• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Tailless is back?

*breathes in sharply*

This hit me the other week and since Joan's page is proving a bit of a hassle, I figured I'd cut the queue:

But if TK was Sir Integra, who was alucarD???
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I read Toyoda's speech in the second panel in the voice of Mojo Jojo.
...dammit, that's gonna stick in my head for a week. :lol:


So yeah, December was even worse than usual. Only managed to start this on the 24th, and I was further waylaid due to the "away scanner" having broken down since last we interfaced.

(This comic was actually inspired by circumstances that nearly scuttled the special a couple years back. Based on a True Story™.)

On the plus side, I'm getting a tablet, so let's see if 2018 don't turn things around...
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Pffft Lapis... Peri or bust.
Garnet is best gem tho
If fusions count then Stevonnie is the only right answer.
...Okay you win

The next comic will continue on the saga. I apologize for holding it off for so long. But I had to deal with a whole bunch of personal issues that (re)cropped up in the past year that struck my confidence in contributing to DYOS. I'm better now, so expect to see a new canonical comic soon.
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He was already so far past the point of no return he couldn't even remember what it looked like when he had passed the point of no return he passed the point of no return he passed the turn he point of no re—

Nordic Russians
The correct term is Kyivan Rus', but you'd know them better as...
See, I was originally gonna link Peter Capaldi doing a dramatic reading of the Zaporizhian Cossacks' response to Mehmed IV, but I'm pretty sure the language factor would burn me into next week.
So I heard it's someone's birthday... :smoke:

Password for a refresher: 5tr@v!n5k3

It was probably inevitable that the episode on Serious Business would itself devolve into an overthought and somewhat meandering pageant. The script went through several revisions after I worried the original plan would result in a video too large for the upload cap, and the end result is a shaky middle ground between preserving a coherent "storyline" and still managing to tell it with jokes. It's certainly one of my more heartfelt dissections, but you'll have to decide for yourself whether taken together it's all a clever allegory, or a burning trainwreck of tangential thought.

I know Megs had a request for the next episode; feel free to reiterate any outstanding since by now I've most certainly forgotten. :p
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Agreed, it was great.

For the record, I haven't perma-quit, but I am in a state of indefinite hiatus that may or may not end at some point.

Mostly, DYOS 12's plot has been enough of a mess that I don't see myself having much to add to it, nor do I really have any motivation to add to it. I would like to finish 10.5 at some point but everyone else seems to have abandoned it.

Well that and G-Mod broke something every time it updated and I eventually just got tired of trying to make comics in it, C+P and horsehockey paint comics seem too laxy and minimalist to really work for me these days, and I couldn't draw a decent anything if my life depended on it.

And I keep ending up with more things to do IRL.
And I keep ending up with more things to do IRL.
QFFT. :(

Well that and G-Mod broke something every time it updated and I eventually just got tired of trying to make comics in it, C+P and ****** paint comics seem too laxy and minimalist to really work for me these days, and I couldn't draw a decent anything if my life depended on it.
Gawd, I feel ya. My WIP page for 10.5 is a Gmod comic, and it's been held up for ages because I can't hide the goddamn lamp model. Contrary to what he may claim, I do actually appreciate the technical work that goes into CG's pages; I tried, but I have absolutely no patience for SFM.

I'd actually do more C+P if not that the visuals demand to be made from scratch. :p
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