Holy poop on a stick! :run:
Thankyou for your ingenious contribution to the thread of DYOS. It has been received with great joy and laughter.

"Who writes this crap?" :lol:
The first half was rather ominous, thanks to the lighting.

No, I didn't read it in an Australian Accent. I think I'll do that and see if it sounds funnier.
Tailless, that was one of the funniest things in DYOS history. :lol:
I'm never funny :(. Most of the funnies I do are unintentional
Another one of my comics. Some people might not like it. Others might find it amusing.


Sounds like a quest!


A very good read too!
Collect the set!


That and some killing.


So there you have it. It seems there's more to Leang and Kwai that meets the eye.
And they may not know it, not even the poet.

But whatever the case is, it seems Narratorspace has a side-quest. Find out what powers they have and what their rivals have.
I'm sorry to say that I'm bothered towards this, since it looks like it's taking quite a few ideas from the Essential Being-deal.
I hope this won't be taken into your actual DYOS-plotline (as in Stylesrj's quest for the project Titan), since I want this little sort of thing (essence being a source of power and yaddayadda) to be singled out towards my own plotline.

That aside, the narration is good and the quality is pretty good. Especially the way you fixed Leang and Kwai's heads in the dark room in that C&C scene-rip.
How about an Essential BEAN!!!! ;)

There I edited it. Happy now TK? Are you now going to comment about the comic?

1. No you didn't.
2. I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. You began it with my least favorite cutscene from my least favorite CnC title (not counting RA3 and CnC4).
1. No you didn't.

I'll tell you to do the same thing I told CivGeneral. Refresh the image. Your cache still has the old one

2. I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. You began it with my least favorite cutscene from my least favorite CnC title (not counting RA3 and CnC4).

Seriously, Nod has all the hot women :)
Sorry if no one else has posted before my last comic... but I just wanted to get this one done and uploaded. I'm only doing this stuff weekly.


Juline's one of my favourites. She looks quite innocent with the wings... who would suspect she's a dirty pickpocket and thief?


Qara is highly based off the one from the game I'm taking the screenshots in. Although my one is way more attractive by far and does learn a few lessons on her travels.



And there you have it. Some of the dysfunctional characters I've used throughout my time on Galava. I hope you enjoyed it. Any questions, please PM me them. I hope the comic was easy to understand.

(Not to worry DaemonDD, The Composer's appearance is merely a lampoon for Glenn Beck ;))
I believe Lucifer will express himself with the selfsame question; "How the @#!? do everybody know all this about me!?" :crazyeye:

Oh, and The Composer has a habit of appearing wherever he'll feel like it, so even if it was canon, it wouldn't change anything significant.
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