• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Dominion NES

Thor is not of your kind foolish Vanir! He is of the Æsir to whom you had to ransom Freyja, Freyr and Njörðr to halt a war you could not win. In return we ransomed to of our people Mímir, our wisest, and Hœnir, of no great worth, to your folk. You would have done well to gain some of the wisdom of Mímir for you killed him and kept the worthless one among your kind. Mjöllnir is his mighty hammer, the greatest weapon of the gods. You are clearly not led by the Vanir if you have forgotten such things and the Vanir are clearly dead, for they would not let their servants forget so much of the old lore. Not that this is a bad thing, for if the hateful Vanir are dead, then maybe we will not have to invade your pitiful island and slay you all to the last child lest one of their kind escape.

Magni, son of Thor and Járnsaxa, Lord of the Jötnar.

OOC: Well from the original text it reads Niflheim and therefore Nifl. However that is not the Anglicised but the proper Norse. Most texts leave it as it is and do not change it. The Rimtursar cannot have been wiped out because the jötnar of Niflheim are the Rimtursar and the jötnar of Niflheim still live, though they will be reduced greatly in power and strength by the battle with the Æsir and the One. The Niefel Giants in the game are the remnant of the Rimtursar though not as powerful, at least in Dominions 2 because I just checked the lore on the demo version.
The Vanir still live, but make little direct contact with the majority of Vanheim. We Van are mostly human, and the Vanir share little of the oldest secrets of the world with us. We belive that they seak to forget a diffivult past. Lord Thorndai does not appear to be of the Aesir, but something older. In dede, if the Vanir had many dealings with the running of our country (even thought it does bear their name), don't you think a Vanir would write these messages to the World, ranther then a human of foregn birth?
We also did not seek to offend. For now, I see no reason why their should be war between our countries. How ever, we would request a slightly calmer tone to our communications.
Lady Gwen Lllywhen
Survent of Lord Thorndai the Thunder
Eriu no Kimi, Buresu e -

Good work on your conquest of Eriu! You have done well on your first assignment in my service. I will have another for you shortly, which I will be joining you for - it will be the culmination of our conquests for the moment. Though it should not turn out to be particularly difficult, you should prepare yourself anyway.

I have not been able to write to you earlier due to some... complications that we have experienced here in Bogarus, but you have done exactly what I expect in the absence of orders - absolutely nothing. This is good - I do not want my generals undertaking major projects without direct orders from me. Minor things are fine, especially when it comes to provincial management - I have yet to test you in this area, but know that my expectations are high.

I have confidence in your abilities.

Kami no Nushi, Shinuyama no Kimi, Shizen kara

OOC: Nice update. World's starting to fill up finally, things are going to get interesting ^_^
Why should there be war? Why, you ask? Because the Vanir must be dead for you to be so ignorant and therefore you are but weak humans who bear the name of the most hated foes of the jötnar. I do not know of anything older than the Æsir but I know of beings of the same age. That is beyond my knowledge of the ancient histories of the world. It is likely that your lord is a Vanir if he appears to be of the kin of the Æsir, for the few who survived of that race rebuilt Asgard, bar me of course, and it was all torn down again by the One and now they are slowly rebuilding once more.

Magni Lord of the Jötnar addressing the Lady Gwen Lllywhen.

OOC: Should have said this early. Great update LDiCesare.
The abbot stammered. "But... How can this be...?"
The figure standing above him smiled, but did not reply. A strange light shone behind his eyes, and the abbot fell to his knees once more. "Master, how can I be of service?"
The figure enjoyed the fear and obeyance in the voice of the holy man. His smile grew wider.
"For now... We wait. Go to sleep, and preach this new faith to your people. Soon, I will take the reins of this land and lead it into prosperity."
The abbot rose and kissed the hand of the figure. It spoke again, before leaving:
"For now... Have faith."
Diamondeye, you came in at an... awkward time for Marignon.
The Vanir live, they just remain alof of mortals. I will try send you a copy of History Tome soon.
So you do harbour our most deadly and ancient foe, a just reason for war. However we do not seek to slay the last of the Vanir and those who harbour them now or in the near future. But always be on your guard for we are watching and we are waiting.

Magni, Lord of the Jötnar addressing the Servant of the Vanir Gwen Lllywhen.
The Vanir Tome of History:
The Creation of Midgard

Spoiler :
In the beginning, when the world was young, there existed the land of Ginnungagap, which formed between the icy land of Niefelheim and the fiery land of Muspellsheim.
In this land the ice met with fire and melted, forming eitr. The eitr stuck together, forming a Giant of Rimtursar, Aurgelmir, father of Giants and body of the North Lands.
When Aurgelmir slept, his sweat stuck with the eitr, and formed the Giants. Aurgelmir fed on the milk of Auðhumla, the Primeval Cow, who fed by licking the salty ice of the land. As Auðhumla fed, she revealed the man Buri, who fathered Borr, who married the Jotun Bestla, who mothered three sons; Odin, Vili and Vé, the first generation of Aesir.
The three brother then slew Aurgelmir, and his blood drowned all of the Jotun save two, Bergelmir and his wife, who begot the new race of Jotun.
Odin and his brothers then used the body of Aurgelmir to form the Island of Midgard where Vanheim, Asgard and Helheim now exist. His blood formed the lakes and rivers, his bones the Mountains and his flesh the earth. His teeth and bone fragments became the stones, his hair the trees. Maggots on his flesh became the dwarves. Odin cast Aurgelmir’s brains into the sky to form the clouds that cling the to mountains. The brothers then took the dying sparks of Muspellsheim, which was fading as the earth formed, and sprinkled them in the Heavens to make the constalations above Midgard.
At this time Odin and his Brothers departed Migard for a time. Vili and Vé all but vanished into history, and Odin wandered the rest of the world, amide the races forming there.
Centeries later, Odin returened to Midgard, and found that men now inhabited the land, alongside aes sídhe from Tír na nÓg, the dwarves from Aurgelmir and others. There, Odin married the Jotun Jörð, and had a son, Thor. Odin fathered many Aesir during this age, and others came from other lands. Another race, the Vanir came to inhabit Midgard, and there was peace for a time.

Next: The Aesir Vanir War

This is a translated version of the Vanir Creation tome, which chrounicles the creation of Midgard. This tome, unlike later volumes, appears unchanged since anticuity. We hope that it is Illuminating to others.

Lady Gwen Lllywhen, Servant of
Lord Thorndai the Thunder
LDi, when are you going to be sending out Stats?
Stats should be out soon but it takes some time and I have to go to work in the meantime. I'll have to provide quite a bit of detail to some players. Expect them within 16 hours from this post.
Stats should be out soon but it takes some time and I have to go to work in the meantime. I'll have to provide quite a bit of detail to some players. Expect them within 16 hours from this post.

That's okay. I was just wondering if I would get them before I left tommorrow.
again i can't see the map :(

EDIT: I can see it from the link, just not within the CIV site... anyway... i saw the map... all is well.

EDIT 2: I like the picture of the lizard-man corpse strangling people from the coffin...
Sidhe? If you are writing from a Norse perspective would it not be better to call them by the Norse name of álfar (álfa in the plural) or alf or elf rather than use the Irish term sidhe. But that is a minor thing and the story is a very good story and true to actual myth which is always nice. Looking forward to your take on the Vanir-Æsir War.
Sidhe? If you are writing from a Norse perspective would it not be better to call them by the Norse name of álfar (álfa in the plural) or alf or elf rather than use the Irish term sidhe. But that is a minor thing and the story is a very good story and true to actual myth which is always nice. Looking forward to your take on the Vanir-Æsir War.

I when with Sidhe as the Translated Version. That, and they were still new colonists at the time, so there wasn't a local word for them. Thought, I'll probaly alfar in the future.
And thanks. The Aesir-Vanir War will likely depart from Earth-myth more, since that era is more effected by Domionins-Lore, but will try to maintain accuracy.
Vanheim would like to announce a Sale! Golkd, yes Gold can be yours now! Gold is worth 10 gp/turn, PLUS stability! Please, PM me with your offer if you're interested, we will decide on Friday (as our Communications Tome will be down for Matnence 'til then), and will PM the Player with the Winning Offer!
Resources perferd, please no Silver or Horses!

Dwarven Smith and Resourse analyst for Lord Thorndai the Thunder,
Bobrik Duz'uk
The next in Kyzarc's travels
Spoiler :
Travels of Kyzarc

Pythium had been a bust. By the time Kyzarc arrived Kathnesjac was long gone, and the wild hydras proved to be exceedingly dangerous. Without any ideas on were to go Aara said they might as well choose somewhere interesting to go next, preferably without hydras. Following this reasoning they wandered to Caelum to see the rare mammoths and many exotic birds that make their homes there. When they arrived they saw something much different, a war.

Aara and Kyzarc looked out in shock at they battlefield before them. The normally serene mountains resounded with the cries of the wounded and screams of elephants. They saw huge flying dogs rip at the eyes and faces of massive mammoths, who in turn were snatching them out of the air with sharp tusks and long trunks while trying to escape a veritable bog of traps and pits. A mile further east things were just as gruesome, there was a large group of men armed to the teeth and wearing heavy armor firing upon a smaller group of winged archers, while a group of armored pikemen slaughtered lightly armed foot soldiers.

“Who would do such a thing Kyzarc? Who would cause this, this slaughter?” Aara said when she finally pulled her self away from the battle.

“I… I don’t know… They look like my brother’s soldiers, but he wouldn’t do this. Would he?” they looked in stunned silence for a few minutes as the last of the mammoths fell and the remaining flying archers were picked off. “Aara, we should leave. Maybe out west, somewhere without this senseless killing…” and they left the battle behind, turning towards the setting sun.

The land is bound in snow, whiteness covering everything, all sound muffled. The only disturbances in the serenity are the occasional rock outcrop poking through the snow and screams of prey getting caught by starving hunters. A patch of snow appears to move; slowly proving to be human dressed in several layers of white fur with a large snow leopard quietly padding along beside it. The person appears be talking to the leopard.

“Well Aara, this is Bogarus. Not very interesting is it? Maybe there is something in that town over there.” Kyzarc said to the leopard, voice muffled by a heavy scarf, and he pointed to a town about 20 miles away. The leopard nodded assent and they walked to the distant town.

Six hours later in a bar; “What do you mean this is the biggest cup you sell this ‘vodka’ in?!? This cup is puny; it only holds an ounce at the most! Give me a real cup, a tankard!” Kyzarc said loudly to the barman, waving a shot glass through the air. He denounced the barman’s frequent warnings. “It can’t be that strong.” The barman shrugged and filled a tankard with vodka. Kyzarc sniffed the tankard daintily then threw back his head and started chugging. The entire bar watched in shocked amazement and awe. Kyzarc finished off the tankard, wiped his chin, and slowly stood up. He walked very carefully and steadily to the door and stepped outside, into a raging blizzard. The thirty or so men in the bar watched this in stunned silence. One man turned towards the barman and said as Kyzarc left “Nikolay, that man is going to die. No one can drink that much vodka and live, let alone stand. Why’d you let him do that?” The barman thoughtfully bit the gold piece that Kyzarc paid with, “Do you think I could have convinced him otherwise? Besides, he already paid.”
Outside Kyzarc walked several feet then slowly collapsed to the ground, each joint bending in turn until his face fell into a snow patch. Aara ran forward and changed into human form. “Kyzarc, are you okay? What happened?” She heard some muffled sound from the snow and she pulled his head free. “I said I had some vodka. I underestimated its potency… I seem to be paralyzed and my heart has stopped beating. Can you carry me?” Aara tried to lift but his limp body was too much. She turned into a polar bear and effortlessly threw him onto her back. A dozen men piled out from the bar to see what the noise was outside and froze in their tracks when they saw the polar bear carrying Kyzarc. When the head turned towards them they practically ran back into the bar. Kyzarc called after them “Could one of you get me another ‘vodka’? That last one was really go-hey, where are you going? Well that was rude of them. Let us leave this sleepy little town. Onwards and outwards!” and Aara lumbered off to west.

ooc: Vertinari; no one said this mythology was 100% accurate.
ooc2: Celes is starting to seem like Leto II, the god-emperor. He isn't prescient is he?
Does it count as a story if you post a flag?

Spoiler Shinuyama no Kokki :

It's a combination of the characters for 'mountain' and 'death', since Shinuyama effectively means 'death mountain' (it really means more 'dying mountain' or 'the mountain that dies' than 'the mountain of death' AFAICT, 'death mountain' is probably better as 'shisan' or 'shi(ni) no yama' or something). Individually they are 山 (mountain) and 死 (death).

And I suck at image editing (and art of all forms).
Jakixt still had not grown used to the giant spiders the nobles of Machaka used to ride about upon. Only too recently he had faced them in battle and strained against their webs, felt their poison throb in wounds they had inflicted. No… it would take awhile before he was used to their fearsome alien presence. Despite this, he now marched resolutely next to one of the largest specimens of the eight-legged beasts he had ever seen. He, and what little remained of his unit, were returning to Machaka with one of his nation’s former enemies under honour guard. It was up to him to ensure that the guarded noble returned to the people of Machaka safe and whole.

To Jakixt, the sequence of events that had led to him providing such honours and protection to a former enemy seemed to blur together in a industrious blend of warfare, diplomacy, politics and, like all things in Mictlan, religion. Less then four months ago, Jakixt had been one of many who wore the eagle cape and faced off against the Machaka spider-riders. He remembered receiving the blessing of the obsidian chrysalis, fire and fury burning in his veins and even flickering up and down his skin and obsidian scimitar like a lover’s impassioned kiss. He remembered calling upon the favour of his lord and feeling the familiar but still so strange ‘lifting sensation’ as his eagle-feather cape transformed him, changed him, favoured him. With swiftness and fury he and his fellow eagle-warriors had fallen upon the enemy like their namesake upon the hare, hewing here and there with cinder-spewing obsidian weapons, the first of the enemy’s sling-bullets bringing holy fury and mindless violence to his mind and sword-arm. For hours he was nought but a creature of blood and fire, blade and fury. He faced sticky webs spewed from enemy spiders, fangs upon his shoulder and chest, toxic venom fighting with the blessing of his master within his very veins and even his beating heart, arrows pierced his muscles, his guts. He did not realise it at the time but ultimately, it was the sacred blood-rage of men like him that won the battle even as the pathetic slaves and even the mighty priests had fled. The cost had been great. His unit had lost too much and now, he and 12 other men were all that was left.

Too small to effectively fight the enemy any longer, they had been sent westward, back to the capital, and once there they had met Zacha-Lui, a Machaka noble, and his fearsome spider-mount. Zacha-Lui was a new breed of Machaka. He was of noble blood and his words were held sacred by his people but he had adopted a new way. He retained Machaka culture and none could say he acted like a beaten people might be expected to act; nay, he was haughty and arrogant, noble to the core. But he was changed. He had ‘witnessed’ the obsidian chrysalis, had felt its undeniable power. The priests had spoken at length with him and now, he returned to his people not only as a favoured son, but as a priest of the obsidian chrysalis, as a noble ally to the Mictlan people. And this is what made his so valuable to the Mictlan priests and their bureaucracy and this is what made him Jakixt’s charge. As a priest of the obsidian chrysalis he held authority over Jakixt and his fellow eagle warriors even though he represented a recently conquered enemy.

Even as Zacha-Lui seemed pre-occupied with is own thoughts and with his arcane prayers Jakixt’s thoughts were of a much more mundane nature. He was a military man and his mission was of a military nature. Not all the Machaka would adopt the word of men like Zacha-Lui. Some would consider the new breed of nobles elevated to positions of authority in the Machaka government patsies to the Mictlan priests, sell-outs to the Machaka way. Jakixt knew that those sorts of people would lose influence as more and more of the common population saw the wonders their own nobles wrought in the name of the Mictlan empire and the obsidian chrysalis, saw them prosper under Mictlan guidance, Mictlan commerce, Mictlan law. He knew that loyalists Machaka like Zacha-Lui would find favour and wealth while the rebels would be slowly strangled, their influence and wealth drained to help prop-up the loyalists… but in the mean-time the new breed, the loyalists nobles and their men would be vulnerable, as so too were the men and soldiers of Mictlan itself.

He knew that even as he marched through the jungles of the Jaguar people and the tall grass of the Machaka that a rebel ambush could strike at any moment, punishment decried by the rebels upon the nobles and governors sympathetic to the occupiers, vengeance upon the men who had slain their brothers and taken their lands and women.

Perhaps it was his philosophising in regards to the rebels and loyalists, his intellectualising of something that should have been the sole realm of reflexes and training that left him off his guard but the next thing Jakixt heard and felt was the low whistle of an arrow streaming towards him and the hallow thunk as it buried itself, fletching-deep, in his right lung. He was the first to be struck but not the last. Suddenly the air was alive with more thirsty arrows, the sound of Machaka battle-cries and the almost translucent webbing of war-spiders’ webs as they glittered in the sun-light, suspended in mid-air before they fell upon his fellow bodyguards.

Jakixt attempted to order an organised response but all that came to his lips was a burst of pinkish bubbles as his life’s blood quickly filled his lung. Another low whistle and Jakixt attempted to raise his cloak and ward himself from another of the arrows. His strength failed him however as the shock of his wound froze his movements. Another hallow-sounding thunk and another arrow’s fletching was buried deep in his gut. From the rhythmic spurting bleeding of the wound he knew that his liver’s artery had been hit. Soon he would be dead. Jakixt willed himself to step towards his attackers even as he drew his scimitar but instead he fell, his knees too weak to fulfil his command.

Kneeling before the tall grass, one hand grasping at the life’s blood pouring from his gut while the other feebly waived his obsidian blade, Jakixt knew it was time to finally join the dozens who’s lives he had taken in the afterlife. He tried to speak, hurried prayers for his soul directed to the obsidian chrysalis, a request for mercy and salvation but again all that came was a rich bloody froth he choked and sputtered on. He blinked his eyes, once, slowly as red began to cover the periphery of his vision and time seemed to slow.

And when he opened them, less then a second later, his vision was filled with the hairy legs of a Machaka spider. Someone leaned from the stirrups, placed a hand on his forehead and whispered “Glory to the Chrysalis that lies Deep Within the Stone. You Alone We Worship. From you Alone Comes All Blessings. We Pray for Your Blessing Upon this Warrior So That He Might Serve You Best. Grant Us Your Strength in Our Hour of Need” The prayer was in Mictlan but the accent was unmistakably Machaka.

Suddenly Jakixt was filled with new vitality. The arrows that pierced his body were quickly expelled by some divine energy. He gasped on bloody froth, spit out a clot, and took a deep breath of fresh clean air. He had no chance to appreciate his second life, to be thankful, already he felt the familiar rush, the intoxicating divine bloodlust that filled his veins with fire and fury.

No time for thought, he heard the familiar low whistle of incoming arrow fire and this time lifted a fiery obsidian scimitar to meet the missile, hewing it from the air. Without thinking he jumped into the tall weeds landing astride a rebel spider cavalryman’s mount, his blade cleaving at the enemy flesh with a fiery sizzle even as it sunk deep between the spider-rider’s ribs.

Later, as his men recovered around him and the enemy lay dead, Jakixt turned to the Mictlan priest and thanked him. The Machaka noble’s devotion to the Mictlan god had saved them all. He knew that henceforth the people of Machaka and Mictland would face the enemy together, stronger for their shared faith. Yes, today was the first day of a new and brighter future they would face, with the blessing of their god, together.

i don't actually have a spider-riding priest unit- its just a story thing.
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