Ill
Thanks for the offer, but I have a reserves list. In order to be fair I need to go through it first. Granted, I'm waiting for a reply from Oyzar first before I hand his spot off.

Ah, I had just assumed that, since Renata had been a replacement, your reserves were already exhausted. My bad :blush:
Ah, I had just assumed that, since Renata had been a replacement, your reserves were already exhausted. My bad :blush:

Renata is a sub, as KM is supposed to come back on the 14th. Assuming of course Renata hasn't killed him by then ;) . I had asked some of the reserves and they didn't want to sub, but wanted to replace, which is something I can understand.
Assuming of course Renata hasn't killed him by then

I'm working on it. :shifty:

So which unit should I disband? I'm taking bribes. Opening bid is $5.
So which unit should I disband? I'm taking bribes. Opening bid is $5.
If you want to survive as long as possible, you should disband one of the two armies in the north. It's not like civplayah can do much other than defend.

But if you're taking virtual bribes, remove the fleet in Sicily. :cool:
I bet he attacks me just because he can. :)

The Sicily fleet is special; price for that one is $10.
Thanks for that Methos, I'm going to need some time to freshen up on a few of the rules.
Wow, the bribes are slow in coming. So far I have a bid of forty-three cents and some pocket lint from Niklas regarding the fleet in Sicily, and a letter with a poison seal from Civplayah, saying only "I KEEL JOO". Took out my best secretary, that one did.
I'll offer you my undying love and two interwebz for your resignation in the other thread.

Deal ?
Egypt: Builds F thb
Rome: Removes A rha
Egypt: Builds A mem
Greece: Removes A ill
Greece: Removes A gal
Persia: Builds A dam
Carthage: Builds F car
Persia: Builds F ant

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Spoiler :

Winter 3 AD Movement

Winter 3 AD

Winter 3 AD Influence

Next Orders Due By: Oct. 16th @ Noon
BTW, Morgan, as I've seen you around, want your civ back? (What's left of it?) I'd really prefer if you did, as I'm a bit swamped right now.
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